Game on April 20, 2022 at 18:28, 9 players
1. 310 pts Pacific
2. 200 pts queen66
3. 200 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H2 80 80 


G1 24 104 


F5 64 168 


8A 21 189 


10F 40 229 


A4 60 289 


C6 76 365 


D11 37 402 


K6 78 480 


A1 42 522 


B2 31 553 


J1 35 588 


15A 57 645 


L1 49 694 


C2 39 733 


H10 39 772 


14F 31 803 


13G 42 845 


8K 21 866 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 2 7:33 -556 310 1.7967 queen66 0 6:35 -666 200
queen66 0 6:35 -666 200 2.7858 HollyIvy 0 6:47 -666 200
HollyIvy 0 6:47 -666 200 3.7809 Mycophot 0 7:04 -666 200
Mycophot 0 7:04 -666 200 4.7786 sicilianc5 3 3:20 -742 124
Discus22 0 2:27 -739 127 Group: intermediate
sicilianc5 3 3:20 -742 124 1.6531 Pacific 2 7:33 -556 310
Hammer22 0 4:21 -770 96 2.6578 Discus22 0 2:27 -739 127
8. -
QQQQQQ1122 1 1:49 -824 42 3.6665 Hammer22 0 4:21 -770 96
ShotPut22 0 0:51 -836 30 4.6435 ShotPut22 0 0:51 -836 30
Group: not rated
1. - QQQQQQ1122 1 1:49 -824 42
On 1st draw, M(O)FETTE H2 80 --- MOFETTE a noxious emanation from a fissure in the earth [n]
Other tops: F(U)METTE H4 80
Other moves: F(U)METTE H2 78, M(O)FETTE H4 78, F(U)METTE H6 74, F(U)METTE H7 74, F(U)METTE H8 74
F(U)METTE H4 30 Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66
On 2nd draw, COTEAU G1 24 --- COTEAU the higher ground of a region [n]
Other moves: FAUCET 4H 22, CUTIE G1 21, FACET 4H 20, FECIT 4H 20, ATOMIC 2E 18
FAUCET 4H 22 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, FJELD F5 64 --- FJELD a high, barren plateau [n]
Other moves: JOLED F6 59, JODEL F6 57, JEON F6 53, JOLE F6 53, JOE F6 52
JOLED F6 59 Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66
On 4th draw, TARNAL 8A 21 --- TARNAL damned [adj]
Other tops: ANTRAL 8A 21
Other moves: ABLAT(O)R 3C 18, ABOMA 2E 15, ALBA E9 15, ALBA I7 15, ANTRAL E9 15
BAAL E7 15 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 5th draw, SNEAK 10F 40 --- SNEAK to move stealthily [v]
Other tops: KANES 10B 40, KAONS 10B 40, KARNS 10B 40, KENOS 10B 40, KERNS 10B 40, KEROS 10B 40, KNARS 10B 40, KOANS 10B 40, KORAS 10B 40, KORES 10B 40, KRANS 10B 40, SNARK 10F 40, SNOEK 10F 40
Other moves: ANKERS 10A 33, ARKOSE 10B 33, NAKERS 10A 33, NERKAS 10A 33, OAKERS 10A 33
AS 10E 23 HollyIvy
OS 10E 23 queen66
ES 10E 23 Mycophot
On 6th draw, ROGATION A4 60 --- ROGATION the proposal of a law in ancient Rome [n]
Other moves: ORGANIC 1A 33, OARING 11G 26, ARGON 11G 25, ORGAN 11G 25, ORGIA 11G 25
AGON 11H 21 Mycophot, queen66
AGIN 11H 21 HollyIvy
On 7th draw, ACRI(D)INE C6 76 --- ACRIDINE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ARENI(T)IC C7 72, IRENICA(L) C7 72, REA(G)INIC C8 70, RIANCIE(S) C8 70, AC(L)INIC 1A 33
