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Game on April 7, 2022 at 17:59, 10 players
1. 637 pts HollyIvy
2. 557 pts Pacific
3. 287 pts Discus22

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeeflt   H4    28    28   beflea
 2. dinotty   I6    29    57   yond
 3. aaeiqru   4H    34    91   barque
 4. adeiksw   M3    88   179   weakside
 5. ?aeefiw   N8    86   265   seawife
 6. ceelort   O2    86   351   electro
 7. ainoopr   G9    72   423   pronaoi
 8. adrstuu  H11    37   460   durst
 9. aegillt   5K    30   490   ita
10. ?abgnoy  11E    56   546   boodying
11. aeeirvx  10J    51   597   xi
12. aeimotz  F14    66   663   za
13. acdghos  O11    53   716   odahs
14. einprtv   5C    22   738   prieve
15. aegirst   C2    76   814   grapiest
16. eginntu   E2    59   873   untieing
17. acelmno  12A    28   901   clame
18. hijlotu   3I    36   937   jo
19. himnotu   A8    36   973   humic

Remaining tiles: lnotv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7889 FileHollyIvy    7 14:26  -336  637     1.7889 HollyIvy    7 14:26  -336  637 
  2.6220 FilePacific     4 20:10  -416  557     2.7562 Mycophot    3  4:23  -800  173 
  3.6618 FileDiscus22    3 11:48  -686  287     3.7737 queen66     2  4:08  -853  120 
  4.7562 FileMycophot    3  4:23  -800  173            Group: intermediate
  5.6734 FileHammer22    0  5:37  -826  147     1.6220 Pacific     4 20:10  -416  557 
  6.7737 Filequeen66     2  4:08  -853  120     2.6618 Discus22    3 11:48  -686  287 
  7.  -  FileZZZZZZ1120  1  1:52  -907   66     3.6734 Hammer22    0  5:37  -826  147 
  8.  -  FileHHHHHH1118  1  1:54  -920   53     4.6597 Javelin22   0  1:49  -933   40 
  9.6597 FileJavelin22   0  1:49  -933   40     5.6435 ShotPut22   0  1:47  -940   33 
 10.6435 FileShotPut22   0  1:47  -940   33            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  ZZZZZZ1120  1  1:52  -907   66 
                                             2.  -  HHHHHH1118  1  1:54  -920   53 

On 1st draw, BEFLEA H4 28 --- BEFLEA to infest with fleas [v]
Other tops: FABLE H4 28
Other moves: BEFLEA H3 24, BEFLEA H7 24, BEFLEA H8 24, FETAL H4 24, FLEET H4 24
FABLE H4 28 Pacific

On 2nd draw, YOND I6 29 --- YOND over there [adv]
Other moves: ONY I7 25, YONI I6 25, YONT I6 25, DOTY I3 24, TIDY I3 24
YOND I6 29 HollyIvy, Discus22
ONY I7 25 Pacific

On 3rd draw, BARQUE 4H 34 --- BARQUE a sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: BURQA 4H 32, QUAERE 5C 30, AQUAE 5D 28, QUARE 5D 28, QUIRE 5D 28
QUARE 5D 28 HollyIvy
QUIRE 5D 28 Pacific, Discus22

On 4th draw, WEAKSIDE M3 88 --- WEAKSIDE the side of a basketball court with fewer players [n]
Other moves: WEAKSIDE 5A 82, WISED N2 44, EWKS N1 40, KAWS N1 40, DAKS N1 36
KAWS N1 40 HollyIvy, Hammer22, Javelin22
SAKE N4 36 Pacific

On 5th draw, (S)EAWIFE N8 86 --- SEAWIFE a kind of wrasse, a bony fish [n]
Other moves: A(L)EWIFE L7 85, (S)EAWIFE L8 80, A(L)EWIFE N9 78, (S)EAWIFE J9 75, (S)EAWIFE G9 66
FEWE(R) N10 49 HollyIvy, Hammer22, Discus22
WIFE 8L 42 Pacific

On 6th draw, ELECTRO O2 86 --- ELECTRO to make a metallic copy of a page of type for printing [v]
Other moves: ELECTOR G8 69, ELECTRO G8 69, COLTER L8 36, COLT O7 31, RECTO O4 30
RECTO O4 30 HollyIvy, Hammer22
CI(S)T 8L 24 Pacific

