Game on April 26, 2022 at 19:15, 10 players
1. 447 pts Pacific
2. 322 pts HollyIvy
3. 292 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 28 28 


4H 28 56 


5J 31 87 


9F 68 155 


6J 40 195 


8J 31 226 


O1 45 271 


3L 34 305 


8A 36 341 


10J 46 387 


B2 76 463 


L8 30 493 


14I 86 579 


D3 78 657 


O10 54 711 


15F 42 753 


A1 31 784 


2M 26 810 


11E 34 844 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 1 16:15 -397 447 1.7743 HollyIvy 6 8:52 -522 322
HollyIvy 6 8:52 -522 322 2.7828 sicilianc5 2 6:24 -552 292
sicilianc5 2 6:24 -552 292 3.7464 Mycophot 3 6:17 -647 197
Mycophot 3 6:17 -647 197 4.7864 queen66 3 6:27 -647 197
queen66 3 6:27 -647 197 Group: intermediate
6. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:58 -790 54 1.6670 Pacific 1 16:15 -397 447
7. -
YYYYYY1119 1 0:44 -816 28 Group: not rated
8. -
AAAAAA1118 1 1:08 -816 28 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:58 -790 54
9. -
TTTTTT1115 1 1:30 -816 28 2. - YYYYYY1119 1 0:44 -816 28
10. -
GGGGGG1118 1 1:54 -816 28 3. - AAAAAA1118 1 1:08 -816 28
4. - TTTTTT1115 1 1:30 -816 28
5. - GGGGGG1118 1 1:54 -816 28
On 1st draw, LYNAGE H3 28 --- LYNAGE ancestry [n]
Other tops: GENTLY H7 28, TANGLY H7 28
Other moves: AGLEY H8 26, GENTY H8 26, NEATLY H7 26, TANGY H8 26, GENTLY H4 24
TANGY H8 26 Pacific
On 2nd draw, YANKED 4H 28 --- YANK to pull with a jerk [v]
Other tops: DONKEY 4C 28, NAKED G2 28, OAKED G2 28
Other moves: AKED G3 27, EKED G3 27, KANDY 4D 26, OAKEN G2 26, YOKED 4H 26
DONKEY 4C 28 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
OAK G4 20 Pacific
On 3rd draw, OAF 5J 31 --- OAF a clumsy, stupid person [n]
Other moves: IF 5K 27, OF 5K 27, FAIKES K1 26, FEIS 3L 25, FEUS 3L 25
OAF 5J 31 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy, Pacific
On 4th draw, AL(S)OONE 9F 68 --- ALSOONE as soon [adv]
Other moves: A(T)ENOLOL 3A 66, NA(P)OLEON 5A 64, AL(S)OONE G8 60, AL(S)OONE I8 60, ANOLE 3K 29
ONEL(Y) 3K 27 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
(S)ALOON 9H 17 Pacific
On 5th draw, BETISE 6J 40 --- BETISE stupidity [n]
Other moves: BESET 6J 39, BESIT 6J 39, BESTI 6J 39, BETES 6J 39, BITES 6J 39
BITES 6J 39 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
ST 6K 15 Pacific
On 6th draw, TORRID 8J 31 --- TORRID extremely hot [adj]
Other moves: DOILTER O1 27, DORTIER O1 27, TORRID 8A 27, DIOL 8L 26, DIRL 8L 26
DOILTER O1 27 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot
DIRT 3L 24 Pacific
On 7th draw, WAMB(L)E O1 45 --- WAMBLE to move unsteadily [v]
Other tops: WIMB(L)E O1 45
Other moves: W(E)MB 10J 39, W(O)MB 10J 39, (C)UMBIA 8A 38, BA(R)MIE O1 36, MIA(O)W 10B 36
WIMB(L)E O1 45 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, HAEM 3L 34 --- HAEM a component of hemoglobin [n]
Other moves: ICED 10I 33, CEDI 10J 31, CHA 10E 31, CHI 10E 31, DICH 10C 31
DICH 10C 31 sicilianc5
DAH 10D 28 Pacific
On 9th draw, NEVOID 8A 36 --- NEVOID pertaining to a nevus [adj] --- NEVUS a birthmark [adj]
Other moves: POIND 10J 35, PONIED 10J 34, OPED 10I 33, OPINED 8A 33, PIONED 8A 33
OPED 10I 33 sicilianc5
VINED 10B 28 Pacific
On 10th draw, POZ 10J 46 --- POZ positive [adj]
Other moves: ZEROS 10B 42, PREZ 10I 41, POZ 10L 39, DAZERS F8 36, POZOLES D7 36
POZ 10J 46 sicilianc5
DAZERS F8 36 Pacific
On 11th draw, OUTHIRES B2 76 --- OUTHIRE to give out as if on hire [v]
Other tops: SHOUTIER B2 76
Other moves: ROUTHIE B2 36, ROUTHS 11F 35, ROSHI 10C 33, ROUTH 10B 33, RUTHS 11G 33
SOUTH 10B 33 sicilianc5, Pacific
On 12th draw, REZERO L8 30 --- REZERO to reset (a gauge) back to zero [v]
Other moves: VELCRO 11E 28, LOGE A1 26, VEGO C1 26, COG A1 23, VEGO 10D 23
VEGO C1 26 sicilianc5
HOVER 5B 22 Pacific
On 13th draw, DIASTER 14I 86 --- DIASTER a stage in mitosis [n]
Other moves: DISRATED O8 83, TIRADES 14F 80, ARIDEST 14G 78, TARDIES 14F 78, ASTEROID 13G 72
DIASTER 14I 36 sicilianc5
ASTER 14K 26 Pacific
On 14th draw, CATEGORY D3 78 --- CATEGORY a division in any system of classification [n]
Other moves: AYGRE O11 39, GYRATE 15D 39, GYRATE 15F 37, GRYCE 15E 36, CAGY 10C 33
YARE O12 33 sicilianc5, Pacific
On 15th draw, EXPIRE O10 54 --- EXPIRE to come to an end [v]
Other moves: NIXE A1 50, PIX A1 47, NEXT M11 44, EXINE 15G 43, NIX A1 41
EXPIRE O10 54 sicilianc5, PPPPPP1116
XI A1 29 Pacific
On 16th draw, QUAI 15F 42 --- QUAI a wharf [n]
Other moves: QUA 15G 39, QI 15H 36, QI A1 35, QUA 6F 32, QUAG 13G 32
QUAI 15F 42 HollyIvy
QUA 15G 39 Pacific
On 17th draw, VINS A1 31 --- VIN wine [n]
Other tops: FINS A1 31
Other moves: FICUS C10 28, VISE 11I 28, FISC C10 26, FUCI C10 26, FUSC C10 26
FINS A1 31 HollyIvy
YIN 10D 14 Pacific
On 18th draw, TWA 2M 26 --- TWA two [n]
Other moves: WIT 2J 25, WIT E4 23, CIT 2J 22, CUT 2J 22, WILT 2I 20
TWA 2M 26 HollyIvy
On 19th draw, JUNGLI 11E 34 --- JUNGLI an uneducated peasant [n]
Other moves: YUM 10D 26, MULING C10 25, MI 10F 24, JAM K13 21, MING C10 21
YUM 10D 26 HollyIvy, Pacific
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