Game on April 8, 2022 at 19:51, 8 players
1. 467 pts Pacific
2. 409 pts queen66
3. 349 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H4 32 32
2. 6E 76 108
3. 8A 92 200
4. K5 48 248
5. J10 31 279
6. M3 93 372
7. 15H 42 414
8. 14H 33 447
9. L1 58 505
10. B2 128 633
11. 2B 71 704
12. 1L 42 746
13. 12D 24 770
14. N1 36 806
15. 4A 40 846
16. 1H 29 875
17. F10 30 905
18. 13J 26 931
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6307 Pacific 2 17:33 -464 467 1.7671 queen66 2 11:25 -522 409
2.7671 queen66 2 11:25 -522 409 2.7893 HollyIvy 3 11:40 -582 349
3.7893 HollyIvy 3 11:40 -582 349 3.7771 sicilianc5 3 12:03 -582 349
4.7771 sicilianc5 3 12:03 -582 349 Group: intermediate
5. - SSSSSS1111 1 0:46 -899 32 1.6307 Pacific 2 17:33 -464 467
6. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:07 -899 32 Group: not rated
7. - EEEEEE1116 1 1:29 -899 32 1. - SSSSSS1111 1 0:46 -899 32
8. - IIIIII1119 1 1:52 -899 32 2. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:07 -899 32
3. - EEEEEE1116 1 1:29 -899 32
4. - IIIIII1119 1 1:52 -899 32
On 1st draw, FIVERS H4 32 --- FIVER a five dollar bill, a five pound note [n]
Other moves: FIVER H4 30, FIVES H4 30, FIVERS H3 26, FIVERS H7 26, FIVERS H8 26
FIVERS H4 32 SSSSSS1111, Pacific, rrrrrr1112, EEEEEE1116, IIIIII1119
On 2nd draw, CONVEYAL 6E 76 --- CONVEYAL a transmission [n]
Other moves: CALEFY 4D 28, COVEY 6F 27, FANCY 4H 26, YEAN G7 26, VALENCY 6H 25
FANCY 4H 26 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
YO G7 20 Pacific
On 3rd draw, HECTORER 8A 92 --- HECTORER one that hectors [n]
Other moves: RECLOTHE L3 78, OCHREATE K1 76, TROCHEE I9 70, TROCHEES 9A 65, HECTORER 8C 64
HERE 5K 26 queen66, sicilianc5
HERO 5K 26 HollyIvy
ROACH K4 20 Pacific
On 4th draw, WARTIME K5 48 --- WARTIME a time of war [n]
Other moves: WORMIL L1 30, MEOW 5K 28, OMER 5J 27, COWRITE C8 26, MEW 5K 26
OMER 5J 27 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
WATER K5 16 Pacific
On 5th draw, MADURO J10 31 --- MADURO a dark-colored, relatively strong cigar [n]
Other moves: AMOUR J9 29, MADURO L10 28, MARD J10 27, MARG J10 27, MAUD J10 27
AMOUR J9 29 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66
On 6th draw, BOASTED M3 93 --- BOAST to brag [v]
Other moves: BOUTADES 13H 74, SCOOTED E5 40, TABOOED 15F 36, ABODES M1 35, ADOBES M1 35
BOOSTED 15H 33 Pacific
On 7th draw, ATOPY 15H 42 --- ATOPY a type of allergy [n]
Other moves: PIVOTS 15G 36, SPAY L1 34, PIOYS 15H 33, PYOTS 15H 33, SAVOY 15G 33
PIVOTS 15G 36 Pacific
On 8th draw, PERONES 14H 33 --- PERONE the fibula [n]
Other moves: OPINES N9 31, PEON L1 26, PION L1 26, NEEPS N1 24, SNIPE N1 24
ENS I6 21 Pacific
On 9th draw, QUAG L1 58 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: Q(U)AG L1 56, QU(A)G L1 55, QUA(D) L1 50, QUA(G) L1 50, QUA(I) L1 50
EX N9 28 Pacific
On 10th draw, F(R)ENZIES B2 128 --- FRENZY to make frantic [v]
Other moves: F(R)ENZIES B6 97, F(O)ZINESS N8 96, FIZ(Z)ENS 13B 93, FI(Z)ZENS 13B 93, SQ(U)IZ 1K 66
SQ(U)IZ 1K 66 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
Q(U)IZ 1L 63 Pacific
On 11th draw, FI(S)HBOLT 2B 71 --- FISHBOLT a type of bolt [n]
Other moves: BO(O)H A1 50, B(O)OH A1 50, QO(P)H 1L 45, CHIBOL C8 43, CHIBOL(S) C8 43
BO(O)H A1 50 queen66
Q(U)IT 1L 36 sicilianc5, Pacific, HollyIvy
On 12th draw, QUAG 1L 42 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUAT 1L 39, GAUN 1G 26, GAUR 1G 26, AGA 1F 25, GAU 1G 23
QUAG 1L 42 queen66, Pacific, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 13th draw, TRUDGED 12D 24 --- TRUDGE to walk tiredly [v]
Other moves: TEEND 8K 21, TREED 8K 21, TREND 8K 21, TUNE I9 21, DENGUE 4A 20
TRUDGED 12D 24 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
TREND 8K 21 Pacific
On 14th draw, AWAVE N1 36 --- AWAVE in a wave [adv]
Other moves: AWE 1F 33, OWE 1F 33, WAE 1G 31, WAI 1G 31, AWE 13L 30
OWE 1F 33 queen66
AWE 1F 33 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 15th draw, XENIA 4A 40 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: DEX I5 39, AX 3F 38, EX 7H 34, EX I6 34, AX 11E 31
XENIA 4A 40 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
RAX N8 31 Pacific
On 16th draw, EIK 1H 29 --- EIK to augment [v]
Other moves: DEIL 1G 26, DIKE N8 25, LIKED N8 25, LIKEN N8 24, DEI 1G 23
DIKE N8 25 Pacific
EEK 8M 21 queen66
On 17th draw, JOUAL F10 30 --- JOUAL a dialect of Canadian French [n]
Other tops: JIAO 11C 30
Other moves: JAILS N10 28, JIAO 11B 28, JIAOS N10 28, JILLS N10 28, JOINS N10 28
JILLS N10 28 queen66
JARL E10 22 Pacific
On 18th draw, UDON 13J 26 --- UDON a Japanese noodle made with wheat flour [n]
Other moves: ORD 5D 23, RONION G1 22, TREND 8K 21, ROIN 3D 20, OD 13L 18
TREND 8K 21 Pacific, queen66
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