Game on May 14, 2022 at 11:18, 7 players
1. 216 pts Mycophot
2. 212 pts HollyIvy
3. 189 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


5D 98 128 


C3 41 169 


7F 67 236 


K4 84 320 


D7 79 399 


L12 28 427 


M3 68 495 


4A 42 537 


A4 48 585 


8J 38 623 


C9 34 657 


L1 36 693 


1G 30 723 


15I 30 753 


14N 38 791 


O2 63 854 


14F 39 893 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Mycophot 0 9:27 -677 216 1.7459 Mycophot 0 9:27 -677 216
HollyIvy 0 9:08 -681 212 2.7832 HollyIvy 0 9:08 -681 212
moonmonkey 0 7:51 -704 189 3.7531 moonmonkey 0 7:51 -704 189
4. -
EEEEEE1116 1 0:40 -863 30 Group: not rated
5. -
DDDDDD1116 1 1:05 -863 30 1. - EEEEEE1116 1 0:40 -863 30
6. -
GGGGGG1118 1 1:28 -863 30 2. - DDDDDD1116 1 1:05 -863 30
7. -
LLLLLL1119 1 1:56 -863 30 3. - GGGGGG1118 1 1:28 -863 30
4. - LLLLLL1119 1 1:56 -863 30
On 1st draw, FLEDGE H4 30 --- FLEDGE to furnish with feathers [v]
Other tops: FUGLED H4 30
Other moves: FUDGE H4 28, FUELED H4 28, FEUED H4 26, FLEDGE H8 26, FLUED H4 26
On 2nd draw, MO(R)ALITY 5D 98 --- MORALITY conformity to the rules of right conduct [n]
Other tops: MO(D)ALITY 5D 98, MO(L)ALITY 5D 98
Other moves: MOLA(L)ITY 5F 74, MOLA(R)ITY 5F 74, MODA(L)ITY 7F 69, TOADYI(S)M 7E 68, AMYLOI(D) 5E 44
MOYA(S) 10D 28 HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, TEACH C3 41 --- TEACH to impart knowledge or skill to [v]
Other moves: COTH 4A 38, TACHO 4A 38, CHEAT 4A 36, COMETH D3 34, EACH 4A 34
TACHO 4A 38 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
On 4th draw, WEDGIEST 7F 67 --- WEDGY resembling a wedge [adj]
Other moves: WESTIE 10F 31, EWEST 10E 28, SWEET 4A 28, EWES 10E 27, EWTS 10E 27
WESTIE 10F 31 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 5th draw, HY(P)ERACID K4 84 --- HYPERACID [adj]
Other moves: CHAIR(E)D 10B 83, DHAR(M)IC 10H 83, THRIDAC(E) M7 78, TRACH(E)ID M7 78, DIARCH(Y) 10H 77
CHAIR(E)D 10B 33 HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 6th draw, OPIATES D7 79 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: ATOPIES 10B 75, ATOPIES D7 75, OPIATES 10B 75, ATOPIES B7 70, OPIATES B7 66
POTE L1 28 moonmonkey
PATE L1 28 Mycophot
On 7th draw, ANOW L12 28 --- ANOW enough [adj]
Other moves: SWAN E9 27, SWOUN C11 27, WANDS 12H 26, WAS 10F 26, WOADS 12H 26
WAS 10F 26 Mycophot, moonmonkey
WOS 10F 26 HollyIvy
On 8th draw, REALTIES M3 68 --- REALTIE honesty [n] --- REALTY property in buildings and land [n]
Other moves: LATERISE 11B 66, REALISE B7 65, LATERISE M5 63, EARLIES G9 62, EARLIES I9 62
On 9th draw, BLEAK 4A 42 --- BLEAK a freshwater fish [n] --- BLEAK dreary [adj]
Other moves: APEAK 4A 38, KAPA C10 36, BEAK 4B 34, KAB M12 34, KLAP C9 34
WALK 15L 33 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 10th draw, BURQA A4 48 --- BURQA a coverall worn by Muslim women [n]
Other moves: QUA L2 38, QUAT J2 38, QUOP 14J 35, AQUA 10A 33, UNWRAP 15J 33
On 11th draw, FROISE 8J 38 --- FROISE a thick pancake [n]
Other moves: WIFE 15L 30, WOFS 15L 30, FENIS C10 29, FINES C10 29, FINOS C10 29
On 12th draw, AMIDO C9 34 --- AMIDO containing an amide united with an acid radical [adj]
Other moves: DWAUM 15K 33, MOAI L1 32, MIAOW 15H 30, VID 10F 28, DUMA C10 27
On 13th draw, VLEI L1 36 --- VLEI a swamp [n]
Other moves: P**V*POOVE 14J 32, PILOW 15H 30, WIVE 15L 30, WOVE 15L 30, LOPE M12 29
P**V* 14JPOOVE 14J 32 Mycophot
On 14th draw, UNNERVE 1G 30 --- UNNERVE to deprive of courage [v]
Other tops: NERVURE 1I 30
Other moves: REVEUR 1J 27, RENEW 15H 24, NENE 6E 23, NENE M12 23, VEER 1L 21
NENE M12 23 HollyIvy
On 15th draw, OUTWRIT 15I 30 --- OUTWRITE to write better than [v]
Other moves: ROTE 6E 23, ROUE 6E 23, GROTTO 14J 22, GROUT 2F 22, OUTRIG N10 22
On 16th draw, XU 14N 38 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: DURGY 14F 38, XI 14N 38
Other moves: RIDGY 14F 36, XI I9 34, XU I9 34, URDY 14G 32, URDY N2 32
On 17th draw, PROIGNED O2 63 --- PROIGN to preen [v]
Other moves: GIPON B11 29, PINGO B11 28, POIND B11 28, NOPE 6E 27, PIROG 14F 27
On 18th draw, BONNY 14F 39 --- BONNY a sweetheart [n] --- BONNY pretty or healthy [adj]
Other moves: JOY 14H 36, BONNY B11 32, BONY 14G 32, BY 14I 32, BOY 14H 31
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