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Game on May 7, 2022 at 18:37, 6 players
1. 415 pts Pacific
2. 183 pts HollyIvy
3. 182 pts Atlantic

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abceest   H3    26    26   abcees
 2. eknrsuy   3G    38    64   yankers
 3. ?gnorru   K2    66   130   reground
 4. aegiopv   8K    27   157   novae
 5. aadirsw   M8    30   187   vawards
 6. aabgmno   2B    31   218   bagman
 7. denootw   B2    72   290   bentwood
 8. eeefisv   A8    36   326   sieve
 9. dgnotux   1F    45   371   doux
10. ?ehijlt  14J    54   425   joist
11. acillnz  15F    51   476   zilla
12. cehiooy   C1    36   512   yahoo
13. acehipt   D4    95   607   hepatic
14. egmnoqu   N6    37   644   quag
15. adiilmn   O1    41   685   miladi
16. eeflort  12H    26   711   felter
17. eefinru   4H    28   739   beige
18. noprttu   J6    22   761   po
19. finnrtu   G7    23   784   firn

Remaining tiles: inrttu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6707 FilePacific     0 16:44  -369  415     1.7770 HollyIvy    1  7:35  -601  183 
  2.7770 FileHollyIvy    1  7:35  -601  183     2.7547 moonmonkey  3  7:01  -625  159 
  3.4586 FileAtlantic    0 10:00  -602  182     3.7508 queen66     3  3:10  -638  146 
  4.7547 Filemoonmonkey  3  7:01  -625  159     4.7353 Mycophot    2  2:47  -641  143 
  5.7508 Filequeen66     3  3:10  -638  146            Group: intermediate
  6.7353 FileMycophot    2  2:47  -641  143     1.6707 Pacific     0 16:44  -369  415 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4586 Atlantic    0 10:00  -602  182 

On 1st draw, ABCEES H3 26 --- ABCEE the alphabet [n]
Other moves: ABCEES H4 22, ABCEES H7 22, ABCEES H8 22, ABCEE H4 20, ABCEE H8 20
BEAST H4 20 Atlantic
CATES H4 20 Pacific

On 2nd draw, YANKERS 3G 38 --- YANKER a big lie [n]
Other moves: YUCKERS 5F 32, YUKES G7 32, SKEERY 6E 31, YUKE G7 31, YUKS G7 31
YUKES G7 32 Pacific, HollyIvy
YAKS 3G 20 Atlantic

On 3rd draw, REGROUN(D) K2 66 --- REGRIND to grind again [v]
Other moves: GROUN(D)ER 6B 64, REGROUN(D) 7G 62, GROUN(D)ER 7B 60, REGROUN(D) 6G 60, R(A)NCOUR 5E 32

On 4th draw, NOVAE 8K 27 --- NOVA a type of star [n]
Other tops: NAEVI 8K 27, NAIVE 8K 27
Other moves: PERI L1 26, APO J5 25, PAVE G7 25, POA J6 25, POI J6 25
POA J6 25 Mycophot, Pacific

On 5th draw, VAWARDS M8 30 --- VAWARD the foremost part [n]
Other moves: AW J5 28, AWARDS G6 28, VAWARD M8 28, AWARD G6 27, WADIS G7 26
AW J5 28 queen66, Pacific
WORDS 6J 19 Atlantic

On 6th draw, BAGMAN 2B 31 --- BAGMAN a travelling salesman [n]
Other tops: BOGMAN 2B 31
Other moves: ABOMA G6 26, *B* J5 25, BAGMAN G7 25, BOGMAN G7 25, ABRAM 12K 24
BAGMAN 2B 31 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
*B* J5 25 Pacific
GRAB 12L 20 Atlantic

On 7th draw, BENTWOOD B2 72 --- BENTWOOD wood bent for use in furniture [n]
Other moves: NOWED 1F 35, TOWED 1F 35, DOWN 1F 33, DOWT 1F 33, ENOW 1E 33
DOWN 1F 33 Mycophot
WOOSE 14J 32 Pacific
WON 1A 24 Atlantic

