Game on May 15, 2022 at 20:29, 5 players
1. 477 pts Pacific
2. 124 pts Mycophot
3. 104 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 96 96 


G9 77 173 


15C 75 248 


F5 79 327 


6H 65 392 


J2 69 461 


K3 37 498 


14A 39 537 


O4 39 576 


L8 34 610 


A12 39 649 


4H 24 673 


N9 74 747 


15J 54 801 


E9 45 846 


13D 20 866 


2C 64 930 


1F 55 985 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 4 15:11 -508 477 1.7303 Mycophot 1 4:49 -861 124
Mycophot 1 4:49 -861 124 2.7673 HollyIvy 2 3:37 -881 104
HollyIvy 2 3:37 -881 104 3.7544 queen66 1 3:06 -911 74
queen66 1 3:06 -911 74 Group: intermediate
5. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:50 -931 54 1.6695 Pacific 4 15:11 -508 477
Group: not rated
1. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:50 -931 54
On 1st draw, JAC(A)RES H4 96 --- JACARE the caiman [n]
Other tops: JAC(K)ERS H4 96, J(A)CARES H4 96
Other moves: JAC(A)RES H2 86, JAC(K)ERS H2 86, J(A)CARES H2 86, JAC(A)RES H3 82, JAC(A)RES H6 82
JE(E)RS H4 38 Pacific
On 2nd draw, WINTLED G9 77 --- WINTLE to stagger [v]
Other moves: DEW G7 28, JILTED 4H 28, WED I7 28, WELT I7 27, WENT I7 27
WILED G9 26 Pacific
On 3rd draw, OXHIDE 15C 75 --- OXHIDE leather from the hide of an ox [n]
Other moves: DOXIE F8 65, HEX F8 61, HOX F8 61, EXO F9 60, DEX F8 59
DEX 15G 33 Pacific
On 4th draw, AR(R)IAGE F5 79 --- ARRIAGE a feudal tax paid with beasts of burden [n]
Other tops: (L)AIRAGE F5 79
Other moves: A(R)RIAGE F5 77, IGARA(P)E F5 71, REGA(L)IA F6 71, AERATI(N)G 12C 68, GA(S)ALIER 13C 68
RAGE(S) I11 24 Pacific
On 5th draw, COREGENT 6H 65 --- COREGENT a joint regent [n]
Other tops: CONGREET 6H 65
Other moves: TAGAREEN 5E 36, TANAGER 5E 32, OGEE 14B 27, GREX D12 24, JETON 4H 24
On 6th draw, SQUARERS J2 69 --- SQUARER one that squares [n]
Other moves: QUAREST 12A 60, QUARTES O2 51, QUATRES O3 51, QUATRE O3 48, QUESTS 12C 40
QUARTES O2 51 Pacific
On 7th draw, INDENE K3 37 --- INDENE a hydrocarbon [n]
Other moves: INNED K3 32, YEAD E5 32, NYED K4 31, YEDE K5 31, DENAY 14F 30
DANNY E1 28 Pacific
On 8th draw, MAYAS 14A 39 --- MAYA the power to produce illusions, in Hindu philosophy [n]
Other tops: MAYOS 14A 39, MOYAS 14A 39
Other moves: MASTY 12D 36, MISTY 12D 36, MAYAS L8 34, MAYOS L8 34, MOYAS L8 34
MAYOS I11 32 Pacific
On 9th draw, MATIPO O4 39 --- MATIPO a New Zealand shrub [n]
Other tops: EMDASH E10 39
Other moves: POMADE L8 36, REMADE 8J 36, REMEAD 8J 36, REMEID 8J 36, REPAID 8J 36
DAMP A12 33 Pacific
On 10th draw, VAULT L8 34 --- VAULT to provide with a vault (an arched ceiling) [v]
Other tops: VAUNT L8 34
Other moves: JAUNT 4H 24, UNTAX D11 24, LUMA A12 21, NAMU A12 21, ULVA N8 21
VAUNT L8 34 Pacific
On 11th draw, FUME A12 39 --- FUME to give off fumes (gaseous exhalations) [v]
Other tops: FAME A12 39
Other moves: FLASH E11 34, FLESH E11 34, FLOSH E11 34, FLUSH E11 34, FLAME A11 33
FAME A12 39 Pacific
On 12th draw, JEUNE 4H 24 --- JEUNE young [adj]
Other moves: LA 13D 18, LI 13D 18, OLEINE E1 18, OLEINE N9 18, AINEE E3 17
On 13th draw, TABORIN N9 74 --- TABORIN a small drum [n]
Other moves: TABORINS 2C 62, BRAIN M9 33, BRASH E11 30, OBTAIN N9 30, BORAX D11 28
On 14th draw, POKING 15J 54 --- POKE to push or prod [v]
Other moves: EKING 15K 45, KING 15L 42, KENO 15L 39, KINE 15L 39, KINO 15L 39
POKING 15J 54 HollyIvy, Pacific, PPPPPP1116
On 15th draw, WEY E9 45 --- WEY a measure or weight for dry goods [n]
Other moves: OWER E8 37, WERO E9 35, WERT E9 35, TWYER 13J 34, WERSH E11 34
WYE E4 30 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
REWAX D11 30 Pacific
On 16th draw, TILL 13D 20 --- TILL to prepare land for crops by ploughing [v]
Other tops: RILL 13D 20, TIRL 13D 20
Other moves: LI 13D 18, LURID E1 18, TI 13D 18, TRILD E1 18, IRID E2 16
TILL 13D 20 HollyIvy
RILL 13D 20 Mycophot, queen66
On 17th draw, FLUORIDS 2C 64 --- FLUORID a compound of fluorine [n]
Other moves: FOU E5 25, DIF E3 24, DOF E3 24, FIDO E3 24, FIORD E1 24
FIORD E1 24 queen66, Mycophot
On 18th draw, ZOO 1F 55 --- ZOO a place where animals are kept for public exhibition [n]
Other moves: DZO E4 50, ZHO 1A 50, ZOO E5 49, NUDZH E1 46, ZO E5 46
ZOO 1F 55 Pacific
ZHO 1A 50 Mycophot
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