Game on April 16, 2022 at 21:16, 5 players
1. 500 pts Pacific
2. 310 pts HollyIvy
3. 238 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


9G 29 53 


8K 35 88 


10H 45 133 


K4 26 159 


11I 46 205 


L1 30 235 


1J 30 265 


6D 63 328 


2E 43 371 


E5 86 457 


8A 33 490 


D10 38 528 


15D 43 571 


1A 41 612 


2A 34 646 


7M 39 685 


14B 44 729 


14I 33 762 


B8 36 798 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 2 21:42 -298 500 1.7778 HollyIvy 4 10:35 -488 310
HollyIvy 4 10:35 -488 310 2.7739 sicilianc5 3 6:48 -560 238
sicilianc5 3 6:48 -560 238 3.7666 queen66 3 4:49 -586 212
queen66 3 4:49 -586 212 Group: intermediate
5. -
YYYYYY1119 1 1:44 -755 43 1.6511 Pacific 2 21:42 -298 500
Group: not rated
1. - YYYYYY1119 1 1:44 -755 43
On 1st draw, FAINE H4 24 --- FAINE to feign [v]
Other tops: AF(F)INE H3 24, FAINE(D) H4 24, FAINE(R) H4 24, FAINE(S) H4 24, FAIN(N)E H4 24, FAI(N)NE H4 24, FANIO(N) H4 24, FA(D)EIN H4 24, FA(M)INE H4 24, FA(N)ION H4 24, FEI(J)OA H4 24, FIAN(C)E H4 24, FINA(L)E H4 24, FOE(M)AN H4 24, FOINE(D) H4 24, FO(R)ANE H4 24
Other moves: FAEN(A) H4 22, FAIN(E) H4 22, FAIN(S) H4 22, FAIN(T) H4 22, FAI(N)E H4 22
FAINE(R) H4 24 Pacific
On 2nd draw, PSHAW 9G 29 --- PSHAW to utter an expression of contempt or disapproval [v]
Other moves: BASHAW 5D 28, BASHAW 5G 28, WHOPS G2 28, PSHAW I1 27, HAWS I3 26
WASH 9F 24 Pacific
On 3rd draw, APORT 8K 35 --- APORT on or toward the left side of a ship [adv]
Other moves: PITA 10F 31, TARO 10H 30, TIRO 10H 30, TORO 10H 30, ATRIP 8K 29
TOR 10H 24 Pacific
On 4th draw, TIMED 10H 45 --- TIME to determine the speed or duration of [v]
Other tops: TAMED 10H 45
Other moves: MATED 10F 44, TAME 10H 43, TIME 10H 43, JEMIDAR N2 42, ITEM 10G 41
JAI 7M 39 Pacific
On 5th draw, OVERAWE K4 26 --- OVERAWE to subdue by inspiring awe [v]
Other moves: OWE 7L 25, AVOWER 5H 24, BRIEF 6F 24, REAVOW 5F 24, FEW I3 23
WOE 7M 23 Pacific
On 6th draw, (N)ID 11I 46 --- NID a pheasant's nest [n]
Other tops: (C)ID 11I 46, (C)UD 11I 46, (D)ID 11I 46, (D)UD 11I 46, (M)ID 11I 46, (M)UD 11I 46, (P)UD 11I 46, (S)UD 11I 46, (T)ID 11I 46
Other moves: ID(O)L 11J 45, UD(A)L 11J 45, DI(D) 11I 44, DI(S) 11I 44, DU(D) 11I 44
JI(R)D L1 44 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
DIG 11K 43 Pacific
On 7th draw, GOAF L1 30 --- GOAF a rick in a barn [n]
Other moves: DEFOGS L10 28, FA J6 28, FAGS L1 28, FE J6 28, FEGS L1 28
FOGS L1 28 queen66
FEGS L1 28 sicilianc5
FAGS L1 28 HollyIvy
EF L3 20 Pacific
On 8th draw, BUGGAN 1J 30 --- BUGGAN an evil spirit [n]
Other tops: BROGAN 2J 30, BROLGA 2J 30
