Game on May 17, 2022 at 22:36, 5 players
1. 275 pts roocatcher
2. 271 pts sunshine12
3. 254 pts GLOBEMAN
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played
1. H7 64 64
2. I1 69 133
3. 9F 64 197
4. 5E 94 291
5. 4C 54 345
6. C2 80 425
7. 8L 39 464
8. 1I 81 545
9. 8A 33 578
10. N1 44 622
11. 4K 38 660
12. A3 61 721
13. 3K 37 758
14. 11E 40 798
15. 3G 38 836
16. 10J 37 873
17. 12A 28 901
18. A1 36 937
19. A12 33 970
Remaining tiles:
Draw analysis of the game
Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
1.7099 roocatcher 0 8:45 -695 275 1.7099 roocatcher 0 8:45 -695 275
2.7497 sunshine12 2 11:07 -699 271 2.7497 sunshine12 2 11:07 -699 271
3.7643 GLOBEMAN 2 9:51 -716 254 3.7643 GLOBEMAN 2 9:51 -716 254
4.7391 WEASEL 1 7:51 -738 232 4.7391 WEASEL 1 7:51 -738 232
5. - chunk88 0 1:57 -960 10 Group: not rated
1. - chunk88 0 1:57 -960 10
On 1st draw, AE(R)ATES H7 64 --- AERATE to supply with air [v]
Other tops: AE(R)ATES H3 64, AE(R)ATES H4 64, AE(R)ATES H6 64, AE(R)ATES H8 64, EATA(G)ES H2 64, EATA(G)ES H3 64, EATA(G)ES H4 64, EATA(G)ES H6 64, EATA(G)ES H7 64, (C)ASEATE H2 64, (C)ASEATE H3 64, (C)ASEATE H6 64, (C)ASEATE H7 64, (C)ASEATE H8 64
Other moves: AE(R)ATES H2 62, AE(R)ATES H5 62, EATA(G)ES H5 62, EATA(G)ES H8 62, (C)ASEATE H4 62
On 2nd draw, FOMENTS I1 69 --- FOMENT to promote the development of [v]
Other tops: FOMENTS I2 69
Other moves: SOFTEN G5 29, OFTEN G6 28, FOEN G7 27, FOMENTS 13B 26, FOE G7 24
SOFT G5 22 roocatcher
On 3rd draw, KE(R)NITES 9F 64 --- KERNITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: EKE H1 46, KITTENS 11E 44, ETEN H1 39, KNIFES 1F 39, KEEFS 1F 36
EKE H1 46 roocatcher
On 4th draw, FARINOSE 5E 94 --- FARINOSE resembling farina [adj]
Other moves: AFIRE 8K 49, AFORE 8K 49, FAIR 8L 44, FARE 8L 44, FARO 8L 44
FAROS 10J 37 roocatcher
On 5th draw, GYOZA 4C 54 --- GYOZA a stuffed and fried pocket of dough [n]
Other moves: WANY 8L 53, YAWN 8L 53, ZOEA G7 49, ZONAE L1 48, WANG 8L 47
ZANY 10C 41 roocatcher
On 6th draw, ENGIRDED C2 80 --- ENGIRD to secure with a belt [v]
Other moves: REDENIED L8 76, REDENIED G8 73, DENDRITE 11B 70, REDENIED 12B 70, REDENIED 12E 70
DEFINED 1G 39 roocatcher
On 7th draw, PIED 8L 39 --- PI to jumble or disorder [v]
Other tops: TRIFLED 1F 39
Other moves: FLIRTED 1I 36, LIFTED 1G 36, PELT 8L 36, PERI 8L 36, PERT 8L 36
FLIRTED 1I 36 roocatcher
On 8th draw, FLUXIV(E) 1I 81 --- FLUXIVE flowing with tears [adj]
Other moves: FLUXIN(G) 1I 72, FLUXI(O)N 1I 72, INFLUX 1G 72, INFL(U)X 1G 69, INF(L)UX 1G 69
I(B)EX 8A 54 roocatcher
On 9th draw, AREW 8A 33 --- AREW in a row [adv]
Other tops: TWIER 6I 33, TWIRE 6I 33, TWOER 6I 33
Other moves: OWRE 7L 31, AWARE 4K 30, OWRIE 4K 30, TWO 6I 29, AWA 7L 27
AREW 8A 33 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 10th draw, VICARY N1 44 --- VICARY a vicarship [n]
Other moves: JAM 3G 38, JAY 10D 38, CAY 10D 33, CRY 10D 33, ICY 10D 33
JAY 10D 38 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, WEASEL
On 11th draw, OBEAH 4K 38 --- OBEAH a form of sorcery of African origin [n] --- OBEAH to bewitch with obia [v]
Other moves: BEATH 2B 36, TEETH 2B 32, BEATHS 13C 30, OBEAHS 13C 30, THO 6I 29
THO 6I 29 WEASEL, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, LUMINANT A3 61 --- LUMINANT a means of lighting [n]
Other moves: NIZAM F2 24, LINUMS 13C 22, MINI 2K 21, MUNI 2K 21, MUTI 2K 21
MUM 3G 18 sunshine12
On 13th draw, BONCE 3K 37 --- BONCE the head (slang) [n]
Other tops: PONCE 3K 37
Other moves: PE 6F 33, GENIP 2B 28, EPIGON B10 26, ONCE 3L 26, BEEP G7 25
PE 6F 33 WEASEL, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
On 14th draw, PUTTIED 11E 40 --- PUTTY to fill with a type of cement [v]
Other moves: PE 6F 33, VISITED M7 30, VEEP G7 29, UPDIVES 13B 28, PAREV G3 27
PE 6F 33 sunshine12, WEASEL
On 15th draw, JAM 3G 38 --- JAM to force together tightly [v]
Other moves: JOWAR 12B 36, JOWARS 13C 34, JAW 7K 32, JOW 7K 32, QAT 12D 30
J*W 2BJEW 2B 26 WEASEL, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
WE 2B 10 chunk88
On 16th draw, COW 10J 37 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other tops: CAW 10J 37
Other moves: CIAO 10J 35, CAR 10J 31, COR 10J 31, AROW 10K 27, CAW 7K 27
COW 10J 37 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, WEASEL
On 17th draw, VOLTA 12A 28 --- VOLTA a turning [n]
Other moves: OVATOR 12A 26, OVATOR B10 26, RATOO 2F 26, OVA 2E 25, ORVAL B10 24
On 18th draw, ILLUMINANT A1 36 --- ILLUMINANT [n]
Other moves: HEGIRA 2B 35, GERAH 2B 34, HAIL 13B 30, HAIR 13B 30, HOAR 13B 30
VAGI A12 24 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 19th draw, VUGH A12 33 --- VUGH a small cavity in a rock [n]
Other moves: HOAR 13B 30, HA 2F 24, HAO 13B 23, HOA 13B 23, HAE G7 22
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