Game on May 15, 2022 at 19:41, 9 players
1. 417 pts Pacific
2. 349 pts Papa_Sloth
3. 265 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 24 24 


I5 72 96 


11D 86 182 


D7 74 256 


J6 34 290 


15A 32 322 


14C 44 366 


B12 52 418 


A8 39 457 


C3 30 487 


F10 32 519 


15G 46 565 


B9 52 617 


L8 38 655 


D1 39 694 


M2 83 777 


1A 33 810 


8L 27 837 


4J 30 867 


O1 33 900 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 6 17:22 -483 417 1.7679 HollyIvy 2 9:27 -635 265
Papa_Sloth 1 21:25 -551 349 2.7698 sicilianc5 3 11:13 -637 263
HollyIvy 2 9:27 -635 265 3.7525 queen66 3 10:47 -656 244
sicilianc5 3 11:13 -637 263 Group: intermediate
queen66 3 10:47 -656 244 1.6683 Pacific 6 17:22 -483 417
6. -
MMMMMM1112 1 0:39 -876 24 Group: novice
7. -
EEEEEE1116 1 1:01 -876 24 1.5430 Papa_Sloth 1 21:25 -551 349
8. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:25 -876 24 Group: not rated
9. -
AAAAAA1118 1 1:47 -876 24 1. - MMMMMM1112 1 0:39 -876 24
2. - EEEEEE1116 1 1:01 -876 24
3. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:25 -876 24
4. - AAAAAA1118 1 1:47 -876 24
On 1st draw, MARTED H4 24 --- MART to market [v]
Other tops: DREAMT H8 24, MATTED H4 24
Other moves: DREAM H8 22, DREAMT H4 22, MADRE H4 22, MARTED H7 22, MATED H4 22
MARTED H4 24 MMMMMM1112, EEEEEE1116, rrrrrr1112, AAAAAA1118
DREAMT H8 24 Pacific
MATTED H4 24 Papa_Sloth
On 2nd draw, AEOLIAN I5 72 --- AEOLIAN pertaining to the wind [adj]
Other moves: AEOLIAN G7 69, AEOLIAN I7 69, AEOLIAN G8 65, AEOLIAN I8 65, AEOLIAN G9 63
LEAN I5 14 Pacific
EN I4 8 Papa_Sloth
On 3rd draw, TRIB(U)NAL 11D 86 --- TRIBUNAL a court of justice [n]
Other tops: T(U)RBINAL 11D 86
Other moves: TRIBAL(S) 3B 77, BLARTIN(G) 11C 68, BRANT(A)IL 11F 68, BRATLIN(G) 11C 68, BR(A)NTAIL 11F 68
B(O)LT J6 31 Pacific
BAIL(O)R J10 25 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
B(O) J6 22 Papa_Sloth
On 4th draw, D(R)IFTAGE D7 74 --- DRIFTAGE the act of drifting [n]
Other tops: GA(S)FIELD K5 74, GA(S)IFIED F6 74
Other moves: FI(L)AGREED 6C 67, GA(S)IFIED F8 64, FI(N)AGLED K6 62, GADFLIE(S) K7 62, FED(S) J6 39
FED(S) J6 39 HollyIvy, queen66
AFEA(R)D 10I 36 sicilianc5
(S)AFED L11 29 Pacific
FE G3 13 Papa_Sloth
On 5th draw, VET J6 34 --- VET to treat animals medically [v]
Other moves: PET J6 28, (U)PTER H11 27, PREVUE 14B 26, APERT 10I 25, APER 10I 24
VET J6 34 Pacific, queen66, sicilianc5
(U)PTER H11 27 Papa_Sloth
On 6th draw, NOISE 15A 32 --- NOISE to spread as a rumour or report [v]
Other tops: ANISE 15A 32, NOOSE 15A 32, SAINE 15D 32
Other moves: AINS 15A 29, ANES 15A 29, ANIS 15A 29, EANS 15A 29, EONS 15A 29
NOOSE 15A 32 HollyIvy
NOISE 15A 32 sicilianc5, Pacific
ANISE 15A 32 queen66
ANES 15A 29 Papa_Sloth
On 7th draw, HEEZE 14C 44 --- HEEZE to hoist [v]