Other moves: BRUNG 1H 24, BURGLAR N2 24, NUGGAR 1J 24, UNBAG 1H 24, URB M1 23
BUGGAN 1J 30 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
BRUNG 1H 24 Pacific
On 9th draw, NONRIOTER 6D 63 --- NONRIOTER [n]
Other moves: NOON 2K 17, ONTO G4 17, ROON 2K 17, ROOT 2K 17, TOON 2K 17
ONTO G4 17 sicilianc5
On 10th draw, EVILLY 2E 43 --- EVILLY in an evil manner [adv]
Other moves: VEILY 2F 42, LIVELY 2E 37, VILELY 2E 37, LEVY 2G 33, EVENLY D3 32
EVILLY 2E 43 sicilianc5, YYYYYY1119
LEVY 2G 33 Pacific
On 11th draw, COTINI(N)E E5 86 --- COTININE an alkaloid produced by nicotine in the body [n]
Other tops: COTI(N)INE E5 86
Other moves: C(R)INITE 12D 80, IC(H)NITE 12D 80, RECITIN(G) N8 80, (Z)INCITE 12D 80, IN(S)CIENT D5 74
(M)INCE 1A 29 queen66
TICE(D) 1A 22 Pacific
On 12th draw, ACEDIA 8A 33 --- ACEDIA apathy [n]
Other moves: CAAED 1A 30, CODEIA 8A 30, CADIE 1A 29, PSHAWED 9G 29, AECIA 1A 26
On 13th draw, HAWSE D10 38 --- HAWSE a part of a ship's bow [n] --- HAWSE to embrace [v]
Other tops: BESAW 13C 38, BESAW 1A 38, HAWSE 1A 38, WASH D12 38
Other moves: SAHEB 1A 37, HAWS D10 36, HEWS D10 36, BASH D12 34, HAW D10 34
WASH D12 38 queen66
WASH 1B 16 Pacific
On 14th draw, SURELY 15D 43 --- SURELY certainly [adv]
Other tops: GUYSE 15A 43, SURGY 15D 43
Other moves: GUYS 15A 40, SLYER 15D 40, SURLY 15D 40, YUGS 15A 40, LURGY 1A 38
SURELY 15D 43 queen66, HollyIvy
GUYS 15A 40 Pacific
On 15th draw, EXALT 1A 41 --- EXALT to place in a high position [v]
Other tops: EXTRA 1A 41, LAXER 1A 41, TAXER 1A 41
Other moves: RAJ 7K 40, JA 7M 36, TAX F10 35, TEX F10 35, LATEX 14A 33
TEX F10 35 HollyIvy
AXLE 14I 32 Pacific
On 16th draw, DIG 2A 34 --- DIG to break up, turn over, or remove earth [v]
Other moves: DINGER F10 33, DIE 2A 31, DIN 2A 31, NID 2A 31, DING F10 29
QIS 13B 24 HollyIvy, Pacific
On 17th draw, JUS 7M 39 --- JUS a legal right [n]
Other moves: JO 7M 36, JOSS 13B 32, JUCOS B6 32, JURORS N6 31, JUROR N6 30
JUS 7M 39 sicilianc5
JORS N6 27 Pacific
On 18th draw, QUEME 14B 44 --- QUEME to please [v]
Other moves: MENTOR F10 38, COQUET B8 37, MENO F10 34, MENT F10 34, MENU F10 34
COQUET B8 37 sicilianc5, HollyIvy
QUEST O4 24 Pacific
On 19th draw, OBITER 14I 33 --- OBITER as a passing remark [adv]
Other moves: BOOTIE 14I 27, BE 9M 25, BE 6N 24, DEBTOR L10 24, BI 15A 23
OBITER 14I 33 HollyIvy
BE 9M 25 Pacific
On 20th draw, COZIE B8 36 --- COZIE a covering for a teapot [n]
Other tops: COZEN B8 36
Other moves: COZE B8 35, COZ B8 34, ZONER N10 34, ZEK M13 32, ZEK C7 31
COZEN B8 36 HollyIvy, Pacific
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