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Game on May 2, 2022 at 12:25, 4 players
1. 314 pts Mycophot
2. 288 pts HollyIvy
3. 260 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. adinopu   H7    22    22   unipod
 2. eioruvy  12H    26    48   dyvour
 3. aefgmor   8A    98   146   forgeman
 4. ?deiuwz   E5    76   222   wizened
 5. beinoos   N6    81   303   boonies
 6. eeeilrt   O3    33   336   eelier
 7. adeklot   F6    37   373   domal
 8. acdiknt   D1    35   408   kinda
 9. ?aenstv   1D    92   500   kistvaen
10. aehrrtw   2I    57   557   thawer
11. eimnqtt   C2    37   594   qi
12. aehlntu   2F    28   622   ha
13. eelmnrx   3F    41   663   ex
14. ijortuy   M7    38   701   jo
15. cegilpt   4F    27   728   tice
16. aaemnps   C6    82   810   parmesan
17. afgiosy  14A    55   865   gasify
18. eiorttu   A3    62   927   reoutfit
19. bcgnrtu   G7    25   952   ba
20. gllnrtu  15A    21   973   ug

Remaining tiles: cllnrt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7447 FileMycophot    3 11:44  -659  314     1.7447 Mycophot    3 11:44  -659  314 
  2.7708 FileHollyIvy    4  6:08  -685  288     2.7708 HollyIvy    4  6:08  -685  288 
  3.7616 Filesicilianc5  2  8:10  -713  260     3.7616 sicilianc5  2  8:10  -713  260 
  4.  -  FileWWWWWW1122  1  1:57  -916   57            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  WWWWWW1122  1  1:57  -916   57 

On 1st draw, UNIPOD H7 22 --- UNIPOD a one-legged support [n]
Other tops: DUPION H4 22, PODIA H4 22, POIND H4 22, POUND H4 22, UNPAID H7 22
Other moves: DUPION H3 20, DUPION H7 20, DUPION H8 20, PIANO H4 20, POIND H8 20

On 2nd draw, DYVOUR 12H 26 --- DYVOUR one who is bankrupt [n]
Other moves: IVORY G3 25, VOYEUR 11G 24, YRIVD 12D 24, VERY G4 23, IVY G5 22

On 3rd draw, FORGEMAN 8A 98 --- FORGEMAN an iron worker [n]
Other moves: FROMAGE G2 73, FROMAGE I2 73, FOREARM M7 34, FOGRAM M9 32, GOAF 11K 26

On 4th draw, WIZE(N)ED E5 76 --- WIZEN to shrivel [v]
Other moves: WIZE(S) N8 49, WRIZ(L)ED C7 48, (Y)UZU 7E 48, Z(A)IRE M9 46, WI(S)ED N10 45
WIZE(S) N8 49 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot

On 5th draw, BOONIES N6 81 --- BOONIES a backwoods area [n]
Other moves: BOONIES 13B 80, BOONIES I1 64, BESOIN N10 42, BISON N10 40, BOSON N10 40
BESOIN N10 42 Mycophot, sicilianc5
BISON N10 40 HollyIvy

On 6th draw, EELIER O3 33 --- EELY resembling an eel [adj]
Other moves: EERIE O5 29, RETILE O1 25, LEER O5 24, LEIR O5 24, LERE O5 24
LEER O5 24 sicilianc5
LIER O5 24 Mycophot

On 7th draw, DOMAL F6 37 --- DOMAL shaped like a dome [adj]
Other tops: TAMED F6 37
Other moves: KOTARE M8 36, TALKED D10 31, DAME F6 30, DOEK M7 30, DOME F6 30
KO 11K 26 HollyIvy

On 8th draw, KINDA D1 35 --- KINDA kind of [adv]
Other moves: CATKIN D10 34, DACK D10 29, DAK D4 29, D*CK D10 29, ANTICKE 3I 28
DAK D4 29 HollyIvy, Mycophot, sicilianc5

On 9th draw, K(I)STVAEN 1D 92 --- KISTVAEN a prehistoric stone coffin [n]
Other moves: VET(E)RANS M8 84, V(E)TERANS M8 81, A(D)VENTS 13B 80, NAT(I)VES 13B 80, SERVANT(S) C6 80

On 10th draw, THAWER 2I 57 --- THAWER one that thaws [n]
Other moves: WRITHE 2B 56, WRAITH 2A 54, HATER 2J 47, HEART 2J 47, WHEELIER O1 42
THAWER 2I 57 sicilianc5, WWWWWW1122

On 11th draw, QI C2 37 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: MEINT C2 31, MEIN C2 29, MIEN C2 29, MITTEN D10 26, MEN 3K 24
QI C2 37 HollyIvy, Mycophot

On 12th draw, HA 2F 28 --- HA a sound of surprise [n] --- HA expressing surprise [interj]
Other tops: HE 2F 28
Other moves: HEN 3K 27, HET 3K 27, EH 3L 25, HAE 1M 25, HAN 1M 25
HA 2F 28 Mycophot
HE 2F 28 HollyIvy

On 13th draw, EX 3F 41 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other tops: EX 3L 41
Other moves: REX 1M 34, LEXEME 4J 30, MELEE 3K 30, EX 1N 29, VEX J12 29
EX 3L 41 HollyIvy

On 14th draw, JO M7 38 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other tops: JO 11K 38
Other moves: JIVY J10 33, JURY B3 32, JUREL 10B 28, JOT M8 26, JOY K11 26
JO M7 38 HollyIvy

On 15th draw, TICE 4F 27 --- TICE to entice [v]
Other tops: PEC 1M 27
Other moves: TIC 4F 26, TIP 4F 26, TIGE 4F 25, PEG 1M 24, PET 3K 24
PEC 1M 27 sicilianc5

On 16th draw, PARMESAN C6 82 --- PARMESAN a hard, dry Italian cheese [n]
Other moves: SPAEMAN J4 72, SWAMP L1 42, SWAM L1 36, SWAP L1 36, SWAN L1 32
PARMESAN C6 32 sicilianc5

On 17th draw, GASIFY 14A 55 --- GASIFY to convert into gas [v]
Other moves: YOOF B7 40, SWAY L1 38, FAY B10 37, FOY B10 37, FAY 1M 34
YOOF B7 40 Mycophot

On 18th draw, REOUTFIT A3 62 --- OUTFIT to equip [v] --- REOUTFIT to outfit again [v]
Other moves: EUOI 15E 22, EURO 15E 22, TOORIE B7 22, TOURIE B7 22, TOUTIE B7 22
OTTER 15F 20 Mycophot

On 19th draw, BA G7 25 --- BA the eternal soul, in Egyptian mythology [n]
Other tops: ZOBU 7E 25
Other moves: BUG 1M 24, CRAB 12A 22, BUN 1M 21, BUR 1M 21, BUT 1M 21
BUG 1M 24 Mycophot

On 20th draw, UG 15A 21 --- UG to arouse loathing in [v]
Other moves: WRUNG L2 18, GURN 9K 17, UN 15A 17, UR 15A 17, UT 15A 17
UG 15A 21 Mycophot

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