Game on May 14, 2022 at 19:32, 6 players
1. 350 pts Pacific
2. 185 pts sicilianc5
3. 184 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


4H 30 54 


10B 72 126 


M2 32 158 


8J 39 197 


5K 29 226 


O1 42 268 


E5 36 304 


C6 76 380 


D1 40 420 


8A 54 474 


1D 45 519 


A1 89 608 


N7 82 690 


12K 32 722 


9G 50 772 


O10 41 813 


N1 20 833 


G5 28 861 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 3 12:24 -511 350 1.7806 sicilianc5 2 4:07 -676 185
sicilianc5 2 4:07 -676 185 2.7414 Mycophot 2 6:17 -677 184
Mycophot 2 6:17 -677 184 3.7639 queen66 1 7:15 -689 172
queen66 1 7:15 -689 172 Group: intermediate
5. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:57 -807 54 1.6661 Pacific 3 12:24 -511 350
6. -
GGGGGG1118 1 1:53 -820 41 Group: not rated
1. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:57 -807 54
2. - GGGGGG1118 1 1:53 -820 41
On 1st draw, VIR(T)UE H4 24 --- VIRTUE moral excellence [n]
Other tops: VIRI(L)E H4 24, VI(B)IER H4 24, VI(N)IER H4 24, VI(S)IER H4 24, VI(Z)IER H4 24, (C)RUIVE H8 24
Other moves: VER(T)U H4 22, VE(Z)IR H4 22, VIER(S) H4 22, VIRE(D) H4 22, VIRE(O) H4 22
VIRI(L)E H4 24 Pacific
On 2nd draw, VERIFY 4H 30 --- VERIFY to prove to be true [v]
Other moves: FIERY G9 28, FIERY I9 28, FORTY G9 28, FORTY I9 28, FERRY 6F 27
FORTY G9 28 Pacific
On 3rd draw, UREMIAS 10B 72 --- UREMIA an abnormal condition of the blood [n]
Other moves: MURIA(T)ES 7C 64, SEMI(T)AUR 7D 61, AIMER 3K 35, SIMAR 3K 35, AIMS 3K 33
MISER 10F 24 Pacific
On 4th draw, VOYAGED M2 32 --- VOYAGE to travel [v]
Other tops: OUVRAGE C7 32
Other moves: GOAD 3K 30, GYVED M3 30, ODEA 3J 30, VOYAGE M2 28, VIDEO 5G 27
On 5th draw, HIDDEN 8J 39 --- HIDDEN concealed; obscure [adj]
Other moves: HEND 11D 34, HIDE 11D 34, HIND 11D 34, HIDED 8K 33, HENT 11D 31
HIDDEN 8J 39 Pacific
On 6th draw, DEAWS 5K 29 --- DEAW dew [n]
Other moves: WISED 5G 28, DEAW 5K 27, WIDES 5G 27, DROWSES C9 26, WEEDS D8 26
On 7th draw, BETHS O1 42 --- BETH second letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other tops: BATHS O1 42
Other moves: THRAVE 2I 40, THROVE 2I 40, HERBS O1 39, OATHS O1 36, RATHS O1 36
HERBS O1 39 Pacific
On 8th draw, OUTNAME E5 36 --- OUTNAME to surpass in notoriety [v]
Other moves: UNWROTE C7 30, AW N2 28, OW N2 28, WAN 3I 25, WAT 3I 25
UNWROTE C7 30 Pacific
On 9th draw, DIATRIBE C6 76 --- DIATRIBE a bitter and abusive criticism [n]
Other moves: BATED 12A 33, BETID 12A 33, BETIDE 9G 31, BIDENT 8A 30, DEBATE 9G 29
BATED 12A 33 sicilianc5, Pacific, Mycophot, queen66
On 10th draw, JO(K)OL D1 40 --- JOKOL certainly [adv]
Other tops: JE(D)I 9G 40, JIB(B) 12A 40, JIB(E) 12A 40, JIB(S) 12A 40, JOB(E) 12A 40, JOB(S) 12A 40
Other moves: JE(E) 9G 34, JE(T) 9G 34, JE(U) 9G 34, J*wJE(W) 9G 34, QI(S) 14A 33
JOB(S) 12A 40 queen66, Mycophot, Pacific
On 11th draw, SPAWNY 8A 54 --- SPAWNY lucky [adj]
Other moves: PRAWNS 8A 45, SWOOPY 2A 44, PRAWN 8A 42, SPAWN 8A 42, SWOOPY 2B 40
SPAWNY 8A 54 sicilianc5, PPPPPP1116
YOBS 12A 26 Pacific
On 12th draw, JALOPS 1D 45 --- JALOP a Mexican plant [n]
Other moves: JALOP 1D 42, JARPS 1D 42, JARLS 1D 36, CLASP F2 34, ESCALOP N8 34
JARPS 1D 42 queen66
COBS 12A 22 Pacific
On 13th draw, ENGRAFTS A1 89 --- ENGRAFT to graft for propagation [v]
Other moves: ENGRAFT N8 30, EF N2 28, FAG 3I 27, FEG 3I 27, TEREFA 9G 27
FAG 3I 27 Mycophot
FEG 3I 27 sicilianc5, queen66
FROG 2B 19 Pacific
On 14th draw, MECONATE N7 82 --- MECONATE a salt of meconic acid [n]
Other moves: MECONATE 13B 64, ATOC D12 28, ATOM D12 28, AMEN D12 26, MAY F6 26
OMEN D12 26 Mycophot
MAY F6 26 Pacific
On 15th draw, CREAK 12K 32 --- CREAK to squeak [v]
Other moves: KIBE 12A 30, DERRICK L8 28, DUCKIER L8 28, ERIC D12 28, KIER M12 28
KIBE 12A 30 Mycophot, queen66, sicilianc5
On 16th draw, ZETA 9G 50 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZEA 9G 44, ZEL 9G 44, RITZ 2G 41, ZAIRE 14J 34, AKITA O11 33
On 17th draw, ROKING O10 41 --- ROKE to smoke [v]
Other tops: RAKING O10 41
Other moves: AKING O11 36, KANG O12 31, KING O12 31, ERINGO D10 29, GARVIE 2J 28
RAKING O10 41 sicilianc5, GGGGGG1118
On 18th draw, OI N1 20 --- OI used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: AI N1 20, ANIL D12 20, OLLA D12 20
Other moves: ANT I7 19, IO N2 19, ALL D12 16, ANI D12 16, ILL D12 16
On 19th draw, QUA G5 28 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other moves: ANIL D12 20, ANT I7 19, EQUINAL 13C 18, ALL D12 16, ANI D12 16
QUA G5 28 Mycophot
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