Game on May 16, 2022 at 17:42, 6 players
1. 248 pts Pacific
2. 222 pts HollyIvy
3. 209 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 26 26 


11E 86 112 


6E 79 191 


10G 40 231 


K3 32 263 


M5 72 335 


N2 89 424 


O8 51 475 


L2 35 510 


13K 32 542 


14M 24 566 


15L 53 619 


1F 94 713 


2B 24 737 


1A 49 786 


3C 37 823 


12A 27 850 


B8 36 886 


8A 78 964 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 0 8:37 -716 248 1.7640 HollyIvy 4 5:22 -742 222
HollyIvy 4 5:22 -742 222 2.7536 moonmonkey 3 6:15 -755 209
moonmonkey 3 6:15 -755 209 3.7623 queen66 1 3:41 -834 130
4. -
PPPPPP1116 2 3:35 -833 131 Group: intermediate
queen66 1 3:41 -834 130 1.6704 Pacific 0 8:37 -716 248
6. -
WWWWWW1123 1 1:37 -915 49 Group: not rated
1. - PPPPPP1116 2 3:35 -833 131
2. - WWWWWW1123 1 1:37 -915 49
On 1st draw, AIRILY H7 26 --- AIRILY in an airy manner [adv]
Other moves: LAIRY H8 24, ROILY H8 24, AIRILY H3 20, AIRILY H4 20, AIRILY H8 20
On 2nd draw, (S)LALOMER 11E 86 --- SLALOMER one that slaloms [n]
Other tops: MORALLE(D) 11D 86, MORALLE(R) 11D 86, MO(R)ALLER 11D 86
Other moves: ARM(H)OLE G5 77, RAM(P)OLE G5 77, RAMO(S)ELY 12A 76, (F)EMORAL 6H 75, (C)LAYMORE 12E 74
On 3rd draw, GRAFTED 6E 79 --- GRAFT to unite with a growing plant by insertion [v]
Other moves: GRAFTED G1 70, GRAFTED G2 70, GRAFTED I1 70, GRAFTED I2 70, DRIFTAGE 8F 65
On 4th draw, FISH 10G 40 --- FISH to catch or try to catch fish (cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates) [v]
Other moves: DISH 10G 36, NISH 10G 34, FOHNS 5J 33, FISH 5J 31, FOHN 5J 31
SHIN M11 24 Pacific
On 5th draw, QINDAR K3 32 --- QINDAR an Albanian currency [n]
Other moves: QADI K4 28, QAID K3 28, PANIER 5J 26, APER 5I 24, PAIRE 5J 24
PINE 5J 22 Pacific
On 6th draw, AUBUR(N)S M5 72 --- AUBURN a reddish brown colour [n]
Other moves: ARBU(T)US M5 71, BUR(E)AUS M5 70, SUBUR(B)IA 4E 70, SUGARBU(S)(H) E4 70, SU(B)URBIA 4E 70
SUB 9K 25 Pacific
On 7th draw, INTEGER N2 89 --- INTEGER a whole number [n]
Other moves: REE(S)TING E8 58, TEEING N1 31, ERING N2 29, GEIT L1 29, GRIN L1 29
On 8th draw, DONAH O8 51 --- DONAH a sweetheart [n]
Other moves: DAIKON O8 48, DHAK O8 48, KAID L1 45, KAIN L1 41, DANK O8 39
DINK O8 39 Pacific
On 9th draw, JIN L2 35 --- JIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JAILS 13K 34, JINS 13L 32, JINGALS E3 30, JAI L1 29, JINGAL E3 28
JAILS 13K 34 Pacific
On 10th draw, MOOKS 13K 32 --- MOOK a book produced in magazine format [n]
Other tops: MOKIS 13K 32, MOKOS 13K 32, OOMIAKS G2 32
Other moves: OOMIAK G2 29, KOTOS 13K 28, MAKO G5 28, MAKS G5 28, MOOI O1 28
KITS 13L 26 Pacific
On 11th draw, PO 14M 24 --- PO a chamberpot [n]
Other moves: PEENGE 14F 23, PENGO 12A 23, GEEP 14J 21, GYP 12G 21, PONGEE 14F 21
On 12th draw, YEBO 15L 53 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other tops: YEPS 15L 53
Other moves: PEBA 15L 47, POESY 15K 45, YEAS 15L 45, BOEPS 15K 44, ESPY 15L 44
YEPS 15L 53 PPPPPP1116
PA 15N 21 Pacific
On 13th draw, SNAILED 1F 94 --- SNAIL to move slowly [v]
Other moves: ALGIDNE(S)S E4 70, AISLED 1G 41, ALINED 1G 41, ELANDS 1H 41, ELIADS 1H 41
SNAILED 1F 44 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, queen66
On 14th draw, AWETO 2B 24 --- AWETO a wormlike fungus [n]
Other moves: WAE 7G 23, TOEA O1 22, TOWY 12E 22, TWAE 5C 22, WOE O1 22
AWETO 2B 24 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
WAE 7G 23 queen66
On 15th draw, ALOW 1A 49 --- ALOW in or to a lower position [adv]
Other moves: VIOLA 3A 32, AWOL 3A 31, WOT 3B 29, VIOL 3A 28, TWO 3A 27
ALOW 1A 49 HollyIvy, WWWWWW1123
On 16th draw, ETIC 3C 37 --- ETIC having linguistic characteristics unrelated to structure [adj]
Other moves: VET 3B 36, PET 3B 33, GET 3B 30, CIVET 12A 27, ICE 3A 27
VET 3B 36 queen66, moonmonkey
PET 3B 33 Pacific
On 17th draw, CIVET 12A 27 --- CIVET a catlike mammal [n]
Other moves: EVICT 12A 23, ETUI O1 22, CIVE 14H 21, GIVE 14H 20, VICE 14H 19
CIVET 12A 27 moonmonkey, queen66, HollyIvy
On 18th draw, EXUDING B8 36 --- EXUDE to ooze forth [v]
Other moves: PYX 12G 33, EXING B10 30, EXPO 14K 30, XU 14J 29, NIXED B11 26
XU 5D 24 Pacific
On 19th draw, PEIZE 8A 78 --- PEIZE to weigh [v]
Other moves: ZEP A6 54, ZIP A6 54, ZITE A6 54, PIZE A5 51, ZITE A5 45
PEIZE 8A 78 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, PPPPPP1116
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