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Game on April 9, 2022 at 21:38, 7 players
1. 599 pts Pacific
2. 377 pts HollyIvy
3. 322 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeilou   H3    22    22   obelia
 2. einoopt   5A    70    92   optionee
 3. adilosw   4A    49   141   woads
 4. ehimrsz   G1    45   186   miz
 5. degjnor   8G    68   254   jargoned
 6. ?aeginr   A1    90   344   airwomen
 7. aginsty   M7    84   428   yeasting
 8. adknsuw   1C    48   476   dwaums
 9. ?ceioux  11H    82   558   unexotic
10. aaeikrt   O9    54   612   tackier
11. aeesuvy   N2    49   661   saveyed
12. defgotu  10J    41   702   fegs
13. abdeilr  12B    75   777   baldier
14. celnqtu   C9    48   825   quean
15. chilnot  14F    78   903   clothing
16. aefhmtv  15G    53   956   ahem
17. foprtuv  12J    32   988   roti
18. flprtuv   5J    22  1010   pulver

Remaining tiles: ft

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6307 FilePacific     4 18:40  -411  599     1.7839 HollyIvy    4  6:58  -633  377 
  2.7839 FileHollyIvy    4  6:58  -633  377     2.7682 sicilianc5  4  8:28  -688  322 
  3.7682 Filesicilianc5  4  8:28  -688  322     3.7604 queen66     3  5:55  -733  277 
  4.7604 Filequeen66     3  5:55  -733  277     4.7706 Mycophot    2  5:42  -811  199 
  5.7706 FileMycophot    2  5:42  -811  199            Group: intermediate
  6.  -  FileHHHHHH1118  0  1:48  -960   50     1.6307 Pacific     4 18:40  -411  599 
  7.  -  FileYYYYYY1119  1  1:52  -961   49            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  HHHHHH1118  0  1:48  -960   50 
                                             2.  -  YYYYYY1119  1  1:52  -961   49 

On 1st draw, OBELIA H3 22 --- OBELIA a marine hydroid also pl of OBELION [n]
Other moves: BOULE H4 20, OBELIA H4 18, OBELIA H7 18, OBELIA H8 18, ABOIL H4 16
BOULE H4 20 Pacific

On 2nd draw, OPTIONEE 5A 70 --- OPTIONEE one who holds a legal option [n]
Other tops: OPTIONEE 5B 70
Other moves: POTION I3 32, PINOT I3 29, PITON I3 29, POTIN I3 29, PENI I3 24
OPEN I2 22 Pacific

On 3rd draw, WOADS 4A 49 --- WOAD a blue dye [n]
Other moves: WOALD 4A 48, WOAD 4A 45, WOODSIA A4 45, WOALDS A4 42, WOOLDS A4 42
WOADS 4A 49 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot, queen66
WAS I3 34 Pacific

On 4th draw, MIZ G1 45 --- MIZ misery [n]
Other tops: WORMISH A4 45
Other moves: REZ G1 43, RIZ G1 43, SEZ G1 43, BRIZES 4H 34, HES I3 34
MIZ G1 45 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
WORMISH A4 45 Pacific

On 5th draw, JARGONED 8G 68 --- JARGON to speak or write an obscure and often pretentious kind of language [v]
Other moves: DOGMEN 1D 36, GORMED 1D 36, MONGED 1G 36, MORNED 1G 33, DROME 1D 30
DROME 1D 30 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
JIG 7G 21 Pacific

On 6th draw, AIRWO(M)EN A1 90 --- AIRWOMAN a female aviator [n]
Other moves: GERMAIN(E) 1D 86, GERMAIN(S) 1D 86, GERMANI(C) 1D 86, GERMINA(L) 1D 86, G(E)RMAINE 1D 86
IMAG(I)NER 1F 33 Pacific
RE(N)AMING 1C 33 sicilianc5
RENAMI(N)G 1C 33 Mycophot, HollyIvy

On 7th draw, YEASTING M7 84 --- YEAST to ferment [v]
Other moves: STAYNING L2 74, STAYNING L4 74, MAYINGS 1G 45, MAYING 1G 42, STYMING 1D 42
MAYINGS 1G 45 queen66
MAYING 1G 42 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
MASTING 1G 33 Pacific

On 8th draw, DWAUMS 1C 48 --- DWAUM to swoon [v]
Other moves: KA F2 44, MAWKS 1G 42, KANGS 14J 40, KNAGS 14J 40, DWAMS 1D 39
MAWKS 1G 42 queen66
UNMASK 1E 36 Pacific

On 9th draw, U(N)EXOTIC 11H 82 --- UNEXOTIC not exotic [adj]
Other moves: (D)OUX L12 43, EXO L11 42, EX(O) L11 39, (A)XE L11 39, (E)XO L11 39
EXO L11 42 queen66
XI L12 38 Pacific

On 10th draw, TACKIER O9 54 --- TACKEY adhesive [adj] --- TACKY adhesive [adj]
Other moves: TRAIKED N2 49, CRAKE O11 36, CREAK O11 36, TSK 10L 35, ARAKS 10I 31
TACKIER O9 54 queen66, Pacific

On 11th draw, SAVEYED N2 49 --- SAVEY to understand [v]
Other moves: EYASS 10I 41, ZOUAVES 3G 40, AYS I3 38, AYE 10I 37, EYE 10I 37
SAVEYED N2 49 HollyIvy, YYYYYY1119
AYE 10I 37 Pacific

On 12th draw, FEGS 10J 41 --- FEGS in faith [interj]
Other tops: FEDS 10J 41, FOGS 10J 41
Other moves: FETS 10J 39, FUGUED H10 39, UFO 10I 37, FE 10J 35, GODETS 10H 34
FOGS 10J 41 Pacific, sicilianc5

On 13th draw, BALDIER 12B 75 --- BALDY having no hair [adj]
Other moves: RAILBED B7 66, RUBIED H10 36, BARGEE 14J 30, BEAGLE 14J 30, BURDIE H10 30
BEAGLE 14J 30 sicilianc5
BID O1 23 Pacific

On 14th draw, QUEAN C9 48 --- QUEAN a worthless woman [n]
Other moves: QUINCE F10 43, QUINTE F10 37, QUIET F10 36, QUILT F10 36, QUINE F10 36
QUEAN C9 48 HollyIvy, Pacific

On 15th draw, CLOTHING 14F 78 --- CLOTHING wearing apparel [n]
Other moves: CLOTHING J1 68, CHIGOE 14J 36, CHI O1 31, COIGNE 14J 30, CHITON L3 28
CHI O1 31 HollyIvy
CHIN D7 26 Pacific

On 16th draw, AHEM 15G 53 --- AHEM used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: HAME 15F 50, FEM 15H 48, HAM 15H 48, HEM 15H 48, FEAT 15H 45
HAME 15F 50 HollyIvy, HHHHHH1118
HEM 15H 48 Pacific

On 17th draw, ROTI 12J 32 --- ROTI an unleavened bread [n]
Other tops: TORI 12J 32
Other moves: FOP M1 26, FOP O5 26, FOR O1 22, FORPET 5J 22, FUTON L4 22
ROTI 12J 32 sicilianc5
FOR O1 22 Pacific

On 18th draw, PULVER 5J 22 --- PULVER to reduce to powder [v]
Other tops: FLU 6D 22
Other moves: PI 2F 20, PLU 6D 20, TUP M1 20, TUP O5 20, UP F1 20
TUP M1 20 sicilianc5
BURP B12 18 Pacific

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