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Game on May 4, 2022 at 17:32, 12 players
1. 361 pts Atlantic
2. 183 pts Pacific
3. 166 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeirtyz   H3    56    56   azerty
 2. aeejssw   I3    35    91   wase
 3. acinosu   G8    68   159   acinous
 4. egiinou   J2    25   184   eng
 5. einnprt   F2    69   253   enprint
 6. aejorsu   K4    38   291   sajou
 7. ?dgiiot   L8    71   362   tigroid
 8. acefilt   1H    47   409   calif
 9. ?enotuv  14A    74   483   ventouse
10. aeilprx  H11    86   569   expel
11. abdgisu  F10    36   605   bag
12. addeilt   M3    82   687   dilated
13. aefhlov  A12    42   729   hove
14. aeikmuw   C9    36   765   mawkin
15. beinors   E8    36   801   snob
16. amooqru   B6    48   849   qorma
17. eiloruv  14J    34   883   video
18. dhilruy   A7    40   923   duh
19. eefirty   C3    46   969   treif

Remaining tiles: eelrry

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.4487 FileAtlantic    1 16:22  -608  361     1.7772 HollyIvy    3  6:31  -803  166 
  2.6732 FilePacific     1  9:11  -786  183     2.7641 queen66     3  3:27  -840  129 
  3.7772 FileHollyIvy    3  6:31  -803  166     3.7429 Mycophot    3  4:45  -840  129 
  4.6525 FileDiscus22    1  6:06  -836  133            Group: intermediate
  5.7641 Filequeen66     3  3:27  -840  129     1.6732 Pacific     1  9:11  -786  183 
  6.7429 FileMycophot    3  4:45  -840  129     2.6525 Discus22    1  6:06  -836  133 
  7.6583 FileHammer22    0  4:33  -858  111     3.6583 Hammer22    0  4:33  -858  111 
  8.6745 FileJavelin22   0  2:22  -906   63     4.6745 Javelin22   0  2:22  -906   63 
  9.  -  FileYYYYYY1119  1  1:12  -913   56     5.6435 ShotPut22   1  1:35  -921   48 
 10.  -  Filerrrrrr1112  1  1:35  -913   56            Group: not rated
 11.  -  FileEEEEEE1116  1  1:56  -913   56     1.4487 Atlantic    1 16:22  -608  361 
 12.6435 FileShotPut22   1  1:35  -921   48     2.  -  YYYYYY1119  1  1:12  -913   56 
                                             3.  -  rrrrrr1112  1  1:35  -913   56 
                                             4.  -  EEEEEE1116  1  1:56  -913   56 

On 1st draw, AZERTY H3 56 --- AZERTY an unconventional computer keyboard layout, cf QWERTY [n]
Other moves: ZAIRE H4 48, AZERTY H7 44, RITZY H8 42, AZERTY H4 38, AZERTY H8 38
AZERTY H3 56 YYYYYY1119, rrrrrr1112, EEEEEE1116

On 2nd draw, WASE I3 35 --- WASE a wisp of hay [n]
Other moves: WAE I3 32, WAS I3 32, ASSEZ 4D 28, RAJES 6H 28, JARS 6F 27
WASE I3 35 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66

On 3rd draw, ACINOUS G8 68 --- ACINOUS relating to a sacklike division of a gland [adj] --- ACINUS a small sacklike division of a gland [adj]
Other tops: ACINOUS I8 68
Other moves: OCAS J1 30, ANOESIS 5E 28, CASINO J6 27, CONIAS J6 27, COUSIN J6 27
SCION J5 27 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy

On 4th draw, ENG J2 25 --- ENG a phonetic symbol [n]
Other tops: NEG J2 25
Other moves: ONIE H12 22, AWEING 3H 20, GENII J6 20, IGNEOUS 14A 20, GEN F10 19
NEG J2 25 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot

On 5th draw, ENPRINT F2 69 --- ENPRINT an enlarged photograph [n]
Other moves: ENPRINT J6 68, ENPRINT I8 67, TENPIN H10 40, PINNER F10 36, PINNET F10 36
PAWNER 3G 14 Atlantic

On 6th draw, SAJOU K4 38 --- SAJOU a long-tailed monkey [n]
Other moves: SAJOU F10 37, SJOE K4 36, SOJA K4 36, SAJOU E8 31, JIAOS 10F 30
JAR 5D 20 Atlantic