On 8th draw, SIEVE A8 36 --- SIEVE to pass through a sieve (a utensil for separating the coarse parts from the fine parts of loose matter) [v]
Other moves: SIEVE A7 35, FEESES 14J 34, FEESE 14J 32, FESSE 14J 32, FIVES G7 30
SIEVE A8 36 queen66
SIEVE 10B 29 Pacific
FIVERS 12I 24 Atlantic

On 9th draw, DOUX 1F 45 --- DOUX very sweet -- used of champagne [adj]
Other moves: EXO 3B 41, DEX 3A 40, OX C6 39, NOX 1F 38, TAX C1 38
EXO 3B 41 HollyIvy
DEX 3A 40 Pacific

On 10th draw, J(O)IST 14J 54 --- JOIST to support with horizontal beams [v]
Other moves: J(O) J6 50, JILTER 12H 42, JILTER(S) 12H 42, JILT(E)R 12H 40, JIL(T)ER 12H 40
J(O)IST 14J 54 Mycophot
JETS 14J 27 Pacific
JET 3A 24 Atlantic

On 11th draw, ZILLA 15F 51 --- ZILLA an administrative district in Britih India [n]
Other moves: ZILA 15G 48, ZA L11 37, ZONAL 6J 36, ZOIC 6J 35, AIZLE 6D 34
ZILLA 15F 51 queen66
ZO 6J 31 Pacific, Atlantic

On 12th draw, YAHOO C1 36 --- YAHOO a coarse, uncouth person [n]
Other tops: OCHREY 12J 36
Other moves: HYE C7 34, VICHY 11A 32, OHO J5 31, HERO L1 30, MOCHY E2 30
HYE C7 34 HollyIvy
EH J5 28 Pacific

On 13th draw, HEPATIC D4 95 --- HEPATIC a drug acting on the liver [n]
Other moves: HEPATIC C8 91, HEPATIC G7 85, CHAPITER 12F 82, EPITHECA 12A 82, PATCHIER 12F 82
HEPATIC D4 45 HollyIvy
EH J5 28 Pacific

On 14th draw, QUAG N6 37 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUA N6 32, QUAG 11K 28, QUEAN 11J 28, QUENA 11I 28, QUERN 12J 28
QUA N6 32 moonmonkey
QUAG 11K 28 Pacific

On 15th draw, MILADI O1 41 --- MILADI an English gentlewoman [n]
Other moves: AMIDIN 11D 33, HEPATICAL D4 32, ADMIN 11D 31, MANDI 11C 31, VINAL 11A 31
HEPATICAL D4 32 moonmonkey
AM J5 22 Pacific

On 16th draw, FELTER 12H 26 --- FELTER to mat together like felt [v]
Other moves: FELTER G7 25, FETOR G7 24, FOREL G7 24, FOREL I7 24, FORTE G7 24
FELTER 12H 26 moonmonkey
FLORET 12J 20 Pacific

On 17th draw, BEIGE 4H 28 --- BEIGE a tan colour [n]
Other moves: ENFIRE 11E 27, FERINE 11E 27, INFERE 11E 27, REFINE 11E 27, NIEF 13F 26
FINER G7 24 moonmonkey

On 18th draw, PO J6 22 --- PO a chamberpot [n]
Other moves: PUTON 11E 21, OP N1 20, PUNTO G7 20, PUTON G7 20, PUTTO G7 20
PO J6 22 moonmonkey

On 19th draw, FIRN G7 23 --- FIRN snow on high glaciers while still granular [n]
Other tops: FRUIT 11E 23, UNFIT 11E 23
Other moves: FIN G7 22, FIR G7 22, FIT G7 22, FUN G7 22, FUR G7 22
FIRN G7 23 moonmonkey

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