Game on April 21, 2022 at 17:53, 6 players
1. 361 pts Pacific
2. 237 pts Atlantic
3. 203 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 26 26 


11E 82 108 


12D 23 131 


12K 31 162 


N5 80 242 


8L 36 278 


O1 35 313 


O12 24 337 


M3 30 367 


6E 75 442 


14J 30 472 


15G 39 511 


L1 50 561 


5I 29 590 


E1 72 662 


8A 36 698 


1D 48 746 


7C 23 769 


2B 35 804 


C2 26 830 


13C 24 854 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 0 17:32 -493 361 1.7820 sicilianc5 3 7:46 -651 203
Atlantic 1 16:01 -617 237 2.7818 HollyIvy 2 3:44 -697 157
sicilianc5 3 7:46 -651 203 3.7677 Mycophot 2 2:25 -711 143
HollyIvy 2 3:44 -697 157 Group: intermediate
Mycophot 2 2:25 -711 143 1.6572 Pacific 0 17:32 -493 361
6. -
TTTTTT1115 1 1:57 -815 39 Group: not rated
1.3940 Atlantic 1 16:01 -617 237
2. - TTTTTT1115 1 1:57 -815 39
On 1st draw, ROSILY H7 26 --- ROSILY in a rosy manner [adv]
Other tops: DOILY H8 26, DRILY H8 26, LORDY H8 26, YIRDS H4 26
Other moves: ROILY H8 24, SOILY H8 24, DOILY H4 22, DRILY H4 22, SLOYD H8 22
On 2nd draw, IDOLAT(E)R 11E 82 --- IDOLATER one that worships idols [n]
Other tops: IDOLATR(Y) 11E 82, IDOLAT(O)R 11E 82, ID(O)LATOR 11E 82, TAILOR(E)D 11E 82
Other moves: DI(L)ATORY 12A 76, ADROIT(L)Y 12A 74, AD(D)ITORY 12A 74, A(D)DITORY 12A 74, A(U)DITORY 12A 74
DAY 12F 7 Atlantic
On 3rd draw, SOOEY 12D 23 --- SOOEY used for calling pigs [interj]
Other tops: NOISY 12D 23
Other moves: EOSIN M9 21, ISNAE M10 19, SAINE M11 19, AEONS 12K 17, ISNA M10 17
SOON M11 17 Pacific
DINE F11 7 Atlantic
On 4th draw, SEEDY 12K 31 --- SEEDY containing seeds; inferior in condition or quality [adj]
Other moves: SEEDY M11 27, REEDY L11 26, SEEDY 10J 26, SYED M11 25, EYED 12L 24
YES M9 19 Pacific
REED 7H 6 Atlantic
On 5th draw, EM(B)ANKED N5 80 --- EMBANK to confine or protect with a raised structure [v]
Other moves: (F)AKEMENT J4 75, KAM(S)EEN G2 69, KAM(S)EEN I2 69, KEE(L)MAN G2 69, (W)AKEMEN G2 69
M(O)NKEY O7 42 Pacific
Y(I)KE O12 30 Atlantic
On 6th draw, CLAW 8L 36 --- CLAW to scratch with claws (sharp, curved toenails) [v]
Other tops: BLAW 8L 36
Other moves: WEAL 8L 33, WE O8 32, BEAU 8L 27, BLAE 8L 27, BE O8 26
CLAW 8L 36 Atlantic
WEAL 8L 33 Pacific
On 7th draw, GROUF O1 35 --- GROUF the face [n]
Other moves: PROUD O1 30, PUDOR O1 29, FOP 6F 28, GOURD O1 27, YORP O12 27
YOUR O12 21 Pacific
On 8th draw, YUGA O12 24 --- YUGA an age of time in Hinduism [n]
Other tops: YAGI O12 24, YAGS O12 24, YUGS O12 24
Other moves: AGUISE 13A 23, GUISER 2J 22, GUISE 13B 21, YEAS O12 21, GAUMS 6K 18
GAUMS 6K 18 Pacific
On 9th draw, PUTEAL M3 30 --- PUTEAL a wall around the top of a well [n]
