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Game on May 19, 2022 at 07:51, 6 players
1. 558 pts fatcat
2. 517 pts babsbedi
3. 194 pts moonmonkey

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abbeeo   H7    24    24   earbob
 2. eiimopr   G3    22    46   proem
 3. deeilsv  12H    80   126   bedevils
 4. ehiprtu   N9    40   166   philtre
 5. ?aflotu   K5    90   256   outfable
 6. aanootw   O8    35   291   woons
 7. eimrtuy   F5    35   326   tyer
 8. aeerrst  15H   131   457   arrestee
 9. ceglnou   8A    33   490   conger
10. aimqtuv   H1    40   530   qua
11. adijosw   L1    42   572   jiaos
12. aiostuu   A8    83   655   cautious
13. aeginwy   J2    45   700   wingy
14. adeiknx   1L    54   754   jinx
15. acegint   C2    78   832   enacting
16. adehlmz   D1    54   886   zeal
17. adehkln  B10    36   922   hand
18. deiilmv  13I    31   953   mid
19. defilrv   E7    35   988   fervid

Remaining tiles: ekl

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6586 Filefatcat      3 14:46  -430  558     1.7617 moonmonkey  2  3:43  -794  194 
  2.6704 Filebabsbedi    4 14:10  -471  517     2.7304 Mycophot    4  5:26  -797  191 
  3.7617 Filemoonmonkey  2  3:43  -794  194     3.7887 sicilianc5  3  5:25  -819  169 
  4.7304 FileMycophot    4  5:26  -797  191            Group: intermediate
  5.7887 Filesicilianc5  3  5:25  -819  169     1.6586 fatcat      3 14:46  -430  558 
  6.  -  FileIIIIII1119  1  1:49  -934   54     2.6704 babsbedi    4 14:10  -471  517 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  IIIIII1119  1  1:49  -934   54 

On 1st draw, EA(R)BOB H7 24 --- EARBOB an earring [n]
Other tops: BA(U)BEE H4 24, BA(W)BEE H4 24
Other moves: BABE(L) H4 22, BABE(S) H4 22, BABO(O) H4 22, BAB(O)O H4 22, BA(R)BE H4 22
BABE(S) H4 22 fatcat

On 2nd draw, PROEM G3 22 --- PROEM an introductory statement [n]
Other tops: PROEM I3 22, ROMP G5 22
Other moves: IMP G6 21, PRIME G4 21, PRIME I4 21, PRIMI I4 21, EPROM G3 20
MOPE G11 19 fatcat

On 3rd draw, BEDEVILS 12H 80 --- BEDEVIL to torment [v]
Other tops: DELIVERS 4A 80
Other moves: SILVERED 4B 76, SLIVERED 4B 76, BEDEVILS 10H 70, DELIVE(R)S 9B 64, SILVE(R)ED 9C 64
DEVILS 13C 32 fatcat

On 4th draw, PHILTRE N9 40 --- PHILTRE to put under the spell of a love potion [v]
Other tops: PHILTER N9 40
Other moves: HIPSTER O9 36, THEIR F5 36, HEPT F6 35, HEP F6 34, THE F5 34
HEP F6 34 babsbedi
SHIP O12 27 fatcat

On 5th draw, OUTFA(B)LE K5 90 --- OUTFABLE to surpass in fabling [v]
Other moves: FOUL(M)ART 4A 80, OUTFA(B)LE 15G 80, (F)ORFAULT 4E 78, (C)LAFOUTI M5 74, FLA(M)EOUT K8 70
FLEA 15L 33 fatcat
FLOUTE(R) 15I 30 babsbedi

On 6th draw, WOONS O8 35 --- WOON to dwell [v]
Other moves: AWATO O5 28, OW F5 28, WOO O8 27, TOONS O8 26, NOWT I5 25
WOONS O8 35 babsbedi
OW F5 28 fatcat

On 7th draw, TYER F5 35 --- TYER one that ties [n]
Other moves: RIMY J3 34, TYE F5 34, YETI F6 33, MITY J3 32, MY F5 32
RIMY J3 34 moonmonkey
YET F6 32 babsbedi
MEET 15L 27 fatcat

