Game on April 8, 2022 at 15:58, 8 players
1. 499 pts Pacific
2. 219 pts Atlantic
3. 170 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


4D 30 60 


3I 37 97 


2H 28 125 


1C 36 161 


G9 43 204 


H11 38 242 


3C 29 271 


15A 86 357 


13C 84 441 


L3 78 519 


12D 42 561 


14J 81 642 


5J 33 675 


5A 33 708 


A4 36 744 


11J 32 776 


15M 40 816 


O8 30 846 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 2 21:15 -347 499 1.7744 sicilianc5 3 5:26 -676 170
Atlantic 0 14:58 -627 219 2.7634 Mycophot 2 3:11 -679 167
sicilianc5 3 5:26 -676 170 3.7898 HollyIvy 2 1:40 -722 124
Mycophot 2 3:11 -679 167 4.7772 moonmonkey 2 1:43 -776 70
HollyIvy 2 1:40 -722 124 Group: intermediate
6. -
XXXXXX1120 1 1:48 -765 81 1.6269 Pacific 2 21:15 -347 499
moonmonkey 2 1:43 -776 70 Group: not rated
8. -
QQQQQQ1121 1 1:47 -803 43 1.3720 Atlantic 0 14:58 -627 219
2. - XXXXXX1120 1 1:48 -765 81
3. - QQQQQQ1121 1 1:47 -803 43
On 1st draw, FAMULI H4 30 --- FAMULUS a servant or attendant [n]
Other moves: FILUM H4 28, FILUM H8 26, MAFIA H4 26, AIMFUL H3 24, AIMFUL H4 24
FILM H5 18 Pacific
On 2nd draw, PIAFFER 4D 30 --- PIAFFER a movement in horsemanship [n]
Other tops: PIFFERO 4F 30
Other moves: PIAFFE 4D 28, RIPOFF 4C 28, RIPOFF 4D 28, RIFE I7 26, RIF I7 25
FOP G3 21 Pacific
On 3rd draw, HAIC(K) 3I 37 --- HAICK an Arab head covering [n]
Other tops: HA(V)OC 3I 37, HOIC(K) 3I 37
Other moves: I(S)CHIA K3 35, O(S)HAC K3 33, CA(S)H K2 31, CO(S)H K2 31, (S)ICH K4 31
CA(S)H K2 31 Pacific
On 4th draw, ISM 2H 28 --- ISM a distinctive theory or doctrine [n]
Other tops: MISE K2 28, MISO K2 28
Other moves: EMES G6 26, EMOS I6 26, ISM K3 26, MEASE 5F 25, SEAME 5F 25
SEEM N3 22 Pacific
On 5th draw, VORANT 1C 36 --- VORANT devouring [adj]
Other moves: AVERT 1D 33, OVERT 1D 33, CENTAVO L3 32, VECTOR L1 30, VORANT 5A 28
VETO 1E 27 Pacific
CAVERN L3 24 Atlantic
On 6th draw, QAT G9 43 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 5C 32, LOQUAT 7E 26, QUANT 7G 25, QUOTA 7G 25, QUAT 7G 24
QAT G9 43 HollyIvy, Pacific, sicilianc5, QQQQQQ1121
COAL L3 12 Atlantic
On 7th draw, AYINS H11 38 --- AYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: NOISY 12D 37, OBTAINS 11E 36, OBIAS H11 32, ABYS 12D 31, BAYS 12D 31
YA F10 28 Pacific
BUYS 7G 16 Atlantic
On 8th draw, TOGAE 3C 29 --- TOGA an outer garment worn in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: EGOISM 2E 24, NEGATON 14H 24, AGENT 5B 22, AGONE 5B 22, COAGENT L3 22
TONG 5J 16 Pacific
GONE 14F 9 Atlantic
