Game on May 2, 2022 at 19:18, 5 players
1. 269 pts Pacific
2. 141 pts HollyIvy
3. 141 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H3 30 30
2. 3H 84 114
3. O3 45 159
4. N6 34 193
5. 5E 40 233
6. 2J 34 267
7. M7 87 354
8. L9 23 377
9. G8 68 445
10. K7 34 479
11. H12 48 527
12. 9A 71 598
13. 1D 95 693
14. A4 45 738
15. B1 37 775
16. 1N 45 820
17. 11C 28 848
18. C11 32 880
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.6690 Pacific 0 10:41 -611 269 1.7737 HollyIvy 2 4:23 -739 141
2.7737 HollyIvy 2 4:23 -739 141 2.7608 sicilianc5 2 5:03 -739 141
3.7608 sicilianc5 2 5:03 -739 141 3.7636 queen66 2 5:04 -739 141
4.7636 queen66 2 5:04 -739 141 Group: intermediate
5. - YYYYYY1119 1 1:56 -832 48 1.6690 Pacific 0 10:41 -611 269
Group: not rated
1. - YYYYYY1119 1 1:56 -832 48
On 1st draw, BHISTI H3 30 --- BHISTI an Indian water carrier [n]
Other moves: BHISTI H4 28, BHISTI H7 24, BHISTI H8 24, HINTS H4 24, BHISTI H5 22
On 2nd draw, BATFOWLS 3H 84 --- BATFOWL to catch birds at night [v]
Other moves: BATFOWL 3H 32, FOWTHS 4D 30, FOWTH 4D 28, HOWFS 4H 28, FLAWS 9D 27
On 3rd draw, SKLENT O3 45 --- SKLENT to slant [v]
Other moves: SLOKEN O3 33, KLONG L1 30, KLONG N2 28, KEG 9G 27, KEST O1 27
On 4th draw, FOAM N6 34 --- FOAM to form foam (a light, bubbly, gas and liquid mass) [v]
Other moves: OAF 4J 29, APO 4K 28, AW N5 28, FA N6 28, FOWTH 4D 28
On 5th draw, ARRIV(E)D 5E 40 --- ARRIVE to reach a destination [v]
Other moves: DRAV(E) M7 25, RAV(E)D 9E 25, VARD(Y) 10J 25, D(E)VA 9G 24, R(E)AK 4L 24
DRUM(S) 9K 18 Pacific
On 6th draw, SETAE 2J 34 --- SETA a coarse, stiff hair [n]
Other moves: SEIK 4L 27, EASE 4J 26, SETA 2J 22, AIS 4J 19, EA 2N 19
On 7th draw, G(L)ADDON M7 87 --- GLADDON an iris [n]
Other moves: GODDA(M)N M8 79, DADO(I)NG G8 64, DADO(I)NG I8 64, GODDA(M)N G8 63, G(L)ADDON G8 63
On 8th draw, ROIN L9 23 --- ROIN to mutter [v]
Other moves: RINDS 10J 22, RONINS 9C 20, ROSIN 14K 20, NIDS 10K 19, NODS 10K 19
On 9th draw, BEGLOOM G8 68 --- BEGLOOM to make gloomy [v]
Other moves: BLOOM K10 35, GOMBO K11 33, MOBLE K11 33, GLOBE K10 32, GLOOM K10 32
MEG 1M 29 Pacific
On 10th draw, RECTA K7 34 --- RECTUM the terminal portion of the large intestine [n]
Other moves: CAGER 1G 33, CANTER 1F 33, CARNET 1F 33, REGNA K7 31, CANER 1G 30
NEAT H12 24 Pacific
On 11th draw, YUAN H12 48 --- YUAN a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: YEAN H12 48
Other moves: YELK 4L 43, FOAMY N6 37, TODY 10K 37, VEALY 4A 35, LENVOY 12C 32
YEAN H12 48 YYYYYY1119
YEN 1M 30 Pacific
On 12th draw, ROUTINES 9A 71 --- ROUTINE a regular course of procedure [n]
Other moves: RAINOUTS E4 66, OUTRINGS 10A 63, ROUTINGS 10A 63, TOURINGS 10A 63, OUTSIN 14J 26
SNOUT 15G 18 Pacific
On 13th draw, PINOCLE 1D 95 --- PINOCLE a card game [n]
Other moves: PERCOLIN A7 89, POLICEMAN 14A 84, LEPTONIC D6 80, PICOLINE E8 74, PILCORN A4 42
PRINCE A8 39 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
POLICER A3 36 Pacific
On 14th draw, HEDGER A4 45 --- HEDGER one that hedges [n]
Other moves: VERGED A7 39, EDGE 8A 36, VEG 1M 33, HEDGE I11 32, DEV 1M 31
VEG 1M 33 queen66, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
HERD A7 24 Pacific
On 15th draw, JIVER B1 37 --- JIVER one that jives [n]
Other moves: JAPER B1 35, JIVE B1 33, HEJRA 4A 32, HIJRA 4A 32, JAPE 4C 32
JIVER B1 37 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
PEA 1M 26 Pacific
On 16th draw, ZA 1N 45 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: PEAZE J11 43, WEY 1M 39, YEW 1M 39, WEEPY I10 38, FOAMY N6 37
YEW 1M 39 Pacific
On 17th draw, PIXEL 11C 28 --- PIXEL a basic unit of a video image [n]
Other tops: PIXIE E8 28
Other moves: VEX 3B 26, AXE 6D 25, OX B9 25, AX 2F 24, EX 2F 24
OX B9 25 Pacific
On 18th draw, PIQUE C11 32 --- PIQUE to arouse anger or resentment in [v]
Other moves: QUAI J11 29, WE 4L 28, QUA 12A 26, QUA J11 26, QI J11 25
PIQUE C11 32 queen66, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
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