Game on May 18, 2022 at 09:46, 9 players
1. 339 pts Chelsea
2. 268 pts sicilianc5
3. 231 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 36 36 


13F 76 112 


G3 74 186 


14A 51 237 


3A 66 303 


K6 80 383 


A12 39 422 


B6 67 489 


A1 36 525 


D8 90 615 


H1 37 652 


A7 25 677 


12J 31 708 


J2 43 751 


8J 36 787 


L3 27 814 


14I 54 868 


F6 35 903 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 2 10:15 -564 339 1.7616 Chelsea 2 10:15 -564 339
sicilianc5 1 5:57 -635 268 2.7839 sicilianc5 1 5:57 -635 268
Mycophot 1 5:42 -672 231 3.7352 Mycophot 1 5:42 -672 231
queen66 3 6:03 -678 225 4.7632 queen66 3 6:03 -678 225
HollyIvy 0 4:55 -682 221 5.7749 HollyIvy 0 4:55 -682 221
6. -
OOOOOO1122 1 1:15 -849 54 Group: not rated
7. -
EEEEEE1116 1 1:40 -849 54 1. - OOOOOO1122 1 1:15 -849 54
8. -
rrrrrr1112 1 1:26 -867 36 2. - EEEEEE1116 1 1:40 -849 54
9. -
SSSSSS1111 1 1:48 -867 36 3. - rrrrrr1112 1 1:26 -867 36
4. - SSSSSS1111 1 1:48 -867 36
On 1st draw, FREAKS H8 36 --- FREAK to streak with color [v]
Other tops: KRAFTS H4 36
Other moves: FAKERS H4 34, FREAK H8 34, FREAKS H4 34, KERFS H4 34, KRAFT H4 34
FREAKS H8 36 rrrrrr1112, SSSSSS1111
On 2nd draw, EASTERLY 13F 76 --- EASTERLY a wind from the east [n]
Other moves: ELYTRA I10 26, RELAYS 13C 26, LEARY G7 25, LEERY G7 25, LEERY I7 25
On 3rd draw, TOOSHIE G3 74 --- TOOSHIE upset [adj]
Other moves: TOOSHIE G2 67, TOOSHIE I2 67, SOOTHE 14B 49, SIETH 14B 45, SOOTH 14B 45
SOOTHE 14B 49 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 4th draw, BLAZED 14A 51 --- BLAZE to burn with a strong flame [v]
Other moves: BLAZED 14B 47, BLAZED 12A 45, LAZED 14B 45, ABLATED 11E 40, BLAZE 14B 40
ZEA H1 38 Mycophot, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 5th draw, INTRUSTS 3A 66 --- INTRUST to give over for safe keeping [v]
Other moves: INTRUSTS 3E 59, STRAINS 11E 28, TSOURIS 5E 28, RUTINS 2B 27, SNIRTS 2B 27
RUINS H1 25 HollyIvy, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, WHI(M)MIER K6 80 --- WHIMMY full of whims [adj]
Other tops: WHIM(M)IER K6 80, WHIM(S)IER K6 80
Other moves: WHIMSIE(D) 6C 71, WHIMSIE(R) 6C 71, WHIMSIE(S) 6C 71, (M)ISHMI H1 57, MISHI(T) H1 54
WHIM A1 45 sicilianc5, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 7th draw, YEBO A12 39 --- YEBO yes [interj]
Other tops: GLEETY L4 39
Other moves: YO 15A 38, GENTLY B1 36, GLEBY A11 36, GLOBY A11 36, GOBY A12 36
YO 15A 38 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 8th draw, TANGELO B6 67 --- TANGELO a citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: GLAZE D11 32, GLOZE D11 32, GAZE D12 30, TOAZE D11 30, LAZE D12 28
GLAZE D11 32 Chelsea
On 9th draw, CEIBA A1 36 --- CEIBA a tropical tree [n]
Other tops: CABA A5 36
Other moves: BAIZA D11 34, BAIZE D11 34, GIBE A5 33, AGAZE D11 32, BIZE D12 32
BAIZE D11 34 Chelsea
BAA A7 28 queen66
On 10th draw, IN(F)AMIZE D8 90 --- INFAMIZE to proclaim as infamous [v]
Other moves: (F)EMINAZI D8 88, MERI(D)IAN D1 76, IN(T)IMAE J1 74, AMI(D)INE 2H 72, IMA(G)INE 2H 72
MAIZE D11 34 Chelsea, queen66
On 11th draw, WISENT H1 37 --- WISENT a European bison [n]
Other moves: WEANEL 12J 34, WINTLE L1 31, WINTLE 8J 30, WEAN 12J 28, WEEN 12J 28
WINTLE 8J 30 queen66
WASE H1 27 Chelsea
On 12th draw, TUAN A7 25 --- TUAN a marsupial [n]
Other tops: NOUT A7 25, TOUN A7 25
Other moves: ANTLIA L10 24, AUTO J6 21, AIA A7 20, ATUA J7 20, AUA A7 20
TOUN A7 25 queen66
OAT A8 20 Chelsea
On 13th draw, DEAF 12J 31 --- DEAF lacking the sense of hearing [adj]
Other moves: FOID L8 29, FOUD L8 29, OAF L6 29, IF 14I 28, OF 14I 28
OAF L6 29 queen66
IF 14I 28 Chelsea
On 14th draw, QUINO J2 43 --- QUINO a game of chance [n]
Other tops: QUOIN L4 43
Other moves: JINGO J2 38, QUINO L2 33, QUINO E5 32, JINGO L2 31, GOUJON 5C 28
QUOIN L4 43 Chelsea
QUINO J2 43 queen66
On 15th draw, VIGOUR 8J 36 --- VIGOUR active strength or force [n]
Other moves: GOV C5 23, LOD L6 22, ODDER J10 20, OULDER J9 20, UDDER J10 20
VIGOUR 8J 36 queen66, Mycophot
LOD L6 22 Chelsea
On 16th draw, DIALOG L3 27 --- DIALOG to converse [v]
Other moves: LOGIA L6 22, LOGOI L6 22, OOIDAL L1 22, ADO E10 19, AGO E10 19
AGO E10 19 sicilianc5
DIG K1 19 Chelsea
On 17th draw, OX 14I 54 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX 14I 54
Other moves: EXO E10 43, DEX C5 39, GOX C5 39, REX C5 38, EX C6 37
OX 14I 54 Chelsea, sicilianc5, OOOOOO1122
EX 14I 54 EEEEEE1116
On 18th draw, PED F6 35 --- PED a natural soil aggregate [n]
Other tops: PEG F6 35
Other moves: PER F6 33, JUDGER E2 30, JUDGE E2 28, CEP 15G 26, JEU N6 26
CEP 15G 26 HollyIvy
JUPE E2 26 Chelsea
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