On 8th draw, ARRESTEE 15H 131 --- ARRESTEE one that is arrested [n]
Other moves: ARRESTEE 15G 77, RETEARS 13B 76, TEARERS 13B 76, SERRATE E7 72, TEARERS E7 72
STEER H1 28 moonmonkey
STEERER 15I 24 babsbedi
ARREST E8 14 fatcat

On 9th draw, CONGER 8A 33 --- CONGER a marine eel [n]
Other moves: COGUE J4 28, CLONER 8A 27, CLUNG J2 27, LONGER 8A 27, LUNGER 8A 27
CONGER 8A 33 Mycophot
CLUNG J2 27 sicilianc5
CLONER 8A 27 babsbedi
OUNCE L1 18 fatcat

On 10th draw, QUA H1 40 --- QUA in the capacity of [adv]
Other tops: MAQUI L1 40
Other moves: QUIM J2 39, QUAT M7 36, QUIM L3 36, QUOIT B6 36, QUOTA B6 36
QUA H1 40 Mycophot, fatcat, sicilianc5
QUIM J2 39 babsbedi

On 11th draw, JIAOS L1 42 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JAWS L3 35, JOWS L3 35, ADJOINS C3 34, SAID 13H 34, WADIS I3 33
JIAOS L1 42 sicilianc5
JAWS J2 32 babsbedi
JOWS 13E 28 fatcat

On 12th draw, CAUTIOUS A8 83 --- CAUTIOUS exercising prudence to avoid danger [adj]
Other moves: JATO 1L 33, JIAO 1L 33, JOTA 1L 33, JOTS 1L 33, JUST 1L 33
JUTS 1L 33 fatcat
JATO 1L 33 moonmonkey
JOTS 1L 33 babsbedi

On 13th draw, WINGY J2 45 --- WINGY swift [adj]
Other moves: WYE J5 38, WYE M3 36, ANEW M1 34, AWEING M3 34, AWNY J3 34
WINGY J2 45 moonmonkey, babsbedi
YAWNING C3 34 fatcat

On 14th draw, JINX 1L 54 --- JINX to bring bad luck to [v]
Other moves: JAKE 1L 45, JINK 1L 45, DEX M2 38, XI M3 38, XI 13I 37
JINX 1L 54 moonmonkey, fatcat, babsbedi, IIIIII1119

On 15th draw, ENACTING C2 78 --- ENACT to establish by law [v]
Other moves: ENACTING C7 76, NEANIC N1 28, ANCIENT C7 26, CANTING C3 26, PAGINATE 3G 26
ENACTING C2 28 fatcat, Mycophot
CAGING D3 20 babsbedi

On 16th draw, ZEAL D1 54 --- ZEAL enthusiastic devotion [n]
Other moves: ZEAL 4A 46, MEAZEL E7 42, HAZED 14D 41, MAZED 14D 40, HAZEL 14D 39
ZEAL D1 54 babsbedi, Mycophot, fatcat

On 17th draw, HAND B10 36 --- HAND to present with the extremity of the arm below the wrist [v]
Other tops: HADE B10 36, HEND B10 36
Other moves: HAD 13I 35, HAD B10 33, KHEDA E6 32, HAN B10 31, HEN B10 31
HAND B10 36 Mycophot
HAKE 14F 27 fatcat
HEED E7 17 babsbedi

On 18th draw, MID 13I 31 --- MID the middle [n]
Other tops: MED 13I 31
Other moves: MEVED E7 30, LEVIED E7 26, DELIME E7 25, DELVE E7 25, DEVEL E7 25
DEVIL E7 25 sicilianc5
DEVIL 14D 19 babsbedi
VIDEO 11D 18 fatcat

On 19th draw, FERVID E7 35 --- FERVID fervent [adj]
Other moves: FERLIED E7 31, FEVER E7 31, DEFILER E7 29, DELIVER E7 29, DEFIER E7 27
FERVID E7 35 sicilianc5
IF B1 22 fatcat, babsbedi

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