Game on April 24, 2022 at 08:15, 3 players
1. 550 pts fatcat
2. 186 pts Chelsea
3. 6 pts Atlantic
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 80 80 


5D 90 170 


4A 28 198 


A1 33 231 


G9 73 304 


15C 42 346 


F8 58 404 


4K 43 447 


E9 37 484 


12A 28 512 


B10 32 544 


A12 25 569 


2A 28 597 


1F 92 689 


N2 90 779 


8L 51 830 


M2 29 859 


L8 20 879 


A7 26 905 


13I 48 953 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
fatcat 3 14:27 -403 550 1.7635 Chelsea 2 6:08 -767 186
Chelsea 2 6:08 -767 186 Group: intermediate
Atlantic 0 1:21 -947 6 1.6537 fatcat 3 14:27 -403 550
Group: not rated
1.3931 Atlantic 0 1:21 -947 6
On 1st draw, FADDLE(S) H4 80 --- FADDLE to trifle [v]
Other tops: FADDLE(D) H4 80, FADEDL(Y) H4 80, FAD(D)LED H4 80, FA(D)DLED H4 80
Other moves: FADDLE(D) H2 76, FADDLE(S) H2 76, FADEDL(Y) H2 76, FADEDL(Y) H8 76, FAD(D)LED H2 76
F(O)LDED H4 28 fatcat
On 2nd draw, DIC(H)ASIA 5D 90 --- DICHASIA flower clusters [n] --- DICHASIUM a flower cluster [n]
Other tops: DIA(B)ASIC 5D 90
Other moves: S(U)ICIDAL 8A 89, LAICIS(E)D 8H 83, (A)SCIDIA G1 78, ASCIDI(A) G1 75, AC(C)IDIAS 5B 70
CA(R)DS 5G 14 fatcat
On 3rd draw, YATE 4A 28 --- YATE a gate [n]
Other moves: AUNTY 4K 26, YENTA 4K 23, YENTA G9 23, AYE G8 22, AYU G8 22
AUNTY 4K 26 fatcat
On 4th draw, TWAYS A1 33 --- TWAY a set of two [n]
Other moves: SWAY A1 30, TOWY A1 30, TWAY A1 30, TAWTS 3B 29, TAWS 3B 27
SWAY A1 30 fatcat
On 5th draw, PICTURE G9 73 --- PICTURE to make a visual representation of [v]
Other moves: PIECRU(S)T 10B 69, PICTURED 7A 67, CREPITU(S) 10A 65, CUPRITE(S) 10A 65, PICTURE(S) 10A 65
PICTURE G9 23 fatcat
On 6th draw, JANTEE 15C 42 --- JANTEE briskly self-assured [adj]
Other moves: EEJIT 15F 36, EEJIT 15G 36, AJEE 15E 33, AJEE 4J 33, JEAN 15F 33
EEJIT 15F 36 fatcat
On 7th draw, BOX F8 58 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: NOX F8 56, OX F9 55, IBEX 3C 36, BOXEN 4K 34, IBEX 6K 31
BOX F8 58 fatcat
On 8th draw, ZHOS 4K 43 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZHO 4K 41, ZOONS 4K 41, WHIZ 2A 38, ZINCO F2 38, ZINCS F2 38
ZHOS 4K 43 fatcat
On 9th draw, HALM E9 37 --- HALM a plant stem [n]
Other moves: HAM E9 35, LAIGH E9 34, HAG E9 33, HAIL E9 33, MAGI E9 32
HAD 6F 31 fatcat
On 10th draw, VENOM 12A 28 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other tops: VROOM 12A 28
Other moves: ERVEN 3C 26, EREV 3C 22, OOR I7 22, WOVEN 2A 22, WOVE 2A 20
WOVEN 2A 22 fatcat
On 11th draw, FLEER B10 32 --- FLEER to deride by making a face [v]
Other tops: FLEET B10 32, FREET B10 32
Other moves: DOF 6H 30, FORLENT C7 30, WOOFTER 2A 30, ALEFT 3A 29, ORATE B2 28
VOTE A12 21 fatcat
On 12th draw, VEER A12 25 --- VEER to change direction [v]
Other moves: WEINER 2A 22, WIENER 2A 22, ENURE 3C 20, INURE 3C 20, URINE 3C 20
VEER A12 25 fatcat
On 13th draw, WORMIER 2A 28 --- WORMY infested with worms [adj]
Other tops: ENORM 3C 28, INERM 3C 28
Other moves: EMIR 3L 27, OMEN 3L 27, OMER 3L 27, AMINE 3A 26, AMINO 3A 26
MINE A7 23 fatcat
On 14th draw, PEASING 1F 92 --- PEASE to weigh [v]
Other moves: PEASING 1E 88, SPAEING 1E 88, SPAEINGS N4 67, SPINAGES N4 65, ASPEN 1D 37
PANGS 1F 30 fatcat
On 15th draw, ENSEWING N2 90 --- ENSEW to follow [v]
Other moves: RENEWING 14G 80, ENSEW N2 32, NGWEE 6J 30, EWE 3L 29, DINGE 6H 28
EWE 3L 29 Chelsea
WIG 3M 26 fatcat
On 16th draw, KYND 8L 51 --- KYND to beget [v]
Other tops: YORK O8 51
Other moves: YOK O8 48, YANK C10 46, YANK 8L 45, KYBO A7 44, KOND 8L 42
YANK 8L 45 Chelsea
BANK 8L 39 fatcat
On 17th draw, BIOTA M2 29 --- BIOTA the flora and fauna of a region [n]
Other moves: KITBAG L8 26, BAGUIO 13D 24, ABY M6 23, BITO A7 23, TABI A7 23
BIO 7M 21 Chelsea, fatcat
On 18th draw, KOULAN L8 20 --- KOULAN the wild ass [n]
Other moves: KULAN L8 18, NOLO A7 17, ALOD O5 16, LAND O5 16, URNAL 14F 15
NOLO A7 17 Chelsea
YU M8 10 fatcat
On 19th draw, RIVO A7 26 --- RIVO a drinking cry [interj]
Other moves: AVO 3A 24, TIRO M10 18, ROTI A7 17, TIRO A7 17, TORI A7 17
RIVO A7 26 Chelsea
VOLT 11J 14 fatcat
On 20th draw, QUINO 13I 48 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: QUINT 13I 48
Other moves: QUIT C7 30, QUILT 11I 28, QUIN 13I 23, QUOIT C6 22, SUQ I1 22
QUINT 13I 48 Chelsea
QUIT C7 30 fatcat
NOT 13L 6 Atlantic
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