Game on April 23, 2022 at 08:59, 6 players
1. 302 pts Chelsea
2. 213 pts HollyIvy
3. 211 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


5D 86 112 


D4 76 188 


3H 39 227 


C9 91 318 


B10 48 366 


A12 38 404 


M1 62 466 


1G 36 502 


E11 26 528 


8J 63 591 


N4 33 624 


O1 61 685 


15E 30 715 


14H 78 793 


F2 45 838 


13M 24 862 


12L 26 888 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 4 7:43 -586 302 1.7630 Chelsea 4 7:43 -586 302
HollyIvy 2 5:45 -675 213 2.7810 HollyIvy 2 5:45 -675 213
moonmonkey 2 6:13 -677 211 3.7726 moonmonkey 2 6:13 -677 211
sicilianc5 0 1:09 -839 49 4.7856 sicilianc5 0 1:09 -839 49
Mycophot 0 1:29 -839 49 5.7585 Mycophot 0 1:29 -839 49
6. -
YYYYYY1119 1 1:58 -843 45 Group: not rated
1. - YYYYYY1119 1 1:58 -843 45
On 1st draw, CRAWL H4 26 --- CRAWL to move with the body on or near the ground [v]
Other moves: UNLAW H8 24, CRAWL H8 22, CRAWL H5 20, CRAWL H6 20, CRAWL H7 20
On 2nd draw, AIR(D)ROPS 5D 86 --- AIRDROP to drop from an aircraft [v]
Other moves: PARISO(N) 3G 85, PARO(T)IS 3G 85, APORI(A)S 3H 83, PA(V)IORS 3G 83, SPAROI(D) 3H 83
On 3rd draw, VANLOADS D4 76 --- VANLOAD the quantity that a van can carry [n]
Other moves: VANDALS D1 30, VANDAL D1 28, VANDAS D1 28, SOLAND 3H 27, SOLDAN 3H 27
On 4th draw, AMOVES 3H 39 --- AMOVE to remove [v]
Other moves: AMOOVE 8A 33, VAMOSE 8A 33, VAMOSE 3G 29, EGMA C7 27, SMOOGE 8A 27
On 5th draw, B(E)EFING C9 91 --- BEEF to add bulk to [v]
Other tops: BE(E)FING C9 91
Other moves: BEFRING(E) F2 71, B(E)FRINGE F2 71, BRIEF(I)NG F4 67, BR(I)EFING F4 65, FEIGN C9 40
On 6th draw, THEBE B10 48 --- THEBE a monetary unit of Botswana [n]
Other moves: BIGHT 15A 45, EIGHT 15A 39, RIGHT 15A 39, TRIBE B10 39, H*B*HEBE B11 37
On 7th draw, ROPE A12 38 --- ROPE to bind with a rope (a thick line of twisted fibers) [v]
Other tops: NOPE A12 38
Other moves: PELF E11 36, PROF E11 36, GOLFER 15C 33, PELON E11 32, PLEON E11 32
On 8th draw, DISCOUNT M1 62 --- DISCOUNT to reduce the price of [v]
Other moves: DOUC 4L 28, TONIC E11 28, TUNIC E11 28, GUIDON 15C 27, TONDI E11 26
On 9th draw, WEARIED 1G 36 --- WEARY to make or become weary [v]
Other tops: WEIRDIE 1I 36
Other moves: WAIRED 1H 33, WEARED 1H 33, WEIRED 1H 33, AW 2I 30, WADER 1K 30
WEARIED 1G 36 Chelsea
On 10th draw, TAIGA E11 26 --- TAIGA a subarctic evergreen forest [n]
Other tops: GHEST 11A 26
Other moves: TAIG E11 24, TAG E11 22, TIG E11 22, TUG E11 22, GUTTA 8K 21
On 11th draw, SEXTON 8J 63 --- SEXTON a maintenance worker of a church [n]
Other moves: HOXES A6 49, EXONS A6 40, NEXTS A6 40, NOXES A6 40, AXONES 15E 39
HOXES A6 49 Chelsea, HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 12th draw, HUM N4 33 --- HUM to sing without opening the lips or saying words [v]
Other tops: HIM N4 33
Other moves: HAO N6 29, HM N5 28, ITCH 4K 28, UH N5 28, AMAH 15E 27
HIM N4 33 Chelsea
HAO N6 29 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
On 13th draw, LAZED O1 61 --- LAZE to pass time lazily [v]
Other moves: ADZE O1 54, DAZE O1 54, GLAZED 15C 54, LAZE O1 51, ZATI O1 51
LAZED O1 61 HollyIvy, moonmonkey
DAZE 2D 39 Chelsea
On 14th draw, ARKITE 15E 30 --- ARKITE an inmate of Noah's ark [n]
Other moves: AKE F1 29, ARKITE 2B 29, KARITE 2B 29, AKITA 15E 27, TIRAGE 2B 27
AKITA 15E 27 HollyIvy, moonmonkey
GRIKE 2C 25 Chelsea
On 15th draw, TANGIER 14H 78 --- TANGY pungent [adj]
Other tops: TEARING 14H 78
Other moves: INGRATE 14I 76, GRANITE 2A 75, GRATINE 2A 75, INGRATE 2A 75, AERATING 12E 70
TEARING 14H 28 Chelsea
On 16th draw, QUERY F2 45 --- QUERY to question [v]
Other moves: QUERN F2 36, TORQUE F3 35, QUYTE M10 34, QUEY M12 32, SUQ J8 32
QUERY F2 45 moonmonkey, Chelsea, YYYYYY1119
On 17th draw, YOU 13M 24 --- YOU something identified with the person addressed [n] --- YOU the 2d person sing. or pl. pronoun [pron]
Other tops: YON 13M 24, YONI 9I 24
Other moves: OY 13L 22, YO 13M 22, YU 13M 22, PUISNY J5 21, YOUR F12 21
YON 13M 24 HollyIvy
YOU 13M 24 Chelsea
On 18th draw, DOF 12L 26 --- DOF stupid (South African slang) [adj]
Other tops: FIDO 12K 26, FOLD 12K 26
Other moves: FIXIT L6 25, FIXT L6 24, FILO 12K 23, FIX L6 23, FOID 12J 23
FOID 12J 23 HollyIvy
FOLD 12J 23 Chelsea
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