Game on April 21, 2022 at 08:07, 8 players
1. 655 pts fatcat
2. 167 pts sicilianc5
3. 157 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 84 84 


11E 36 120 


10B 57 177 


15D 128 305 


12H 26 331 


14J 57 388 


O12 39 427 


9A 49 476 


A3 39 515 


9G 67 582 


2A 81 663 


1G 37 700 


C9 32 732 


5A 28 760 


14A 35 795 


A12 78 873 


4D 36 909 


O5 48 957 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
fatcat 3 12:24 -302 655 1.7798 sicilianc5 1 3:20 -790 167
sicilianc5 1 3:20 -790 167 2.7754 moonmonkey 0 5:25 -800 157
moonmonkey 0 5:25 -800 157 3.7835 HollyIvy 1 4:56 -817 140
HollyIvy 1 4:56 -817 140 4.7907 queen66 0 2:36 -895 62
5. -
YYYYYY1119 1 0:53 -879 78 Group: intermediate
6. -
UUUUUU1119 1 1:18 -879 78 1.6527 fatcat 3 12:24 -302 655
7. -
QQQQQQ1122 1 1:38 -879 78 Group: not rated
queen66 0 2:36 -895 62 1. - YYYYYY1119 1 0:53 -879 78
2. - UUUUUU1119 1 1:18 -879 78
3. - QQQQQQ1122 1 1:38 -879 78
On 1st draw, FRESHEN H8 84 --- FRESHEN to improve the condition of [v]
Other tops: FRESHEN H4 84
Other moves: FRESHEN H2 78, FRESHEN H3 78, FRESHEN H6 78, FRESHEN H7 78, FRESHEN H5 76
FRESHEN H4 34 fatcat
On 2nd draw, AIRSTOP 11E 36 --- AIRSTOP a helicopter stopping place [n]
Other moves: ATROPIN 14B 30, PHOBIA 12G 26, BIOTA G10 24, PROBATE 13B 24, BIOTA G7 23
PROBATE 13B 24 fatcat
On 3rd draw, LATEX 10B 57 --- LATEX a milky liquid of certain plants [n]
Other moves: WAX 10D 56, WEX 10D 56, LANX 10C 54, LAX 10D 53, LEX 10D 53
WAX 10D 56 fatcat
On 4th draw, ADVISEE 15D 128 --- ADVISEE one who is given counsel [n]
Other moves: ADVISEE L7 86, EVADES 15C 84, VADES 15D 81, DEVISE 15D 78, ADVISE 15D 75
DIVES 15D 75 fatcat
On 5th draw, HOSIER 12H 26 --- HOSIER one that makes hose [n]
Other moves: HEROS 12H 24, HIRES 12H 24, HORIS 12H 24, HOSER 12H 24, ROUSE L8 22
ROUSE L8 22 fatcat
On 6th draw, WOWF(E)R 14J 57 --- WOWF crazy [adj]
Other moves: FROWI(E) 14J 51, FROW(N) 14J 49, FROW(S) 14J 49, FROW(Y) 14J 49, WI(D)OW 14J 49
FROW(N) 14J 49 fatcat
On 7th draw, KART O12 39 --- KART a small motor vehicle [n]
Other tops: PARK O12 39
Other moves: KALPA C9 32, KIP 9C 32, PALKI 14A 31, PATIKI C9 30, KATIPOS J6 29
KART O12 39 fatcat
On 8th draw, DAZE 9A 49 --- DAZE to stun [v]
Other moves: AVIZE 14A 48, ZIT 9C 48, ZA 9C 44, ADZE 14B 42, DAZE 14B 42
ZIT 9C 48 fatcat
On 9th draw, MICATED A3 39 --- MICATE to furnish with mica [v]
Other moves: CITIED A4 36, ZAMIA C9 32, MACED A5 30, AM 8A 26, EM 8A 26
MATED A5 24 fatcat
On 10th draw, GRIDLOC(K) 9G 67 --- GRIDLOCK a traffic jam [n] --- GRIDLOCK to cause a severe traffic jam [v]
Other moves: CLI(N)GED 13C 34, CLO(G)GED 13C 34, (P)OLICED 13C 34, COG(G)LED 13C 32, CO(G)GLED 13C 32
COD B2 19 fatcat
On 11th draw, ERINITE 2A 81 --- ERINITE a basic arsenate of copper [n]
Other moves: ZANIER C9 30, ENTIRE 2A 29, ZAIRE C9 28, ZANTE C9 28, ENTER 2A 23
ERINITE 2A 31 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5
METRE 3A 14 fatcat
On 12th draw, BROGH 1G 37 --- BROGH a circular tower [n]
Other moves: EPHOR 1F 36, HERB 1E 36, HOPER 1G 35, PEGH 1G 34, HORAL B6 33
HERB 1E 36 fatcat
HOPER 1G 35 moonmonkey
HOPER 12A 31 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66
On 13th draw, ZAMAN C9 32 --- ZAMAN the raintree [n]
Other moves: MOLAL B6 27, MONAL B6 27, COALMAN 5A 22, HAMAUL K1 22, MA B6 22
MONAL B6 27 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
MO B6 22 fatcat
On 14th draw, COVYNE 5A 28 --- COVYNE a coven [n]
Other tops: CONVEY 5A 28, YE B6 28, YO B6 28
Other moves: ENVOY 2K 27, COVEY 5A 26, NOY 3E 26, VENEY 13E 26, ENVY 2K 25
YE B6 28 HollyIvy
ENVOY 2K 27 fatcat
On 15th draw, ANGLO 14A 35 --- ANGLO a white North American of non-Hispanic or non-French descent [n]
Other moves: NODAL 3C 31, NODAL 4D 29, DAG 14A 28, DOG 14A 28, DUG 14A 28
OUD 4D 23 HollyIvy
HOUND K1 18 fatcat
On 16th draw, QUAY A12 78 --- QUAY a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUAD A12 72, JEAN A12 57, QUAY 12A 52, QUAD 12A 48, QUEAN A11 45
QUAY A12 78 fatcat, sicilianc5, YYYYYY1119, UUUUUU1119, QQQQQQ1122
On 17th draw, OUPED 4D 36 --- OUP to bind with thread [v]
Other moves: MENUDO 3A 31, NODULE 4D 31, NOPE 4D 28, QUAD 12A 28, NEP 4D 26
QUAD 12A 28 moonmonkey
HOPED K1 22 fatcat
On 18th draw, JAILS O5 48 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JINS O6 45, JUS O7 42, JAI 8D 36, JIN 8D 36, JUN 8D 36
JAILS O5 48 fatcat
JIN 8D 36 moonmonkey
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