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Game on April 12, 2022 at 09:02, 6 players
1. 171 pts HollyIvy
2. 99 pts Mycophot
3. 88 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abistuw   H4    24    24   waist
 2. ghinoor   4H    28    52   whoring
 3. eiiorty   3J    27    79   yeti
 4. ?elnort   8A    74   153   tolerant
 5. aflottu   B8    76   229   outfloat
 6. eklpsuu   5J    44   273   keps
 7. ?aeeilm   E4    86   359   materiel
 8. adegnot  15B    33   392   togated
 9. cddeors  10D    70   462   decoders
10. acegirr   D1    28   490   cage
11. abenpru   C2    31   521   barp
12. aelnnuy   1D    30   551   canny
13. ehimoru   B1    32   583   hom
14. aiijsuz   2M    49   632   jiz
15. bdeeors   K7    72   704   bedsores
16. einoqux   8K    60   764   exine
17. aelnouv   O1    36   800   azo
18. eilnruv  13H    74   874   unveiler
19. afiquvw   7M    47   921   qua

Remaining tiles: fiiuvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7726 FileHollyIvy    3  4:19  -750  171     1.7726 HollyIvy    3  4:19  -750  171 
  2.7728 FileMycophot    1  1:45  -822   99     2.7728 Mycophot    1  1:45  -822   99 
  3.7753 Filesicilianc5  1  2:57  -833   88     3.7753 sicilianc5  1  2:57  -833   88 
  4.  -  FileXXXXXX1120  1  1:48  -861   60            Group: not rated
  5.  -  FileZZZZZZ1120  1  1:57  -872   49     1.  -  XXXXXX1120  1  1:48  -861   60 
  6.  -  FileUUUUUU1118  1  1:58  -874   47     2.  -  ZZZZZZ1120  1  1:57  -872   49 
                                             3.  -  UUUUUU1118  1  1:58  -874   47 

On 1st draw, WAIST H4 24 --- WAIST the part of the body between the ribs and the hips [n]
Other tops: WAITS H4 24
Other moves: BAITS H4 20, BASTI H4 20, BUATS H4 20, BUIST H4 20, BUSTI H4 20

On 2nd draw, WHORING 4H 28 --- WHORE to consort with prostitutes [v]
Other moves: HONGI G3 27, OHING I6 27, HOING I7 25, HONGI I7 25, HING I7 24

On 3rd draw, YETI 3J 27 --- YETI the abominable snowman [n]
Other moves: ENTRY M3 24, ONERY M3 24, TIGERY N2 24, EYOT 3I 23, YET 5J 23

On 4th draw, TOLER(A)NT 8A 74 --- TOLERANT inclined to tolerate [adj]
Other tops: TEL(E)TRON 8H 74, TETRON(A)L 8H 74, TOLER(A)NT 8H 74, TROTL(I)NE 8H 74, T(E)LETRON 8H 74, (F)RONTLET 8A 74
Other moves: LENTOR(S) 9B 66, ORIENT(A)L 6F 61, O(U)TLINER 6D 61, RETINOL(S) 6E 61, RITO(R)NEL 6G 61

On 5th draw, OUTFLOAT B8 76 --- OUTFLOAT to float longer than [v]
Other moves: OUTFLOAT B3 71, OUTFALL C3 24, OUTFALL C2 22, HAFT I4 21, FOUNT G5 20

On 6th draw, KEPS 5J 44 --- KEP to catch [v]
Other tops: ELKS A12 44
Other moves: UKES 5J 42, KEP 5J 39, UKE 5J 37, ELK 5K 30, STUPE 15A 30

On 7th draw, MA(T)ERIEL E4 86 --- MATERIEL the aggregate of equipment and supplies used by an organization [n]
Other tops: ALMERIE(S) E4 86
Other moves: MEALIE(S)T A1 80, FILE(N)AME 11B 74, MINEA(B)LE G6 69, EREMI(T)AL E7 68, MEA(S)LIER E1 68

On 8th draw, TOGATED 15B 33 --- TOGATED wearing a toga [adj]
Other moves: DOGATE D1 31, TANGOED 15B 30, DONATE D1 29, GATED D1 29, GONAD D1 29

On 9th draw, DECODERS 10D 70 --- DECODER one that decodes [n]
Other moves: CODED D1 35, CORED D1 33, COSED D1 33, CLODS 12A 32, EDS 6J 30

On 10th draw, CAGE D1 28 --- CAGE to confine [v]
Other moves: CARE D1 26, CIRE D1 26, AREIC 11H 25, AREIC 14F 24, CRARE F2 24

On 11th draw, BARP C2 31 --- BARP a cairn [n]
Other tops: BURP C2 31
Other moves: CUBANE 1D 30, BURAN C2 29, PAREU C2 29, BARE C2 27, BARN C2 27

On 12th draw, CANNY 1D 30 --- CANNY prudent [adj]
Other moves: LAY B1 29, NAY B1 29, AY B2 27, YAE C11 26, CANNEL 1D 24

On 13th draw, HOM B1 32 --- HOM a sacred plant of the ancient Persians [n]
Other moves: HUMERI 14E 31, HOMER 11K 30, HOMIE 11K 30, HORME 11K 30, HUMOR 11K 30

On 14th draw, JIZ 2M 49 --- JIZ a wig [n]
Other moves: SI(T)Z 6C 41, ZAS 2M 37, ZA 2M 35, JAI 2M 31, JUS 2M 31
JIZ 2M 49 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, ZZZZZZ1120

On 15th draw, BEDSORES K7 72 --- BEDSORE an ulcer due to bed-confinement [n]
Other moves: SOBERED 12E 71, BEDSORE 14G 69, DZO O1 39, OB A1 35, BEDDERS D7 31
DZO O1 39 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 16th draw, EXINE 8K 60 --- EXINE the outer layer of certain spores [n]
Other moves: QUEEN 13I 48, QUERN 12H 48, QUIRE 12H 48, EXO L7 42, EXON L12 39
EXINE 8K 60 Mycophot, XXXXXX1120

On 17th draw, AZO O1 36 --- AZO containing nitrogen [adj]
Other moves: AVOURE 12G 26, BALUN 7K 24, BELON 7K 24, VEENA 13I 24, LIVE 6G 22
AZO O1 36 HollyIvy

On 18th draw, UNVEILER 13H 74 --- UNVEILER one who unveils [n]
Other moves: UNVEILER 13E 66, UNVEILER O5 62, DINER 9K 23, LIVE 6G 22, LIVENER 13H 22

On 19th draw, QUA 7M 47 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: QI 7M 44, FRAU O12 33, WADI 9I 32, DIF 9K 29, FLAW 12A 28
QUA 7M 47 HollyIvy, UUUUUU1118

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