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Game on April 13, 2022 at 08:05, 7 players
1. 461 pts fatcat
2. 146 pts Hammer22
3. 90 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeorttu   H7    66    66   outrate
 2. ?beeent  13C    76   142   terebene
 3. aeeglty  12A    32   174   gley
 4. adeeost  14A    39   213   teased
 5. anoprsu   9G    63   276   stroupan
 6. aeinoos   O8    29   305   isnae
 7. eeopruv   A8    33   338   overget
 8. lnooptt  11D    25   363   pontal
 9. ?achinz   B2    99   462   zarnich
10. abcdein   3B    80   542   abidance
11. agklruy   H1    60   602   gucky
12. affiort   1H   107   709   graffito
13. iilmoru  14J    36   745   milor
14. adghiow  15E    45   790   whid
15. adgiijl  13M    38   828   ja
16. deilmou  15K    39   867   oiled
17. iimoqwx   I6    34   901   ox
18. agimqsu   D1    52   953   quims
19. agiirvw   J4    30   983   vaw

Remaining tiles: giir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6549 Filefatcat      3 10:02  -522  461     1.7675 HollyIvy    2  1:50  -893   90 
  2.6735 FileHammer22    3  2:07  -837  146     2.7785 sicilianc5  1  0:40  -945   38 
  3.7675 FileHollyIvy    2  1:50  -893   90     3.7725 Mycophot    1  0:56  -945   38 
  4.  -  FileUUUUUU1118  1  1:56  -931   52     4.7785 moonmonkey  1  1:10  -945   38 
  5.7785 Filesicilianc5  1  0:40  -945   38            Group: intermediate
  6.7725 FileMycophot    1  0:56  -945   38     1.6549 fatcat      3 10:02  -522  461 
  7.7785 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:10  -945   38     2.6735 Hammer22    3  2:07  -837  146 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  UUUUUU1118  1  1:56  -931   52 

On 1st draw, OUTRATE H7 66 --- OUTRATE to surpass in a rating [v]
Other tops: OUTRATE H2 66, OUTRATE H3 66, OUTRATE H4 66, OUTRATE H6 66, OUTRATE H8 66
Other moves: OUTRATE H5 64, OUTATE H3 14, OUTATE H4 14, OUTATE H7 14, OUTATE H8 14

On 2nd draw, TE(R)EBENE 13C 76 --- TEREBENE a disinfectant liquid [n]
Other moves: TE(R)EBENE 13A 70, TE(R)EBENE 13G 70, AB(S)ENTEE 11H 68, BENETTE(D) 12C 68, BENETTE(D) 12D 68

On 3rd draw, GLEY 12A 32 --- GLEY a clay soil layer [n] --- GLEY to squint [v]
Other moves: ALEYE 12A 31, EYALET 14A 31, GLEETY D10 28, GYTE I6 27, AGLEY 14J 26

On 4th draw, TEASED 14A 39 --- TEASE to make fun of [v]
Other tops: SEATED 14A 39
Other moves: EASED 14B 37, EASED 14F 37, SATED 14B 37, TOSED 14F 37, AEDES 14D 36

On 5th draw, STROUPAN 9G 63 --- STROUPAN a drink of tea [n]
Other moves: PURANAS 11E 36, ASPRO 11B 29, PSORA 15E 29, SANPRO 15F 28, SAPOUR 15F 28
GUTS A12 15 fatcat

On 6th draw, ISNAE O8 29 --- ISNAE is not (no inflections [v]
Other moves: AEONS O5 26, ANISE O6 26, EOSIN O7 26, NOISE O6 26, NOOSE O6 26
NOISE O6 26 fatcat

On 7th draw, OVERGET A8 33 --- OVERGET to overcome [v]
Other moves: REPRO 10H 31, PREE 10J 30, OEUVRE 14I 28, PRE 10J 27, PRO 10J 27
PROVE L9 20 fatcat

On 8th draw, PONTAL 11D 25 --- PONTAL relating to the pons of the brain [adj]
Other moves: PLATOON M7 24, LOOP 8J 20, NOOP 8J 20, POOL 8J 20, POON 8J 20
LOOP G4 16 fatcat

On 9th draw, ZA(R)NICH B2 99 --- ZARNICH sulphide of arsenic [n]
Other moves: CHAZANI(M) M7 98, ZA(R)NICH G1 83, ZA(R)NICH I1 83, HOAC(T)ZIN 7G 77, CHAZANI(M) M5 72
CHIN(T)Z G2 54 fatcat

On 10th draw, ABIDANCE 3B 80 --- ABIDANCE the act of abiding [n]
Other moves: CABINED G1 72, CABINED I1 72, ABIDANCE M5 64, PEDICAB L9 34, CAB C1 33
DICE 14J 18 fatcat

On 11th draw, GUCKY H1 60 --- GUCKY slimy [adj]
Other moves: LUCKY H1 57, YACK H1 54, YUCK H1 54, GUCK H1 48, LACK H1 45
LUCKY H1 57 fatcat

On 12th draw, GRAFFITO 1H 107 --- GRAFFITO an inscription or drawing made on a rock or wall [n]
Other moves: FAITOR 14J 47, FRATI 14J 45, FAUTOR 2F 36, FOUTRA 2F 36, FRAT 10J 36
FORT 14J 28 fatcat

On 13th draw, MILOR 14J 36 --- MILOR a term of address [n]
Other moves: MOU 2F 23, OM 2E 23, FOLIUM K1 22, FOLIUM L1 22, MILO 14J 22
OM 14I 22 fatcat

On 14th draw, WHID 15E 45 --- WHID to move quickly and quietly [v]
Other tops: WHIG 15E 45
Other moves: WHID 10J 44, WHIG 10J 44, DHOW 15E 43, WHIO 15E 42, WHOA 10J 42
HA 2J 31 fatcat

On 15th draw, JA 13M 38 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other tops: JAIL D1 38
Other moves: ADJIGO J4 31, ADJIGO M9 30, I(R)IDAL 4A 29, G*DJ* 12K 28, JAGA F2 28
JA 13M 38 fatcat, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey

On 16th draw, OILED 15K 39 --- OIL to supply with oil (a greasy liquid used for lubrication, fuel, or illumination) [v]
Other moves: EMO 15M 30, EMU 15M 30, TEDIUM N1 30, DIM 2D 28, DOM 2D 28
EMU 15M 30 Hammer22
LED 15M 25 fatcat

On 17th draw, OX I6 34 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: WOX 12J 34
Other moves: MIXY 5E 32, MIX 12J 31, OX 2N 31, QUIM K8 30, MIX 10K 29
OX I6 34 Hammer22
WOX J8 29 fatcat

On 18th draw, QUIMS D1 52 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: QUIM D1 50, QUAYS 5E 44, OVERGETS A8 36, SAIM J3 36, UMIAQS D1 36
QUIMS D1 52 Hammer22, fatcat, HollyIvy, UUUUUU1118

On 19th draw, VAW J4 30 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: RAW J4 27, AW G6 26, AW J5 26, TRIVIA N1 22, WAG 12J 22
VAW J4 30 fatcat, Hammer22

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