Game on May 15, 2022 at 09:44, 8 players
1. 280 pts Chelsea
2. 243 pts HollyIvy
3. 187 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


6D 43 65 


D4 70 135 


12A 38 173 


A5 80 253 


K2 40 293 


F1 72 365 


C7 52 417 


1D 36 453 


2A 35 488 


3A 35 523 


E11 30 553 


J6 67 620 


15A 25 645 


8J 21 666 


14B 30 696 


7M 31 727 


1A 31 758 


3I 28 786 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 10:31 -506 280 1.7626 Chelsea 2 10:31 -506 280
HollyIvy 3 8:51 -543 243 2.7807 HollyIvy 3 8:51 -543 243
Mycophot 2 7:27 -599 187 3.7338 Mycophot 2 7:27 -599 187
moonmonkey 2 5:36 -624 162 4.7448 moonmonkey 2 5:36 -624 162
5. -
BBBBBB1114 1 0:52 -764 22 Group: not rated
6. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:13 -764 22 1. - BBBBBB1114 1 0:52 -764 22
7. -
AAAAAA1118 1 1:35 -764 22 2. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:13 -764 22
8. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:56 -764 22 3. - AAAAAA1118 1 1:35 -764 22
4. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:56 -764 22
On 1st draw, BARTON H4 22 --- BARTON a farmyard [n]
Other moves: BARON H4 20, BATON H4 20, BLART H4 20, BLOAT H4 20, BOART H4 20
BARTON H4 22 BBBBBB1114, rrrrrr1112, AAAAAA1118, OOOOOO1122
On 2nd draw, SAZ(E)RAC 6D 43 --- SAZERAC a cocktail [n]
Other tops: GAZ(E)S 10D 43
Other moves: SAZ 10H 41, ZAS 10F 41, S(A)Z 10H 40, S(E)Z 10H 40, Z(A)S 10F 40
ZAS 10F 41 HollyIvy, Mycophot
SAZ 10H 41 moonmonkey
On 3rd draw, DISINURE D4 70 --- DISINURE to render unfamiliar [v]
Other moves: URIDINE G9 63, URIDINE I9 63, INSIDER D4 20, RUNED 5A 20, UNRED 5A 20
RUNED 5A 20 Mycophot, moonmonkey
URNED 5A 20 HollyIvy
On 4th draw, SUNDAE 12A 38 --- SUNDAE a dish of ice cream served with a topping [n]
Other moves: DEANS 12D 36, DEENS 12D 36, DENES 12D 36, DENSE 12A 36, DENSE 12D 36
DENSE 12D 36 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, Mycophot
On 5th draw, LIGNAGES A5 80 --- LIGNAGE ancestry [n]
Other moves: BEAGLING 4H 78, LEAGUING B8 74, EAGLING 11F 70, EAGLING 13E 66, EAGLING I8 66
On 6th draw, VROWS K2 40 --- VROW a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: VOWS K3 38, YOWS K3 38, OOSY K4 32, ROSY K4 32, ROWS K3 32
VOWS K3 38 Chelsea
On 7th draw, ENFROZEN F1 72 --- ENFREEZE to freeze [v]
Other moves: FOEN B6 35, FANON E5 32, FOE B6 32, OFT 7F 29, FANE E5 28
FOEN B6 35 Chelsea
On 8th draw, MOXA C7 52 --- MOXA a Chinese plant [n]
Other moves: MAX C7 49, MIX C7 49, EXEEM 11A 47, EXAM E10 46, XEROMA 3I 46
EXAM E10 46 Chelsea
On 9th draw, HAETS 1D 36 --- HAET a small amount [n]
Other moves: HEASTE 1A 30, QAT C3 29, HAROSET 3I 28, HOVEAS 2I 28, HASTE 10F 27
QAT C3 29 Chelsea
On 10th draw, ADJOIN 2A 35 --- ADJOIN to lie next to [v]
Other moves: AROID B2 29, JIAO 2A 27, JIAO C2 27, ROJI 2A 27, JIAO 5C 26
ROJI 2A 27 Chelsea
On 11th draw, BOA 3A 35 --- BOA a large snake [n]
Other moves: TAO 3A 29, TEA 3A 29, BOWPOT 4J 28, BA 1A 27, BE 1A 27
BOA 3A 35 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
TEA 3A 29 Chelsea
On 12th draw, HAVE E11 30 --- HAVE a wealthy person [n] --- HAVE to be in possession of [v]
Other tops: THRIVED 3I 30
Other moves: EHED 11D 28, HATED E11 28, VERDIT 3I 28, THAE E10 27, DEATH E10 26
HAVE E11 30 moonmonkey, Chelsea, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 13th draw, CLEIDOIC J6 67 --- CLEIDOIC enclosed in a shell [adj]
Other moves: EIDOLIC I9 65, INDOCILE 9G 65, CEILED 14A 26, CIELED 14A 26, COILED 14A 26
CAB A1 21 Chelsea
On 14th draw, TITI(S) 15A 25 --- TITI an evergreen shrub or tree [n]
Other tops: I(N)TIL 15D 25, TILT(S) 15A 25
Other moves: (S)TILT 15E 22, L(A) 1A 21, T(A) 1A 21, LID(A)R 4B 19, (R)ITT 15E 19
TILT(S) 15A 25 Chelsea
On 15th draw, ETOILE 8J 21 --- ETOILE a star [n]
Other moves: ELITE 14A 20, ELUTE 14A 20, OVULE 2J 20, UTILE 14A 20, LID 4B 18
On 16th draw, METER 14B 30 --- METER to measure by mechanical means [v]
Other tops: MUTER 14B 30
Other moves: EWT K10 27, BEWORM 4H 26, MEW 7M 25, WE L4 25, METE 14B 24
WE L4 25 HollyIvy
On 17th draw, KEP 7M 31 --- KEP to catch [v]
Other moves: PECKER 13H 30, EWE L3 29, KAB A1 27, KELEP N6 27, REWOKE 11G 26
KEP 7M 31 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, GU 1A 31 --- GU an old Shetland viol [n]
Other moves: FERLY 3I 30, FELLY N6 27, YE G3 26, YU G3 26, EF 9L 25
FE L4 25 HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 19th draw, PURELY 3I 28 --- PURELY in a pure manner [adv]
Other moves: PERRY 3I 26, YE G3 26, YU G3 26, YE L4 25, CLYPE 13J 24
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