A(S) K9 10 HollyIvy
NA 11I 10 queen66
NE B10 10 Mycophot
On 8th draw, DANDY D11 37 --- DANDY a man who is overly concerned about his appearance [n] --- DANDY fine [adj]
Other moves: ADDY D12 33, DYAD D11 33, DYAD 11H 32, DYAD K9 31, PYIN K9 31
KAY J10 10 Mycophot
YAK J8 10 queen66
PIKA J8 10 HollyIvy
On 9th draw, OBLASTI K6 78 --- OBLAST an administrative division of Russia [n]
Other moves: BLAYS 15A 30, SIBYL 15A 30, ABLY 15A 27, *L*Y*SALIYOS 15A 27, *L*Y*TALIYOT 15A 27
SO 11I 10 HollyIvy
IO 11I 10 queen66
SNEAKS 10F 10 Mycophot
On 10th draw, SUBROGATION A1 42 --- SUBROGATION [n]
Other moves: SURROGATION A1 36, BUTYLS 15A 33, BUOYS 15A 30, BUTYL 15A 30, BLURTS 8J 27
BUOYS 15A 30 ShotPut22
TOBY 15A 27 Pacific
On 11th draw, MEED B2 31 --- MEED a deserved reward [n]
Other moves: DEMY 15A 30, DOMY 15A 30, ODEUM L11 30, ODIUM L11 30, DEMO J4 27
DOMY 15A 30 Hammer22
DEMO J4 27 Pacific
On 12th draw, TOYISH J1 35 --- TOYISH frivolous [adj]
Other moves: TOSHY J2 34, TOSHY L3 34, THO J5 31, TOYISH D1 31, TOYISH L1 31
YO J6 30 Pacific
HOY J4 30 Hammer22
On 13th draw, AGRYZE 15A 57 --- AGRYZE to terrify [v]
Other moves: ZO C3 53, GAZY 15A 51, GLAZER 8J 51, GAZE J12 37, GAZIER 12H 36
ZO C3 53 Discus22
GLAZER 8J 51 Pacific
On 14th draw, POLLEX L1 49 --- POLLEX the innermost digit of the forelimb [n]
Other moves: POLLEX D1 45, PLEX L3 39, EX C3 38, EXPO L4 38, PIX L4 37
EX C3 38 Discus22
PIXIE 12J 28 Pacific
On 15th draw, PEW C2 39 --- PEW a bench for seating people in church [n]
Other tops: PEH C2 39
Other moves: PHEW 1L 36, WHIP 14F 33, WHOP 14F 33, WHUP 14F 33, HOWE 14F 31
PHEW 1L 36 Discus22, Hammer22
WIPE 14F 30 Pacific
On 16th draw, ENVIRO H10 39 --- ENVIRO an advocate for the preservation of the natural environment [n]
Other tops: ENVIER H10 39
Other moves: OLIVER 8J 30, LEVIN 8K 27, LIVEN 8K 27, LIVER 8K 27, LIVOR 8K 27
OLIVER 8J 30 sicilianc5
PERV 1L 27 Pacific
On 17th draw, WIRER 14F 31 --- WIRER one that wires [n]
Other moves: OLIVER 8J 30, WERO 14F 28, WIRE 14F 28, WORE 14F 28, LIVER 8K 27
WIRER 14F 31 sicilianc5
PROW 1L 27 Pacific
On 18th draw, QI 13G 42 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI G13 42
Other moves: LOUGH 8K 30, PUGH 1L 30, PRUH 1L 27, HOI M2 23, LURGI 8K 21
QI G13 42 Pacific, sicilianc5, QQQQQQ1122
On 19th draw, LURGI 8K 21 --- LURGI a fictitious disease [n]
Other tops: PRIG 1L 21, PROG 1L 21
Other moves: POUR 1L 18, PUIR 1L 18, PURI 1L 18, UNGOT 11G 17, GIG B13 14
PROG 1L 21 sicilianc5
PRIG 1L 21 Pacific
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