Other moves: HAZER J10 40, HAZY J10 40, HAZE J10 37, HAYER J10 34, OYEZ 12K 34
OYEZ 12K 34 queen66, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, TOPO B12 52 --- TOPO a diagram showing climbing routes on a mountain [n] --- TOPO topographic [adj]
Other moves: PHEEZES 14B 50, UPO B13 50, PHEEZE 14B 48, PO B14 48, PST H13 33
SPOUT L11 26 Pacific
ST H14 24 Papa_Sloth
SO H14 24 HollyIvy
On 9th draw, WEANED A8 39 --- WEAN to withhold mother's milk from and substitute other nourishment [v]
Other moves: DEEWAN A8 38, DEEWAN 15G 36, WANED J10 34, DECANE 15G 33, DECANE A7 33
WEANED A8 39 Pacific
WANED J10 34 queen66
WAD A11 14 Papa_Sloth
On 10th draw, JUNTO C3 30 --- JUNTO a political faction [n]
Other moves: JUNTO E3 27, JIN F10 26, JO G3 21, JUNTO B4 19, JET G13 18
JO G3 21 Pacific
On 11th draw, QIS F10 32 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: SQUEG 4A 32
Other moves: GOOSE D1 31, QI F10 31, OSE H13 30, GEOS D1 27, GOOR D1 27
QIS F10 32 Pacific
On 12th draw, MOOVED 15G 46 --- MOOVE to move [v]
Other moves: MOONED 15G 37, MOVED 15G 37, DOOM D1 35, MOOVE 15G 34, MOOVED 12J 34
DOOM D1 35 Papa_Sloth
MANED J10 28 Pacific
On 13th draw, EX B9 52 --- EX the letter X [n] --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: XI C9 39, XIS 12J 31, SEX L11 30, SIX L11 30, SEX B7 28
EX B9 52 Pacific, HollyIvy
XIS 12J 31 Papa_Sloth
On 14th draw, BRUSK L8 38 --- BRUSK abrupt in manner [adj]
Other moves: BROCKS K1 35, BUCKOS K1 35, BUCKSOM 4B 34, BOCKS 14K 33, BOCKS K2 33
BRUSK L8 38 sicilianc5, queen66
BOCKS L7 24 Papa_Sloth
On 15th draw, ALOHA D1 39 --- ALOHA love -- used as a greeting or farewell [n]
Other moves: AHA D3 33, AAH D2 31, LAH D2 31, HAW J10 30, HOWL 13G 30
AHA D3 33 queen66
LAH D2 31 Papa_Sloth
BLOW 8L 27 Pacific
On 16th draw, RAGGERY M2 83 --- RAGGERY rags collectively [n]
Other moves: RAGGERY 1C 36, YAGGER 1C 33, AGGRY 1D 30, GARRYA 1C 30, YAAR J10 28
RAGGERY 1C 36 sicilianc5
JOE 3C 10 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, COWANS 1A 33 --- COWAN someone who makes dry-stone walls [n]
Other moves: COWAN 1A 30, WAIN J10 28, WAIS J10 28, WANS J10 28, WIS E5 28
WAIN J10 28 Pacific
WOS E5 28 sicilianc5, Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, BYRL 8L 27 --- BYRL to carouse [v]
Other moves: LUIT N3 18, NIL E1 15, NIT E1 15, TIRL 14K 13, IGLU 4L 12
NIT E1 15 Papa_Sloth
On 19th draw, FUNGIC 4J 30 --- FUNGIC pertaining to a fungus [adj]
Other moves: FICIN 13G 29, IF N5 29, FICIN 14K 28, FUCI 13G 28, FINI 13G 24
IF N5 29 HollyIvy
On 20th draw, PYIC O1 33 --- PYIC pertaining to pus [adj]
Other moves: YAUP J10 30, YAP J10 29, AY 10I 26, YA J10 26, PITY 14K 25
YAUP J10 30 HollyIvy
SPY F1 14 Papa_Sloth
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