On 9th draw, ENHALOES 15A 86 --- ENHALO to surround with a halo [v]
Other moves: HAEN 4L 31, HALE 4L 31, HALO 4L 31, HEAL F10 31, HEEL F10 31
HEAL F10 31 Mycophot
HOE G13 23 Pacific
CHA L3 16 Atlantic
On 10th draw, GATE(L)IKE 13C 84 --- GATELIKE resembling a gate [adj]
Other moves: TAKEN 14D 41, (S)EEK 14C 41, KANTE(L)E 14F 40, AKENE 14E 39, AKENE(S) 14E 39
TAKEN 14D 41 Mycophot
KENT 14F 36 Pacific
K(I)TE A12 12 Atlantic
On 11th draw, COWRITER L3 78 --- COWRITER one that cowrites [n]
Other moves: TOWERIER J7 65, TAWER 5G 38, AWETO 5H 32, WRITE 5A 29, WROTE 5A 29
WICE L1 26 Pacific
WET 5C 25 sicilianc5
WROTE A11 9 Atlantic
On 12th draw, JEE 12D 42 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other moves: JEED 5B 39, JEEL 5C 38, JEES 5C 38, JEES 5B 35, JEE 5C 33
JEE 12D 42 sicilianc5
JA 10F 25 Pacific
QIS 9G 13 Atlantic
On 13th draw, XERUS 14J 81 --- XERUS an African ground squirrel [n]
Other moves: XERUS M9 59, XU 14J 50, ZEXES J10 43, SEX M7 41, TEX M7 41
XERUS 14J 81 HollyIvy, XXXXXX1120
SEX M7 41 Pacific
SEX J12 26 Atlantic
On 14th draw, DOWDY 5J 33 --- DOWDY a woman who wears unstylish clothes [n] --- DOWDY lacking in stylishness or neatness [adj]
Other tops: DYED 5B 33, YOWED 5J 33
Other moves: DOODY 12J 31, YOWIE 5J 31, DEWY 5J 29, DIDY 12J 29, DYED 12J 29
OYE 13L 26 Mycophot
TIDY 8L 24 Pacific
DEX J12 11 Atlantic
On 15th draw, LIVED 5A 33 --- LIVE to function as an animal or plant [v]
Other tops: DRIVEL 12J 33, RIVED 5A 33, VIRED 5A 33
Other moves: VIED 5B 31, VILDE 12J 31, VIRED 12J 31, DEVIL 12J 29, DIVER 12J 29
RIVED 5A 33 Mycophot
VILER 12J 29 Pacific
VEX J12 13 Atlantic
On 16th draw, CLEPT A4 36 --- CLEPE to call by name (pa p YCLEPED, YCLEPT, CLEPT) [v]
Other moves: NUNCLE A1 33, CUPEL A1 30, PENULT A1 27, LUCENT A5 24, PUTTEN 8J 24
CLEPT A4 36 Mycophot, sicilianc5
PUNT 7G 10 Atlantic
On 17th draw, OBSIGN 11J 32 --- OBSIGN to seal [v]
Other tops: BUSING 11J 32
Other moves: TABUNS 11G 30, BISON 11J 28, BOSUN 11J 28, TANGIS 11G 28, TANGOS 11G 28
BISON 11J 28 Pacific
BOS 11J 24 sicilianc5
PONGS 7A 9 Atlantic
On 18th draw, RIZ 15M 40 --- RISE to move upward [v]
Other moves: ORZO J8 33, OUZO J8 33, RIZA 10D 33, ZA 10F 31, ZO J10 31
RIZ 15M 40 moonmonkey
ZO J10 31 Atlantic, Pacific
On 19th draw, BOUND O8 30 --- BOUND to leap [v]
Other tops: BLOND O8 30, BORD 10J 30
Other moves: OBTUND 8J 27, DORB 10J 26, BOR 10J 25, LOUND O8 24, DUNNO O8 21
BORD 10J 30 moonmonkey, Pacific
YOU N5 8 Atlantic
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