Game on May 14, 2022 at 18:02, 11 players
1. 471 pts Pacific
2. 311 pts Chelsea
3. 111 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H3 68 68 


G7 49 117 


12A 86 203 


H1 30 233 


10A 74 307 


3G 48 355 


1F 60 415 


8B 61 476 


J5 66 542 


12I 40 582 


2B 89 671 


13K 35 706 


O11 45 751 


N10 46 797 


1A 38 835 


3C 37 872 


14F 87 959 


15A 40 999 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 2 13:18 -528 471 1.7619 Chelsea 2 8:14 -688 311
Chelsea 2 8:14 -688 311 2.7501 moonmonkey 1 2:22 -888 111
moonmonkey 1 2:22 -888 111 3.7614 queen66 0 1:05 -901 98
queen66 0 1:05 -901 98 4.7811 HollyIvy 0 3:07 -901 98
HollyIvy 0 3:07 -901 98 5.7414 Mycophot 0 1:45 -970 29
6. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:59 -962 37 Group: intermediate
Mycophot 0 1:45 -970 29 1.6671 Pacific 2 13:18 -528 471
Hammer22 0 0:12 -972 27 2.6421 Hammer22 0 0:12 -972 27
Discus22 0 0:42 -972 27 3.6542 Discus22 0 0:42 -972 27
Javelin22 0 1:07 -972 27 4.6703 Javelin22 0 1:07 -972 27
ShotPut22 0 1:33 -972 27 5.6679 ShotPut22 0 1:33 -972 27
Group: not rated
1. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:59 -962 37
On 1st draw, ODO(R)ISE H3 68 --- ODORISE to make odorous [v]
Other tops: DOO(B)IES H4 68, DOO(D)IES H4 68, DOO(L)IES H4 68, DOO(Z)IES H4 68, OS(T)EOID H6 68, O(R)OIDES H8 68, SOO(G)IED H6 68
Other moves: DOO(B)IES H2 66, DOO(B)IES H3 66, DOO(B)IES H6 66, DOO(B)IES H7 66, DOO(B)IES H8 66
SOI(L)ED H7 16 Pacific
On 2nd draw, Q(U)EEN G7 49 --- QUEEN to make a queen (a female monarch) of [v]
Other moves: Q(I) G7 42, Q(U)EENED 4B 32, Q(U)EENIE 7C 27, OVENE(D) 3H 24, (D)EODO(R)ISE H1 24
Q(I) G7 42 Pacific
On 3rd draw, OBTUNDS 12A 86 --- OBTUND to deaden [v]
Other moves: OBTUNDS F8 77, UNBOOTS 5E 36, BOUNDS 12B 32, BUNDTS 12B 32, DOUBTS 12B 32
BOUNDS 12B 32 Pacific
On 4th draw, DEODO(R)ISE H1 30 --- DEODORISE
Other tops: PODDIE F10 30
Other moves: PEAG 13A 29, PODGE F10 29, PODIA F10 28, PODGE A11 27, DEBAG B10 26
PODGE A11 27 Pacific
On 5th draw, GLAURIER 10A 74 --- GLAURY miry [adj]
Other moves: GLAURIER 2B 72, GLARIER 10B 25, GURLIER 10B 25, ARGIL G1 23, RERIG 10F 23
RAGER 10D 21 Pacific
On 6th draw, YOKINGS 3G 48 --- YOKING as much work as is done at one time [n]
Other moves: SKYING A5 42, YOKING A5 42, GINGKOS A7 39, GINGKO A7 36, GONGYOS A7 36
YOKING A5 42 Pacific
On 7th draw, ORDAINER 1F 60 --- ORDAINER one that ordains [n]
Other tops: REORDAIN 1D 60
Other moves: EARRING A4 27, REARING A4 27, ROARING A4 27, IGNORER A9 24, RAINE 13A 24
ROARING A4 27 Hammer22, Discus22
REARING A4 27 Javelin22, ShotPut22
ERRING A5 21 Pacific
On 8th draw, MULTI(U)SER 8B 61 --- MULTIUSER [adj]
Other moves: ITERUM 2A 38, TELIUM 2A 38, ILEUM 2B 36, GROMET A10 27, ITEM 4L 26
GROMET A10 27 Pacific
On 9th draw, CAPRIOLE J5 66 --- CAPRIOLE to leap [v]
Other moves: OLPAE 2D 29, POLICED 4B 29, GELCAP L3 28, PLAICE 2A 28, PLICAE 2A 28
POLICE 2A 28 Pacific
On 10th draw, JEEZ 12I 40 --- JEEZ used as a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: OOZE A12 39, ENTOZOIC 5C 38, IODIZE F10 38, GENIZOT L3 36, TOZIE 2B 36
JOIN 2C 17 Chelsea
On 11th draw, DEWAX 2B 89 --- DEWAX to remove wax from [v]
Other moves: WAX 2D 54, WEX 2D 54, WOX 2D 54, MAX 2D 53, MEADOW 2A 53
DEWAX 2B 89 Pacific, Chelsea
On 12th draw, MOTIF 13K 35 --- MOTIF a recurring thematic element in an artistic work [n]
Other tops: FOAM 13A 35
Other moves: FOAM 13K 34, FIAT 13A 29, ATOM 3B 28, FAT 13K 28, MOAI 13K 27
FOAM 13K 34 Chelsea
FAT 1A 23 Pacific
On 13th draw, TAFFY O11 45 --- TAFFY a chewy candy [n]
Other moves: AFFY O12 42, FEY 3C 38, TUFFE O11 36, FAY 1A 35, FETA 1A 35
TAFFY O11 45 Chelsea, Pacific
On 14th draw, HELIO N10 46 --- HELIO a signaling mirror [n]
Other moves: HARO 1A 35, HERO 1A 35, HORA 1A 35, HELO 14J 34, HOLE 14J 34
HERO 1A 35 Chelsea, Pacific
HEAR 13A 29 HollyIvy
HOER 13A 29 Mycophot
On 15th draw, TAHA 1A 38 --- TAHA the South African weaver bird [n]
Other moves: AVOS 14I 32, HAO K5 32, HOA 14J 31, HOS 14J 31, HAEMS K10 29
HOAS 13A 29 queen66, moonmonkey, Chelsea
HAT 1A 23 Pacific
On 16th draw, PEG 3C 37 --- PEG to fasten with a peg (a wooden pin) [v]
Other moves: PAN 3C 34, PEA 3C 34, PEN 3C 34, PA 3C 30, PE 3C 30
PEG 3C 37 moonmonkey, PPPPPP1116
PEA 3C 34 Chelsea
On 17th draw, BRAVOES 14F 87 --- BRAVO a hired killer [n]
Other moves: BRAVOES M5 72, BRAVOES 14E 71, VASE 4A 45, BASE 4A 41, SAVED 4D 41
VASE 4A 45 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
SOB 4D 28 Chelsea
On 18th draw, INCAVI 15A 40 --- INCAVO the hollowed portion of an intaglio [n]
Other moves: ANTI 11B 25, INTI 11B 25, CIVIC 5J 24, VAC H13 24, INCAVO 5C 22
VAC H13 24 queen66, HollyIvy
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