Game on April 9, 2022 at 17:41, 11 players
1. 369 pts Atlantic
2. 280 pts Pacific
3. 219 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


10G 65 95 


11J 30 125 


12D 20 145 


I8 21 166 


11C 28 194 


J2 66 260 


5E 64 324 


L6 76 400 


6F 52 452 


7A 79 531 


2C 71 602 


A4 63 665 


1A 31 696 


3D 31 727 


4A 38 765 


1G 33 798 


N3 64 862 


14J 34 896 


O12 30 926 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Atlantic 1 15:06 -557 369 1.7633 Mycophot 4 5:41 -707 219
Pacific 1 8:58 -646 280 2.7677 sicilianc5 4 6:20 -723 203
Mycophot 4 5:41 -707 219 3.7572 queen66 2 5:26 -730 196
sicilianc5 4 6:20 -723 203 4.7757 moonmonkey 0 3:28 -736 190
queen66 2 5:26 -730 196 Group: intermediate
moonmonkey 0 3:28 -736 190 1.6306 Pacific 1 8:58 -646 280
7. -
CCCCCC1117 1 1:56 -862 64 2.6717 Hammer22 1 0:59 -895 31
Hammer22 1 0:59 -895 31 3.6620 Discus22 1 1:21 -895 31
Discus22 1 1:21 -895 31 4.6597 Javelin22 1 1:42 -895 31
Javelin22 1 1:42 -895 31 5.6435 ShotPut22 0 0:30 -899 27
ShotPut22 0 0:30 -899 27 Group: not rated
1.3705 Atlantic 1 15:06 -557 369
2. - CCCCCC1117 1 1:56 -862 64
On 1st draw, LEAVY H8 30 --- LEAVY leafy [adj]
Other tops: VEALY H4 30, VEALY H8 30
Other moves: LEANY H8 24, LEAVY H4 24, VENAL H4 24, LEAVY H5 22, LEAVY H6 22
NAVY H7 20 Atlantic
On 2nd draw, LASSOING 10G 65 --- LASSO to catch with a lasso (a long rope with a running noose) [v]
Other moves: GLOSSINA 10A 63, LIGNOSES 9B 62, LOGINESS 9C 62, SOLVING 11E 44, LOVINGS 11F 22
SOLVING 11E 44 moonmonkey, Mycophot, sicilianc5, queen66
GLOSSY 12C 20 Atlantic
On 3rd draw, THOU 11J 30 --- THOU to address as "thou" (the 2d person sing. pronoun in the nominative case) [v]
Other moves: HOA 11K 26, HOD 11J 26, ODAHS I6 26, THO 11J 26, DAHL G7 25
THO 11J 26 queen66
HOTTY 12D 22 Atlantic
On 4th draw, LACEY 12D 20 --- LACEY resembling lacework [adj]
Other tops: COALY 12D 20, COLEY 12D 20, ICILY 12D 20
Other moves: NUCLEI M10 16, COLIES I5 15, COLS I7 15, CEILS I6 14, CLAES I6 14
COLEY 12D 20 sicilianc5
LACY 12E 9 Atlantic
On 5th draw, IFS I8 21 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other moves: FOIN 13B 18, COFT F12 17, FINS I7 17, FITS I7 17, FONS I7 17
IFS I8 21 Mycophot
VOTING N5 12 Atlantic
On 6th draw, PEH 11C 28 --- PEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: STEP 12L 27, STUB 12L 27, ETHIOPS L7 26, HEP 11C 26, BEATHS E10 22
PEH 11C 28 sicilianc5
PATHS E11 20 Atlantic
On 7th draw, EMIRATE J2 66 --- EMIRATE the rank of an emir [n]
Other moves: REAME 13A 25, RIME 13B 23, TAME 13B 23, TEME 13B 23, TIME 13B 23
RIME 13B 23 moonmonkey
HAREM E11 10 Atlantic
On 8th draw, CANKERY 5E 64 --- CANKERY crabbed [adj]
Other moves: CONKY 13A 44, CAKY 13B 42, COKY 13B 42, OAKY 13B 38, YOICK 4H 36