On 7th draw, TIG(R)OID L8 71 --- TIGROID like a tiger [adj]
Other moves: DIT(T)OING 11A 68, DI(T)TOING 11A 68, IOD(A)TING 11A 68, DOITI(T) H10 33, DINTI(N)G 11E 32
GO(U)T L5 21 Hammer22
U(N)GOT 8K 15 Atlantic

On 8th draw, CALIF 1H 47 --- CALIF a Muslim leader [n]
Other moves: ATELIC 1G 38, CALIFS 14B 38, TELIC 1H 35, CALF 1H 32, FELICIA 13I 32
CADIE 14J 28 Hammer22
FADE 14J 16 Atlantic

On 9th draw, VENTOUS(E) 14A 74 --- VENTOUSE a suction cap and chain used to assist in difficult childbirth [n]
Other tops: V(E)NTOUSE 14A 74
Other moves: OUTVENO(M) 12A 72, UN(D)EVOUT 13A 70, OUT(G)IVEN 10C 62, CALIFONT 1H 39, CALIFON(T) 1H 36
V(I)DEO 14J 32 Hammer22
DOVE 14L 16 Atlantic

On 10th draw, EXP(E)L H11 86 --- EXPEL to force out [v]
Other moves: PR(E)X H12 54, XI F10 52, XI 15H 51, EXPLAIN C8 48, APEX 15H 42
PAVE A12 36 Atlantic

On 11th draw, BAG F10 36 --- BAG to put into a bag (a flexible container) [v]
Other moves: BAS F10 34, DAB F10 32, GAB F10 32, DAG F10 30, DIVA A12 30
DIVA A12 30 Atlantic, Hammer22, Javelin22

On 12th draw, DILATED M3 82 --- DILATE to make wider or larger [v]
Other moves: TIDELAND C8 72, DETAILED B8 62, CALIFATE 1H 39, DATIVE A10 33, DEVA A12 30
DATIVE A10 33 Javelin22, HollyIvy
DIVE A12 30 Atlantic

On 13th draw, HOVE A12 42 --- HEAVE to lift forcefully [v] --- HOVE to swell [v]
Other tops: FAVE A12 42, HAVE A12 42
Other moves: FAH N4 37, FOH N4 37, HALVE A11 36, VALVE A11 36, VOLVA A11 36
HOVE A12 42 queen66, Atlantic, Pacific
HAVE A12 42 Mycophot

On 14th draw, MAWKIN C9 36 --- MAWKIN a scarecrow [n]
Other moves: MAKEUP 4A 34, EWK K11 33, AWE N5 31, MAWKIN 3A 30, AW N5 28
AWE N5 31 Discus22
DAWK 14L 24 Atlantic
KEA B10 22 Pacific

On 15th draw, SNOB E8 36 --- SNOB one who tends to avoid or rebuff those regarded as inferior [n]
Other moves: BISE N6 32, BOI D10 31, NEIST D10 31, OINTS D11 31, REIST D10 31
BISE N6 32 Discus22
SOB 15C 29 Atlantic
BO B10 25 Pacific

On 16th draw, QORMA B6 48 --- QORMA (India) a mild curry [n]
Other moves: MARQUE 2A 34, UMIAQ 13J 32, OUMA B8 31, ROMA B8 31, MADURO 14J 30
QORMA B6 48 ShotPut22
MARQUE 2A 34 Discus22
QUIM 13J 30 Atlantic
MO B10 25 Pacific

On 17th draw, VIDEO 14J 34 --- VIDEO a recording for playing on a television set [n] --- VIDEO to make a video recording [v]
Other moves: LOURIE C2 28, LOUIE C3 26, OURIE C3 26, REOIL N2 25, VLEI C3 25
VIDEO 14J 34 Discus22
VID 14J 15 Pacific

On 18th draw, DUH A7 40 --- DUH used to indicate that something just stated is too obvious [interj]
Other moves: RHY 15M 34, LURID C3 32, UH A8 31, HI N6 28, HID 15M 28
HID C5 25 Atlantic, Pacific
TI 7M 2 Discus22

On 19th draw, TREIF C3 46 --- TREIF not kosher [adj]
Other moves: EYRIE C3 34, FEY 15M 34, FREIT C3 34, FRY 15M 34, REFIT C3 34
TREIF C3 46 HollyIvy
FRY 15M 34 Atlantic
FY 15N 29 Pacific

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