Game on May 10, 2022 at 18:52, 10 players
1. 217 pts Pacific
2. 144 pts Discus22
3. 113 pts Hammer22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 24 24 


13C 34 58 


I5 32 90 


5D 90 180 


4A 39 219 


C6 64 283 


8A 36 319 


H1 36 355 


6E 36 391 


A1 33 424 


2A 44 468 


14C 33 501 


12A 34 535 


A10 30 565 


15G 45 610 


14J 57 667 


13K 26 693 


O11 84 777 


N10 33 810 


3H 20 830 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 0 10:39 -613 217 1.7694 SQUAW1 0 0:47 -804 26
Discus22 2 2:45 -686 144 2.7369 Mycophot 0 0:48 -819 11
Hammer22 3 1:46 -717 113 3.7621 moonmonkey 0 1:04 -819 11
4. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:43 -785 45 4.7492 queen66 0 1:16 -819 11
SQUAW1 0 0:47 -804 26 5.7552 sicilianc5 0 1:29 -819 11
Mycophot 0 0:48 -819 11 6.7757 HollyIvy 0 0:31 -821 9
moonmonkey 0 1:04 -819 11 Group: intermediate
queen66 0 1:16 -819 11 1.6690 Pacific 0 10:39 -613 217
sicilianc5 0 1:29 -819 11 2.6542 Discus22 2 2:45 -686 144
HollyIvy 0 0:31 -821 9 3.6498 Hammer22 3 1:46 -717 113
Group: not rated
1. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:43 -785 45
On 1st draw, OXT(E)R H8 24 --- OXTER the armpit [n] --- OXTER to take under the arm [v]
Other tops: OXT(E)R H4 24, T(A)XOR H4 24, T(A)XOR H8 24
Other moves: OXT(E)R H5 22, OXT(E)R H6 22, OXT(E)R H7 22, T(A)XOR H5 22, T(A)XOR H6 22
On 2nd draw, GYROUS 13C 34 --- GYROUS marked with wavy lines [adj]
Other moves: GORSY 13E 26, YOUR G8 26, YGO G7 25, G*YSGOYS 13E 24, GUYS 13E 24
On 3rd draw, NEWBIE I5 32 --- NEWBIE a new arrival into some interest group [n]
Other moves: NEW 12D 29, BEL 12D 28, BEN 12D 28, NEWBIE G4 27, NEWIE I6 27
On 4th draw, MODERNL(Y) 5D 90 --- MODERN pertaining to present or recent time [adv] --- MODERNLY in a modern manner [adv]
Other moves: MODER(N)LY D6 80, (S)LORMED J9 77, REMOL(A)DE 6H 70, MODELER(S) 6F 68, MODEL(L)ER 6F 68
LO(O)M J3 22 Pacific
On 5th draw, COSEY 4A 39 --- COSEY a covering for a teapot [n]
Other moves: COSEY 4C 38, SCYE J9 36, COSEY J10 35, COYER H1 33, SOYA 4C 30
On 6th draw, FLATTING C6 64 --- FLAT to flatten [v] --- FLATTING painting with a flat finish [n]
Other moves: FLAN 12A 35, FAINLY D8 32, FAINT J10 32, FAINTY D8 32, FAN 12D 32
CLIFT A4 30 Pacific
On 7th draw, LEAPED 8A 36 --- LEAP to spring off the ground [v]
Other moves: CLEPED A4 33, PEACED A1 33, PEACOD A1 33, PLACED A1 33, CAPED A4 30
CLEPED A4 33 Pacific
On 8th draw, WAFER H1 36 --- WAFER to fasten with an adhesive strip [v]
Other tops: WANNA 12A 36
Other moves: FAUNAE J10 33, FAYNE D11 33, FAENA J10 32, FAUNA J10 32, FAWN J10 32
EF 14E 28 Pacific
On 9th draw, BIRSE 6E 36 --- BIRSE a bristle [n]
Other moves: VINCAS A1 33, VINA 12A 32, VISA 14A 32, BINARI(E)S 11B 30, VIB(E)S 11E 30
R(E)SIN 11G 20 Pacific
On 10th draw, AVOCET A1 33 --- AVOCET a wading bird [n]
Other moves: PIONEY D8 32, VENA 12A 32, VINA 12A 32, VINO 12A 32, EVICT A1 30
VOICE A1 30 Pacific
On 11th draw, VEHMIC 2A 44 --- VEHMIC pertaining to a vehm [adj]
Other moves: DAYCH D11 43, FEHMIC 3H 34, CHIMED J10 33, HM 14F 32, MINAE 12A 32
EH 14E 28 Pacific
On 12th draw, SUENT 14C 33 --- SUENT (dialect) smooth and evenly spread [adj]
Other moves: EAST J7 31, OAST J7 31, ASTONE J8 28, SONNET 12A 28, TENNOS 12A 28
NOSE 14A 26 Pacific
On 13th draw, VENA 12A 34 --- VENA a vein [n]
Other moves: OVA 3A 30, NAAN 12C 26, AVER 15G 24, ANNA 12A 22, ARNA 12A 22
On 14th draw, NAVAID A10 30 --- NAVAID a navigational device [n]
Other tops: INVADE A10 30, NEVOID A10 30
Other moves: AVOID A11 27, DEAN 15E 25, DOEN 15E 25, AVIAN A11 24, AVINE A11 24
INVADE A10 30 Hammer22, Discus22
On 15th draw, UPHANG 15G 45 --- UPHANG to hang up [v]
Other moves: GRAPH J10 31, AH 1C 25, UH 1C 25, UGH 15G 24, UPRAN 15G 24
UPHANG 15G 45 Discus22, PPPPPP1116
On 16th draw, JIAO 14J 57 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other tops: JEAT 14J 57
Other moves: JA 14J 52, JO 14J 52, FEIJOA 3H 34, JETON F10 28, RIOJA J11 28
JEAT 14J 57 Hammer22
On 17th draw, GLIDE 13K 26 --- GLIDE to move effortlessly [v]
Other tops: GLODE 13K 26
Other moves: FIDGET 3H 24, FODGEL 3H 24, GLID 13K 24, FLITED 3H 22, FOETID 3H 22
GLIDE 13K 26 Hammer22
On 18th draw, OZEKI O11 84 --- OZEKI a champion sumo wrestler [n]
Other moves: ZETA O12 69, AZUKI 4K 39, KAZI 4K 39, KETA O12 39, KETO O12 39
ZETA O12 69 Discus22
On 19th draw, QI N10 33 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: FAQIR 3H 18, QAT N9 16, INERT G3 15, AHIS C1 14, THIS C1 14
QI E1 11 Mycophot, moonmonkey, queen66, sicilianc5
TRAIN N7 9 HollyIvy
On 20th draw, FAUTOR 3H 20 --- FAUTOR a favourer [n]
Other tops: FOUTRA 3H 20
Other moves: ANOA 1A 17, ATUA 1A 17, ORA I1 17, AUXIN 9F 16, OAT 1C 16
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