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Game on April 23, 2022 at 14:55, 5 players
1. 372 pts HollyIvy
2. 289 pts sicilianc5
3. 276 pts queen66

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adfinrv   H4    32    32   vifda
 2. elnnorx   4H    30    62   voxel
 3. ?eiioqv   M2    37    99   qis
 4. aeimort   6H    67   166   formiate
 5. ?aaaill   9B    70   236   alalias
 6. adistuw  10B    43   279   wadis
 7. aeiopuw   2J    38   317   opaque
 8. aceoruw   8A    59   376   craw
 9. acehntt   1D    91   467   etchant
10. eimnosu  11D    31   498   semi
11. eiorssy   O1    33   531   eery
12. eegnort  H11    31   562   egret
13. beehosu   2F    40   602   hob
14. beeinst   O6    83   685   ebeniste
15. ejnopuy   3C    49   734   poney
16. deilnnu   L6    72   806   induline
17. dggoors   4C    31   837   odor
18. fgiorsu  N10    35   872   guiros
19. fgkntuv  15L    33   905   fust

Remaining tiles: gjknvz

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7870 FileHollyIvy    5 11:44  -533  372     1.7870 HollyIvy    5 11:44  -533  372 
  2.7814 Filesicilianc5  4  8:37  -616  289     2.7814 sicilianc5  4  8:37  -616  289 
  3.7890 Filequeen66     3  8:54  -629  276     3.7890 queen66     3  8:54  -629  276 
  4.  -  FileCCCCCC1117  1  1:54  -846   59     4.7538 SQUAW1      1  2:28  -850   55 
  5.7538 FileSQUAW1      1  2:28  -850   55            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  CCCCCC1117  1  1:54  -846   59 

On 1st draw, VIFDA H4 32 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other moves: FRIAND H4 28, VIAND H4 26, VIFDA H8 26, FRIAND H7 24, VIFDA H5 24

On 2nd draw, VOXEL 4H 30 --- VOXEL a three dimensional equivalent to a pixel (a point in a computer image) [n]
Other moves: FOX 6H 29, ONLINER 5E 28, EXON I7 26, OXEN I7 26, OXER I7 26
VOXEL 4H 30 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66

On 3rd draw, QI(S) M2 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FIQ(U)E 6H 36, VI(S)IE M2 29, VI(S)IE 5G 28, EVO(S) M1 27, QI G5 27
QI(S) M2 37 queen66, sicilianc5, HollyIvy

On 4th draw, FORMIATE 6H 67 --- FORMIATE a salt of formic acid [n]
Other moves: MEDIATOR 7F 64, AIT N1 30, MI N1 30, RIT N1 30, IO N2 28
MI N1 30 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5

On 5th draw, ALALIA(S) 9B 70 --- ALALIA loss of speech [n]
Other moves: MALA(R)IAL K6 68, ALALIA(S) G7 64, ALALIA(S) G8 60, ALALIA(S) I8 60, AI(D) N1 27
AI(D) N1 27 sicilianc5
AI(S) N1 27 queen66
AI(N) N1 27 HollyIvy

On 6th draw, WADIS 10B 43 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: DAWTIES O1 36, WADI 10B 36, WAISTED O1 36, WIS N1 36, WIT N1 36
WADIS 10B 43 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66

On 7th draw, OPAQUE 2J 38 --- OPAQUE impervious to light [adj] --- OPAQUE to make opaque [v]
Other moves: W*P 11C 36, PAW 8B 34, WAP 3I 34, W*P 3I 34, PAW 3I 32
PAW 8B 34 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy

On 8th draw, CRAW 8A 59 --- CRAW the stomach of an animal [n]
Other moves: CREWE O4 39, CAW 8B 34, CRAW 1G 32, CREW 1G 32, CROW 1G 32
CRAW 8A 59 HollyIvy, CCCCCC1117

On 9th draw, ETCHANT 1D 91 --- ETCHANT a substance used in etching [n]
Other moves: CHENET O4 42, CHEAT O4 39, EECH O1 39, ETCHANT O6 39, TECH O1 39
TECH O1 39 sicilianc5, queen66

On 10th draw, SEMI 11D 31 --- SEMI a freight trailer [n]
Other moves: MIENS O4 30, ISM 11D 29, NEEM O1 27, NEUM O1 27, SEEM O1 27

On 11th draw, EERY O1 33 --- EERY eerie [adj]
Other moves: OY 1N 32, OYESES O4 30, EYERS O4 27, EYRIES O6 27, OYERS O4 27

On 12th draw, EGRET H11 31 --- EGRET a wading bird [n]
Other moves: ERGON H11 28, ERGOT H11 28, ENTER H11 25, ENGORE O6 21, SEMITONE 11D 20

On 13th draw, HOB 2F 40 --- HOB to furnish with hobnails [v]
Other moves: HES 2F 36, HOE 2F 36, HOS 2F 36, HE 2F 33, HO 2F 33
HES 2F 36 queen66

On 14th draw, EBENISTE O6 83 --- EBENISTE a cabinetmaker [n]
Other tops: BENTIEST 15A 83
Other moves: EBENISTE 14A 74, EBENISTE 14H 74, EBENISTE 14F 64, BENTIEST 15E 61, BENES 3C 31

On 15th draw, PONEY 3C 49 --- PONEY a pony [n]
Other moves: JOEY 3D 39, JUPE 3C 34, ENJOYS 11J 32, ENJOY 14H 31, UEY 3E 31
PONEY 3C 49 sicilianc5

On 16th draw, INDULINE L6 72 --- INDULINE a blue dye [n]
Other moves: NUDIE N8 25, LIED 4A 22, NIDE 4B 22, NIDE N8 22, NIED 4A 22
NIDE 4B 22 HollyIvy

On 17th draw, ODOR 4C 31 --- ODOR the property of a substance that affects the sense of smell [n]
Other moves: GOOD 4A 26, DOR 4D 25, GODSO K11 25, GOODS K11 24, GOOGS K11 24
GOOD 4A 26 HollyIvy

On 18th draw, GUIROS N10 35 --- GUIRO a percussion instrument [n]
Other moves: GUIRO N10 33, FIGOS N8 31, FIGO N8 28, GIF K11 27, UFOS M12 26
FIGOS N8 31 HollyIvy

On 19th draw, FUST 15L 33 --- FUST to go mouldy [v]
Other moves: GUNK K11 28, TUSK 15L 27, GUST 15L 21, TSK 15M 21, GUN K11 18
FUST 15L 33 HollyIvy, SQUAW1

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