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Game on April 15, 2022 at 18:01, 7 players
1. 302 pts Pacific
2. 183 pts SQUAW1
3. 107 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?egmops   H4    24    24   pomes
 2. adgiloy   7F    70    94   idealogy
 3. adinorr   4A    74   168   raindrop
 4. bfinnor   A1    30   198   fibro
 5. ?abefno   C1    74   272   boniface
 6. adehnpr   K7    78   350   orphaned
 7. ilnttuw   M1    26   376   unwitty
 8. aaaaiks   6F    41   417   kama
 9. aeeeglm   L1    36   453   meal
10. ?eortvz   8A    78   531   trezes
11. eijlotu  12H    40   571   joint
12. aceiisy  H12    42   613   jays
13. aeiltuu   1J    24   637   tumuli
14. eirstuv  15A    86   723   stuivers
15. acdehov  J10    45   768   chide
16. einoswx   1C    48   816   bonxie
17. aceggir   D8    28   844   zaire
18. eeglnos   N1    27   871   lense
19. ceggouv   O5    32   903   cove

Remaining tiles: gglquw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6414 FilePacific     1 14:38  -601  302     1.7575 SQUAW1      2  4:15  -720  183 
  2.7575 FileSQUAW1      2  4:15  -720  183     2.7792 HollyIvy    0  2:56  -796  107 
  3.7792 FileHollyIvy    0  2:56  -796  107     3.7803 sicilianc5  1  1:48  -825   78 
  4.7803 Filesicilianc5  1  1:48  -825   78     4.7850 Mycophot    0  1:06  -834   69 
  5.7850 FileMycophot    0  1:06  -834   69     5.7834 moonmonkey  1  1:06  -858   45 
  6.7834 Filemoonmonkey  1  1:06  -858   45            Group: intermediate
  7.  -  FileKKKKKK1118  0  1:55  -865   38     1.6414 Pacific     1 14:38  -601  302 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  KKKKKK1118  0  1:55  -865   38 

On 1st draw, POMES H4 24 --- POME a fleshy fruit with a core [n]
Other tops: EP(R)OMS H3 24, EP(R)OMS H8 24, GOMP(A)S H4 24, MOPES H4 24, MOPE(D)S H4 24, MOPE(R)S H4 24, M(Y)OPES H4 24, POEMS H4 24, POM(B)ES H4 24, P(R)OEMS H4 24, P(R)OEMS H8 24, SEPM(A)G H7 24, (I)MPOSE H3 24
Other moves: EGO(I)SM H7 22, EM(B)OGS H3 22, EP(R)OM H8 22, GE(N)OMS H8 22, GOMP(A) H4 22
POEMS H4 24 Pacific

On 2nd draw, IDEALOGY 7F 70 --- IDEALOGY a systematic body of ideas IDEATE [n]
Other moves: PODGILY 4H 28, DAY G5 27, DOY G5 27, GAY G5 27, G*Y G5 27
YAG G7 24 Pacific

On 3rd draw, RAINDROP 4A 74 --- RAINDROP a drop of rain [n]
Other moves: INROAD 8A 27, ORDAIN 8A 26, DAMN 6F 23, RANDOM 6C 23, DARRING L1 22
AND 8M 17 Pacific

On 4th draw, FIBRO A1 30 --- FIBRO a wall board of compressed asbestos and cement [n]
Other moves: INBORN 8A 29, FIBROIN C3 28, FORBY M3 26, FORB 6C 25, FRIB 6C 25
ROBIN A4 21 Pacific

On 5th draw, BONIFA(C)E C1 74 --- BONIFACE an innkeeper [n]
Other moves: BA(C)LOFEN J4 64, BOE(U)F 8K 43, FOE(H)N 8K 38, BEM(E)AN 6F 37, B(E)MEAN 6F 37
BAM 6F 26 Pacific

On 6th draw, ORPHANED K7 78 --- ORPHAN to deprive of both parents [v]
Other tops: ORPHANED 5H 78
Other moves: ORPHANED 2C 76, HARPED D8 41, HEMP 6F 39, DAMPEN 6F 37, HANDER D8 37
HAME 6F 35 Pacific

On 7th draw, UNWITTY M1 26 --- UNWITTY without wit [adj]
Other moves: LWEI 8A 24, WIEL 8A 24, TWINY M3 22, WITTY M3 22, TWILT D8 21
WHIT 10J 18 Pacific

On 8th draw, KAMA 6F 41 --- KAMA earthly desire [n]
Other moves: KUIA 1L 39, SKIM 6E 39, KAINS 2J 38, KAM 6F 38, AKA L3 33
KAINS 2J 38 HollyIvy, KKKKKK1118
KAES 8A 27 Pacific

On 9th draw, MEAL L1 36 --- MEAL the food served and eaten in one sitting [n] --- MEAL to cover with a grain [v]
Other moves: AEMULE 1J 33, LEGUME 1J 33, GEMEL L11 32, BEAGLE 1C 30, EMULE 1K 30
MULE 1L 27 Pacific

On 10th draw, TREZE(S) 8A 78 --- TREZ threepence [n]
Other moves: TREZ 8A 69, O(Y)EZ 8A 66, T(R)EZ 8A 66, (G)EEZ 8A 66, (J)EEZ 8A 66
TREZE(S) 8A 78 sicilianc5
TREZ 8A 69 Mycophot, HollyIvy
ZA(S) 6B 31 Pacific

On 11th draw, JOINT 12H 40 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JILTED 14F 32, JOLTED 14F 32, JOULED 14F 32, JUTE J11 31, ZLOTE D8 28
JA 6B 25 Pacific

On 12th draw, JAYS H12 42 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other tops: JASY H12 42
Other moves: CAY 13G 33, SAE 9C 31, SCYE M12 31, SYCE M12 31, CYTES 5K 30
EASY M10 27 Pacific

On 13th draw, TUMULI 1J 24 --- TUMULUS a mound over a grave [n]
Other moves: ALT 9D 23, TEA N1 23, TEL N1 23, EAT N2 21, ELT N2 21

On 14th draw, STUIVERS 15A 86 --- STUIVER a former Dutch coin [n]
Other tops: REVUISTS 15A 86
Other moves: REVUISTS 15C 62, VERST M9 37, BREVIS 1C 36, REVUIST B8 36, BESTIR 1C 27

On 15th draw, CHIDE J10 45 --- CHIDE to scold [v]
Other tops: BACHED 1C 45, BODACH 1C 45
Other moves: CHIAO J10 43, CHID J10 37, CHIA J10 35, AAH B4 33, HOYA 14F 33
CHIDE J10 45 moonmonkey

On 16th draw, BONXIE 1C 48 --- BONXIE the great skua [n]
Other moves: SOX 9C 45, BESNOW 1C 36, BOWNES 1C 36, BOWSIE 1C 36, EXO 14B 35

On 17th draw, ZAIRE D8 28 --- ZAIRE a monetary unit of central Africa [n]
Other moves: GARGET B10 24, CIAO I9 23, ECO I10 21, DEICER 13J 20, EGG 14B 20

On 18th draw, LENSE N1 27 --- LENSE a lens, transparent material used to change convergence of light ray [n]
Other moves: LENG N1 26, EGOS 13A 25, ENGS 13A 25, GEES 13A 25, GELS 13A 25

On 19th draw, COVE O5 32 --- COVE to curve over or inward [v]
Other moves: COGUE O5 29, GOUGE O5 25, ECO I10 21, COVET B11 20, CRUVE 11C 20

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