Game on April 21, 2022 at 07:21, 7 players
1. 175 pts fatcat
2. 151 pts HollyIvy
3. 54 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 48 48 


5E 90 138 


4A 24 162 


B2 62 224 


A8 89 313 


G7 27 340 


14A 34 374 


11E 102 476 


13C 47 523 


J1 72 595 


2A 65 660 


1H 54 714 


15D 32 746 


C6 22 768 


H14 39 807 


1D 48 855 


14H 30 885 


15K 27 912 


13I 45 957 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
fatcat 1 5:19 -782 175 1.7814 HollyIvy 1 3:31 -806 151
HollyIvy 1 3:31 -806 151 2.7798 sicilianc5 0 1:16 -903 54
sicilianc5 0 1:16 -903 54 3.7754 moonmonkey 1 1:43 -918 39
4. -
IIIIII1119 1 1:22 -912 45 4.7676 Mycophot 0 1:05 -927 30
5. -
QQQQQQ1122 1 1:41 -912 45 Group: intermediate
moonmonkey 1 1:43 -918 39 1.6514 fatcat 1 5:19 -782 175
Mycophot 0 1:05 -927 30 Group: not rated
1. - IIIIII1119 1 1:22 -912 45
2. - QQQQQQ1122 1 1:41 -912 45
On 1st draw, JAWED H4 48 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other tops: JOWED H4 48
Other moves: JAWED H8 36, JOWED H8 36, JAWED H5 32, JAWED H6 32, JAWED H7 32
On 2nd draw, AREADING 5E 90 --- AREAD to declare [v]
Other moves: DREADING 8H 89, AREDING I4 86, DERAIGN I5 75, AREDING G6 73, DEARING G7 72
On 3rd draw, GROUP 4A 24 --- GROUP to arrange in a group (an assemblage of persons or things) [v]
Other tops: POUR 4J 24
Other moves: PRONG L1 22, UPGO 4L 22, PONG G7 21, PORN G7 20, POUR G7 20
On 4th draw, CORIXI(D) B2 62 --- CORIXID a type of water bug [n]
Other moves: COD(E)X I3 55, DOXI(E) I5 45, CO(M)IX C3 42, D(E)X I5 39, CY(L)IX J2 38
On 5th draw, ARTSMEN A8 89 --- ARTSMAN craftsman [n]
Other moves: MARTENS A7 87, SARMENT A7 85, GARMENTS L5 78, PARAMENTS E4 76, SARMENT C7 76
On 6th draw, BEVEL G7 27 --- BEVEL to cut at an angle [v]
Other tops: BEVEL(S) G7 27, C(A)DEE I3 27
Other moves: BEVE(L) G7 26, BEVE(R) G7 26, BEV(E)L G7 26, BEV(U)E G7 26, BELIVE J2 25
On 7th draw, NITERY 14A 34 --- NITERY a nightclub [n]
Other moves: TOEY B11 32, TORY B11 32, YETI F10 30, TYRE B11 29, TYRO B11 29
On 8th draw, FULMINES 11E 102 --- FULMINE to explode loudly [v]
Other moves: MUNIFIES J2 77, FULMINE 11E 48, UNLIMES 11E 36, WIFE 6H 36, NEUMS 15D 34
On 9th draw, SPEAK 13C 47 --- SPEAK to utter words [v]
Other moves: SPAKE 13C 43, SPOKE 13C 43, KOAPS 12C 42, OKAPIS 15F 41, KEPS 12D 40
On 10th draw, ARC(H)IVAL J1 72 --- ARCHIVAL pertaining to archive [adj] --- ARCHIVE to file in an archive (a place where records are kept) [adj]
Other tops: CAR(N)IVAL J1 72
Other moves: CARN(I)VAL J8 66, CARN(I)VAL K2 62, RA(S)CAL 15D 38, AR(E)CA 15D 35, AR(E)AL 15D 29
On 11th draw, OCTANGLE 2A 65 --- OCTANGLE an octagon [n]
Other moves: AGENT 15D 37, GELANT 15E 31, GELATO 15E 31, TANGELO 1I 30, ETALON 12H 29
On 12th draw, BEANY 1H 54 --- BEANY a small cap [n]
Other moves: MOSEY H11 45, YEANS 1H 42, BOYGS A1 40, BEANOS 1H 39, BEANO 1H 36
On 13th draw, WAST 15D 32 --- WAST to consume lavishly or thoughtlessly [v] --- WAST west [n]
Other moves: WAS 15D 31, SAW H13 30, SOW H13 30, ALOW 4L 28, SLAW 15F 27
SPEW D12 26 fatcat
On 14th draw, UDO C6 22 --- UDO a Japanese herb [n]
Other moves: DORT 12I 21, DURO 12I 21, TIGROID L3 20, TORII 12I 20, ID C6 19
DIG L3 10 fatcat
On 15th draw, HE H14 39 --- HE a male person [n]
Other moves: DE H14 33, HOAED 12K 31, AE H14 30, HAED 12L 30, HEAD 12L 30
HE H14 39 moonmonkey
WASTED 15D 30 fatcat
HOOD 12L 30 HollyIvy
HEAD 12L 30 sicilianc5
HEID 12L 30 Mycophot
On 16th draw, ZOA 1D 48 --- ZOON the whole product of one fertilized egg, pl ZOA or ZOONS [n]
Other tops: ZOIST L8 48
Other moves: AZO 1C 47, ZA 1D 44, ZO 1D 44, HOATZIN 14H 42, AZON 4L 34
ZA 1D 44 fatcat
ZO A1 33 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, HIDEOUT 14H 30 --- HIDEOUT a place of refuge [n]
Other moves: GOODIEST L5 24, LOOTED 8J 24, LOUTED 8J 24, (H)OUTED 4J 24, OOTID 12I 22
HIDEOUT 14H 30 fatcat
LOOTED 8J 24 sicilianc5
LOUTED 8J 24 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, TORII 15K 27 --- TORII the gateway of a Japanese temple [n]
Other moves: IRON 15L 22, IGNITORS L4 20, TORII 12I 20, TRITONE 10A 20, INTO 13J 19
INTO 13J 19 HollyIvy
TONE 10D 15 fatcat
On 19th draw, QI 13I 45 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FLOSH L8 30, FOHN 12K 29, QI 10I 28, FOH 12K 27, HONG A1 26
QI 13I 45 HollyIvy, IIIIII1119, QQQQQQ1122
FISH L9 20 fatcat
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