Game on May 16, 2022 at 10:58, 7 players
1. 278 pts sicilianc5
2. 252 pts moonmonkey
3. 244 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 50 50 


7F 63 113 


8L 27 140 


9B 63 203 


D7 70 273 


15A 41 314 


13D 65 379 


8A 36 415 


14J 58 473 


15K 64 537 


C1 75 612 


1C 92 704 


6J 36 740 


2F 36 776 


B4 59 835 


H11 54 889 


A1 57 946 


3I 34 980 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
sicilianc5 5 7:50 -702 278 1.7686 sicilianc5 5 7:50 -702 278
moonmonkey 4 8:21 -728 252 2.7545 moonmonkey 4 8:21 -728 252
Mycophot 4 6:59 -736 244 3.7326 Mycophot 4 6:59 -736 244
HollyIvy 4 8:05 -736 244 4.7694 HollyIvy 4 8:05 -736 244
Papa_Sloth 2 3:36 -841 139 Group: novice
6. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:39 -916 64 1.5433 Papa_Sloth 2 3:36 -841 139
7. -
KKKKKK1119 1 1:44 -930 50 Group: not rated
1. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:39 -916 64
2. - KKKKKK1119 1 1:44 -930 50
On 1st draw, JOSKIN H4 50 --- JOSKIN a clown [n]
Other moves: JINKS H4 48, JOKES H4 48, KOJIS H4 42, JOINS H4 40, JONES H4 40
On 2nd draw, UNKEELE(D) 7F 63 --- KEEL to capsize [adj] --- UNKEELED not keeled [adj]
Other moves: UNSEELE(D) 6F 61, UNSEEL(I)E 6F 61, UN(S)EELIE 8B 57, UN(S)EEL 10F 26, (D)EJEUNE 4F 26
UN(S)EEL 10F 26 HollyIvy, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, DOUR 8L 27 --- DOUR sullen [adj]
Other tops: DORT 8L 27, DOUT 8L 27, GUSTO 6F 27
Other moves: GROUTED I2 26, ROUTED I3 24, TROGGED L2 24, DRUGGET L2 22, GORGED L3 22
DORT 8L 27 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 4th draw, DI(L)UTING 9B 63 --- DILUTE to thin or reduce the concentration of [v]
Other tops: (A)UDITING 9B 63
Other moves: (M)IDGUT 8A 29, JUD(O)GI 4H 28, DITI(N)G 8A 27, TIDI(N)G 8A 27, DIGIT(S) 10C 26
JUDG(E) 4H 26 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 5th draw, RE(L)IANCE D7 70 --- RELIANCE confident or trustful dependence [n]
Other tops: CARE(L)INE D5 70, CINEREA(L) D2 70
Other moves: CAREENED L1 28, DANCIER B9 24, DECIARE B9 24, C(L)EANER D8 22, DANCER B9 22
On 6th draw, GHOST 15A 41 --- GHOST to haunt [v]
Other tops: GHAST 15A 41
Other moves: HAGS 15A 38, HOAST 15A 38, HOGS 15A 38, SHOAT 15D 38, AAHS 15A 35
GHOST 15A 41 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 7th draw, CANOPIED 13D 65 --- CANOPY to cover from above [v]
Other moves: NAPOOED 5E 40, JAPED 4H 30, POISED 6E 30, DOPE 8A 28, JOINED 4H 28
JAPED 4H 30 Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 8th draw, QI 8A 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUIT F6 33, SOW 6H 29, MOW 14J 27, OWE 14B 27, VOW I3 27
QI 8A 36 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 9th draw, FOAMY 14J 58 --- FOAMY covered with foam [adj]
Other moves: MASHY 6F 57, FORAY 14J 54, HOARY 14J 54, MORYAH 14J 53, FORAM 14J 52
FOAMY 14J 58 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 10th draw, SWOOP 15K 64 --- SWOOP to make a sudden descent [v]
Other moves: WOOS 15L 51, WOOT 15L 51, POTTOS 15G 40, STOOP 15K 40, SOWP 10H 38
SWOOP 15K 64 sicilianc5, PPPPPP1116
On 11th draw, VELARIA C1 75 --- VELARIUM an awning over an ancient Roman theater [n]
Other moves: GHOSTLIER 15A 39, GHOSTIER 15A 36, VIPER H11 33, JARVIE 4H 32, JAVEL 4H 30
On 12th draw, VIREMENT 1C 92 --- VIREMENT a transfer of funds [n]
Other moves: ANTIMERE 11D 90, TIMONEER 5E 90, TERMINER O1 89, TERMINER O6 61, RETEM B2 46
On 13th draw, WETA 6J 36 --- WETA a grasshopper [n]
Other moves: WAT 6J 33, WET 6J 33, WALE B2 30, WATE B2 30, WETA B2 30
WETA 6J 36 moonmonkey
On 14th draw, FETA 2F 36 --- FETA a crumbly white cheese [n]
Other tops: AGENE 14B 36, FANE 2F 36, FATE 2F 36, FY 2F 36
Other moves: FAY B2 35, FEY B2 35, FAE 2F 33, FAN 2F 33, FAT 2F 33
FETA 2F 36 moonmonkey
On 15th draw, BOX B4 59 --- BOX to put in a box (a rectangular container) [v]
Other moves: DEX B4 57, LEX B4 55, LOX B4 55, OXES 6E 54, EX B5 52
BOX B4 59 moonmonkey, Papa_Sloth
On 16th draw, HYPED H11 54 --- HYPE to stimulate artificially [v]
Other moves: HYPER H11 51, HEDGY 3I 44, HYDRAE 3I 44, HARDY 3I 42, HAYED 3I 42
REPAY H11 33 moonmonkey
ABA 4A 6 Papa_Sloth
On 17th draw, ZIGAN A1 57 --- ZIGAN a Hungarian gypsy [n]
Other moves: HAZING 11H 38, NAZI 12J 37, GHAZI 11G 36, GIZMO M11 34, HAZAN 11H 34
ZIGAN A1 57 moonmonkey, Papa_Sloth
On 18th draw, BRACTS 3I 34 --- BRACT a leaf that bears a flower in it's axil [n]
Other tops: BRACTS N1 34
Other moves: BRACT 3I 32, CARBS N2 32, CRABS N2 32, CURBS N2 32, ABS 5J 31
ABS 5J 31 moonmonkey
AB I4 17 Papa_Sloth
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