CANKERY 5E 64 Mycophot, CCCCCC1117
YOKE 13B 35 Pacific
MAKE 3J 20 Atlantic
On 9th draw, (Z)ABAIONES L6 76 --- ZABAIONE a dessert resembling custard [n]
Other moves: ANABIOSE(S) L6 72, ANABIO(S)ES L6 72, BEAN(B)AGS N4 70, (B)EANBAGS N4 70, ANABASE(S) F1 63
ABA(C)K H1 30 Pacific
BAA 6F 29 moonmonkey
BANGS N7 16 Atlantic
On 10th draw, XU 6F 52 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other moves: BRUX 8L 39, LOX M5 36, NOX M5 36, OX M6 35, EXO 10A 30
XU 6F 52 queen66, Pacific
AXLE F5 27 Atlantic
On 11th draw, TAWTIER 7A 79 --- TAWTIE tatty [adj]
Other moves: WARTIEST 14F 71, TWEAK H1 39, WREAK H1 39, TWISTER 14I 36, WASTER 14J 34
TWEAK H1 39 sicilianc5
BREW 8L 27 Pacific
WAX F4 13 Atlantic
On 12th draw, TOPAZINE 2C 71 --- TOPAZ a mineral [adj] --- TOPAZINE like topaz [adj]
Other moves: AZO 6A 70, ZOA 6B 70, ZA 6B 67, ZO 6B 67, TOPAZ A7 48
ZOA 6B 70 moonmonkey
ZAP B6 34 Atlantic
On 13th draw, JOLT(E)D A4 63 --- JOLT to jar or shake roughly [v]
Other tops: JILT(E)D A4 63
Other moves: JILT(S) A4 57, JOLT(S) A4 57, JOLT(Y) A4 57, JO(E) 6B 56, J(A)I 6B 56
JO 6B 55 Pacific
(S)IJO 1B 41 queen66
JI(N) H1 27 Atlantic
On 14th draw, GEED 1A 31 --- GEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: AGED 1A 31, EGAD 1A 31, GAED 1A 31, GAUD 1A 31
Other moves: EGAD 3E 29, NEED 1A 28, EMUNGED 3I 27, DEMEAN 3H 26, EANED 3B 25
GEED 1A 31 Hammer22, Discus22, Javelin22
GOAD D1 16 Atlantic
On 15th draw, MIRO 3D 31 --- MIRO a tall New Zealand tree [n]
Other tops: MISO 3D 31, WORMS 13A 31
Other moves: JOWS 4A 28, MOWERS 13I 28, BOWR 8L 27, BOWS 8L 27, BROW 8L 27
BOWR 8L 27 ShotPut22, Mycophot
BROW 8L 27 Pacific
BOIS 8L 18 Atlantic
On 16th draw, JIGS 4A 38 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other tops: JUGS 4A 38
Other moves: JETS 4A 36, JUTE 4A 36, JUTS 4A 36, GUES 10B 22, GUSSET 14J 22
JUGS 4A 38 sicilianc5
BUST 8L 18 Atlantic
On 17th draw, DOO 1G 33 --- DOO a dove [n]
Other moves: FIBRO 4I 32, DROOB M3 30, DO 1G 28, FIORD 4I 28, FOB M13 28
DOO 1G 33 Mycophot, queen66
BO 1H 26 Pacific
MOOD 3J 14 Atlantic
On 18th draw, AVERRING N3 64 --- AVER to declare positively [v]
Other moves: VISNE 14J 32, VINER 13I 24, INVAR M3 22, MARVER 3J 22, RAVENER 13I 22
VINER 13I 24 moonmonkey
VASE 14J 15 Atlantic
On 19th draw, FOSTER 14J 34 --- FOSTER to promote the growth of [v]
Other moves: EF O7 32, FE O8 32, BEREFT 13I 28, BESORT 14J 28, BESTIR 14J 28
FOSTER 14J 34 sicilianc5
FOB O1 28 Pacific
SORT 14L 8 Atlantic
On 20th draw, BURD O12 30 --- BURD a maiden [n]
Other tops: BIRD O12 30
Other moves: WEID 13K 28, BURN O12 27, WIND 4I 26, WUD O1 24, BIND 4I 23
BIRD O12 30 Atlantic, Mycophot
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