On 7th draw, PRONAOI G9 72 --- PRONAOS a vestibule in front of a temple [n]
Other moves: PRONAOI G8 71, PIAN M12 28, PINA M12 28, PION M12 28, PIRN M12 28
POOR M12 28 HollyIvy, Hammer22
POON M12 28 Discus22
PROOF 13J 20 Pacific

On 8th draw, DURST H11 37 --- DARE to have the necessary courage [v]
Other tops: DUARS H11 37
Other moves: DART O12 33, RATUS H11 33, ARDS H12 32, URDS H12 32, QUADS K4 30
DART O12 33 HollyIvy, ShotPut22

On 9th draw, ITA 5K 30 --- ITA the miriti palm [n]
Other moves: GEAL M12 25, GEAT M12 25, GETA M12 25, GITE M12 25, TAEL O12 25
ITA 5K 30 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
TALE O12 25 Pacific

On 10th draw, BOODY(I)NG 11E 56 --- BOODY to sulk [v]
Other moves: GOODBY(E) 11E 52, GOODBY(S) 11E 52, ABOD(I)NG 11E 40, BOYG M12 39, G*Ys F12 38
BOYG M12 39 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
ANY O13 25 Pacific

On 11th draw, XI 10J 51 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: AXE O13 44, XI M12 37, XI O14 36, IX(I)A J9 33, IXIA 12L 30
XI 10J 51 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66, Pacific, Discus22

On 12th draw, ZA F14 66 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: ZA 3I 44, ZO 3I 44, MAIZE 12A 42, MATZO 12A 42, MOTZA 12A 42
ZA F14 66 Discus22, Pacific, HollyIvy, ZZZZZZ1120

On 13th draw, ODAHS O11 53 --- ODAH a room in a harem [n]
Other moves: DAHS O12 45, DASH O12 42, DOHS M12 34, HODS M12 34, CHADO 12A 32
ODAHS O11 53 Mycophot, HHHHHH1118
DAHS O12 45 HollyIvy, Pacific

On 14th draw, PRIEVE 5C 22 --- PRIEVE to prove [v]
Other tops: GENIP L11 22, PERV J2 22
Other moves: NITID 12K 21, GIVEN L11 20, GIVER L11 20, PERVE 5D 20, PREVE 5D 20
PRIEVE 5C 22 HollyIvy
VIRE 12B 18 Pacific

On 15th draw, GRAPIEST C2 76 --- GRAPEY resembling grapes [adj] --- GRAPY resembling grapes [adj]
Other moves: GRAINIEST K7 60, GAPIEST C3 24, GASPIER C2 22, GADES 9K 21, GAPERS C3 20
GRAPIEST C2 26 HollyIvy
GRAPES C2 20 Discus22
STAGE 12A 18 Pacific

On 16th draw, UNTIEING E2 59 --- UNTIE to free from shackles, pr p UNTYING, UNTIEING [v]
Other moves: TINGUAITE 15A 36, ENSIGN 8A 24, GUSTIE 8A 24, NITID 12K 21, UNSENT 8A 21
GUSTIE 8A 24 HollyIvy, Pacific
GUNGE L11 16 Discus22

On 17th draw, CLAME 12A 28 --- CLAME a call [n]
Other tops: CAMEO 12A 28, COMAE 12A 28, MACLE 12A 28
Other moves: ANCOME B9 26, ENCALM B9 26, MAE B6 25, MNA B6 25, MOA B6 25
CLAME 12A 28 HollyIvy
MASON 8A 24 Pacific

On 18th draw, JO 3I 36 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: LUCHOT A10 33, HILLO B10 32, HULLO B10 32, HIT 13C 31, HOI B6 31
JO 3I 36 Pacific, HollyIvy

On 19th draw, HUMIC A8 36 --- HUMIC derived from humus [adj]
Other tops: HILUM B10 36, OHMIC A8 36
Other moves: OHM 13B 34, CHUM A12 33, HIM 13A 33, HOM 13A 33, HM B6 32
CHUM A12 33 HollyIvy
MUT 2J 22 Pacific

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