Game on April 17, 2022 at 08:50, 5 players
1. 258 pts Chelsea
2. 99 pts HollyIvy
3. 64 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 20 20 


I2 42 62 


11E 36 98 


12B 84 182 


3G 80 262 


5E 36 298 


8A 83 381 


4L 41 422 


13I 78 500 


6B 42 542 


N7 78 620 


8J 51 671 


14F 38 709 


2H 32 741 


15A 35 776 


10J 64 840 


B10 35 875 


1L 38 913 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 6:40 -655 258 1.7634 Chelsea 1 6:40 -655 258
HollyIvy 2 2:28 -814 99 2.7813 HollyIvy 2 2:28 -814 99
sicilianc5 1 0:47 -849 64 3.7762 sicilianc5 1 0:47 -849 64
4. -
IIIIII1119 1 1:17 -849 64 Group: not rated
5. -
QQQQQQ1122 1 1:42 -849 64 1. - IIIIII1119 1 1:17 -849 64
2. - QQQQQQ1122 1 1:42 -849 64
On 1st draw, ATWEEN H7 20 --- ATWEEN between [prep]
Other tops: ATWEEN H3 20, ATWEEN H4 20, ATWEEN H8 20
Other moves: ATWEEN H5 18, ATWEEN H6 18, TWEEN H4 18, TWEEN H8 18, TWEEN H5 16
On 2nd draw, INFLUX I2 42 --- INFLUX a flowing in [n]
Other moves: UNFIX I3 41, FAIX I4 39, FALX I4 39, FAUX I4 39, FLAX I4 39
INFLUX I2 42 Chelsea
On 3rd draw, TAPETIS 11E 36 --- TAPETI a rabbit [n]
Other moves: PIA G7 32, STIPA G4 27, TAPS G5 26, TIPS G5 26, SPA G6 25
TAPS G5 26 Chelsea
On 4th draw, PECORINO 12B 84 --- PECORINO a hard cheese made from sheep's milk [n]
Other moves: PECORINO 3C 76, OPORICES K4 74, OPE J5 33, PEC J6 33, PERI J6 32
OPE J5 33 Chelsea
On 5th draw, B(I)NATELY 3G 80 --- BINATE growing in pairs [adv] --- BINATELY in a binate manner [adv]
Other moves: TY(P)ABLE G2 79, BIA(C)ETYL 2H 78, TE(N)ABLY 13I 78, TY(P)ABLE 13I 78, BLAN(K)ETY 3F 76
TEA G7 24 Chelsea
On 6th draw, NEBULAE 5E 36 --- NEBULA a cloud-like interstellar mass [n]
Other moves: NABE 2L 30, BANE 2L 28, BEAN 2L 28, BEAU 2L 28, BENE 2L 28
NAB 2L 28 Chelsea
On 7th draw, MATUREST 8A 83 --- MATURE fully developed [adj]
Other moves: MATURES 13I 82, TRANSUME E2 60, SEAM 2K 32, SMEAR 2K 32, STEM 2K 32
TAME 2L 30 Chelsea
On 8th draw, DOEK 4L 41 --- DOEK an African cloth [n]
Other moves: DAK 2L 39, DIKA 2H 39, DIKE 2H 39, CAKED 13I 38, COKED 13I 38
KID 10J 36 Chelsea
On 9th draw, OARWEED 13I 78 --- OARWEED a type of seaweed [n]
Other moves: REDOWA 2B 40, KAWED O4 39, WEARED 13I 38, KREWE O4 36, WADER 13I 36
KAWED O4 39 Chelsea
On 10th draw, HORAH 6B 42 --- HORAH an Israeli dance [n]
Other tops: HORAH 10J 42
Other moves: HOHA 6D 37, HEPAR B10 36, HOPER B10 36, AHI 6E 33, HAIRED O8 33
On 11th draw, FOETIDER N7 78 --- FOETID stinking [adj]
Other moves: FOETIDER M7 67, DRIFTED O7 39, FODDER O10 39, FOREDID O7 39, FOREDID O9 39
On 12th draw, COYDOG 8J 51 --- COYDOG a hybrid between a coyote and a wild dog [n]
Other moves: CAY O6 44, DAY O6 41, GAY O6 41, YAUD O6 38, YOD O7 38
On 13th draw, JANNS 14F 38 --- JANN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other tops: JINNS 14F 38
Other moves: NINJA 2C 32, JANN 14F 31, JARINA F10 31, JINN 14F 31, JA 2F 29
On 14th draw, GIMEL 2H 32 --- GIMEL a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: IDEM O12 30, LIMEN 2H 30, LIMES 2H 30, MES 15G 30, NIDES O11 29
On 15th draw, VIRIN(O) 15A 35 --- VIRINO a hypothetical organism [n]
Other moves: VIP(E)R B10 34, VI(S)AS J10 27, INV(A)R 4B 22, VIN 13A 20, D(E)V O13 19
On 16th draw, QI 10J 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI J10 31, VIOLA 4A 27, VOILA 4A 27, QI B14 22, VIA 13A 20
QI 10J 64 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, IIIIII1119, QQQQQQ1122
On 17th draw, ZUPA B10 35 --- ZUPA a confederation of village communities [n]
Other tops: ZAPS B10 35
Other moves: ZAP B10 34, OYEZ N2 32, TOAZES C8 32, TOUZES C8 32, ZAS 13A 32
ZAPS B10 35 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, GOVS 1L 38 --- GOV a regulator, short for governor [n]
Other moves: GIOS 1L 29, SLOG 1L 24, SILO 1L 21, SOIL 1L 21, SOLI 1L 21
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