Other moves: POUTER 2J 28, GAUPER 2J 26, POTAGER 2I 24, GAPE 6F 23, GAPO 6F 23
POUTER 2J 28 HollyIvy
POET G10 11 Pacific
On 10th draw, ELAPINE 6E 75 --- ELAPINE pertaining to a family of snakes [adj]
Other tops: ALEPINE 6E 75
Other moves: ALEPINE G1 64, ALEPINE I1 64, ELAPINE G1 64, ELAPINE I1 64, PENALISE 9B 63
PALING 14J 30 HollyIvy, Pacific
PANG 1L 10 Atlantic
On 11th draw, BELONG 14J 30 --- BELONG to be a member of [v]
Other moves: BETON 13I 29, BOTEL 13I 29, BEL 5E 22, BEN 5E 22, BET 5E 22
LOB 5I 22 HollyIvy
BEN 5E 22 sicilianc5
BET 5I 20 Pacific
QI I5 11 Atlantic
On 12th draw, VIVAT 15G 39 --- VIVAT an expression of applause [n]
Other tops: VIVAS 15G 39
Other moves: VIVA 15G 34, TRAVIS 15F 33, SAV 13K 31, RIVAS 15G 30, VITAS 15G 30
VIVAT 15G 39 sicilianc5, TTTTTT1115
VIAS 15H 27 Pacific
VASE K3 14 Atlantic
On 13th draw, DOUX L1 50 --- DOUX very sweet -- used of champagne [adj]
Other moves: ROUX L1 46, DUX L2 44, OX L3 40, DRUXIER E1 30, DRUXIER K1 30
DOUX L1 50 Mycophot, sicilianc5
OX L3 40 Pacific
DOE G10 7 Atlantic
On 14th draw, DIF 5I 29 --- DIF short for difference [n]
Other tops: FAD 5E 29
Other moves: FRAIM 5A 28, MADID 1H 27, DIRAM 5C 26, FARM 5B 26, FAT 5E 26
FAD 5E 29 Mycophot, HollyIvy
FIDO F9 10 Atlantic
On 15th draw, HEARTENS E1 72 --- HEARTEN to give courage to [v]
Other tops: HASTENER E2 72
Other moves: HATREDS 1G 33, THREADS 1G 33, TRASHED 1F 33, TAHRS 7E 31, ASHEN 5C 30
THREADS 1G 33 Pacific, Mycophot
SHARD 1H 27 Atlantic
On 16th draw, NOAHS 8A 36 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other tops: HORAH 1A 36
Other moves: HORAH 1E 33, AH F1 31, EH F1 31, HAE F2 31, OH F1 31
HAE F2 31 Mycophot
HORNED 1G 30 Pacific
QI H14 11 Atlantic
On 17th draw, WHANG 1D 48 --- WHANG to beat with a whip [v]
Other moves: THAWING 1D 45, HAWING 1E 39, ANIGHT 1A 36, HAMING 1E 36, HAWM 1E 36
WHANG 1D 48 HollyIvy
WHAM 1D 16 Atlantic
On 18th draw, BENI 7C 23 --- BENI the sesame plant [n]
Other moves: ERICK 10J 22, BECKE 10K 20, BEE D3 20, BEN 7C 20, BRACE 3C 20
BEN 7C 20 Pacific
BEE D3 20 sicilianc5
BRIE 4D 12 Atlantic
On 19th draw, MZEE 2B 35 --- MZEE an old person in East Africa [n]
Other moves: MIZ 10G 30, TEEM 2C 27, AMIE F1 26, MAIZE 3D 26, TREZ 4D 26
ZEA 3C 24 sicilianc5
QI H14 11 Atlantic
On 20th draw, ZITI C2 26 --- ZITI a type of pasta like macaroni [n]
Other moves: QI 13C 24, ZIT C2 24, QI 3A 15, RICK 10K 15, TICK 10K 15
ZITI C2 26 sicilianc5
QI H14 11 Atlantic
On 21th draw, QI 13C 24 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QI B5 24
Other moves: BAJRI C7 22, RICK 10K 15, TICK 10K 15, CRIT 13A 14, QIS 9F 13
BAJRI C7 22 sicilianc5
QI H14 11 Atlantic
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