Game on May 20, 2022 at 20:50, 6 players
1. 500 pts Pacific
2. 439 pts queen66
3. 431 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 26 26 


I9 25 51 


8A 77 128 


G6 29 157 


6G 75 232 


K4 98 330 


M6 88 418 


L3 27 445 


8J 42 487 


A1 83 570 


M2 48 618 


1A 83 701 


O1 47 748 


13I 26 774 


2F 31 805 


E5 102 907 


12A 40 947 


A12 39 986 


L12 32 1018 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 3 23:20 -518 500 1.7636 queen66 3 17:15 -579 439
queen66 3 17:15 -579 439 2.7731 HollyIvy 2 17:34 -587 431
HollyIvy 2 17:34 -587 431 3.7979 sicilianc5 3 14:34 -603 415
sicilianc5 3 14:34 -603 415 Group: intermediate
5. -
NNNN4444 1 1:31 -992 26 1.6744 Pacific 3 23:20 -518 500
6. -
EEEE4444 1 1:55 -992 26 Group: not rated
1. - NNNN4444 1 1:31 -992 26
2. - EEEE4444 1 1:55 -992 26
On 1st draw, GANEF H8 26 --- GANEF a thief [n]
Other moves: GANEF H4 22, PATEN H4 20, GANEF H5 18, GANEF H6 18, GANEF H7 18
GANEF H8 26 NNNN4444, EEEE4444
On 2nd draw, MOSE I9 25 --- MOSE to have glanders [v]
Other tops: MASE I9 25, MESA I9 25
Other moves: SAME G7 22, SOMA I7 22, SOME I7 22, SAME I9 21, SOMA I9 21
SOME I7 22 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
MOOSE 13E 19 Pacific
On 3rd draw, (R)OUTEING 8A 77 --- ROUTE to send on a particular course [v]
Other moves: INTU(S)E J9 28, OINTE(D) J8 26, (P)OINTE J7 26, (Q)UINTE J7 26, INTE(L) J9 25
INTE(R) J9 25 queen66, sicilianc5
(S)TONE 13I 14 Pacific
On 4th draw, GUNK G6 29 --- GUNK filthy, sticky, or greasy matter [n]
Other moves: TANK G6 28, TEAK J11 27, GUNK 7C 26, KNAG J7 26, ANTE J9 25
GUNK G6 29 Pacific
KETA J6 23 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
On 5th draw, GOLDSIZE 6G 75 --- GOLDSIZE an adhesive [n]
Other moves: DOZES 13I 44, DOZE J12 41, SIZED 13I 40, ZOOIDS B6 40, SIZE J12 39
SIZED 13I 40 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
ZOOS B6 33 Pacific
On 6th draw, MESARAIC K4 98 --- MESARAIC pertaining to the mesentery [adj]
Other moves: CAMERAE E5 44, DIRAM J6 35, DREAM J6 35, AMAZE M3 34, CAM J8 34
CRAZE M3 34 HollyIvy, Pacific, sicilianc5
MAIZE M3 34 queen66
On 7th draw, Z(Y)GODONT M6 88 --- ZYGODONT relating to molar teeth [adj]
Other moves: DOGTO(W)N 13I 80, GONODU(C)T C3 72, OUTDO(I)NG C7 72, GO(L)DTONE E1 68, (S)TEGODON E6 68
TONDO(S) O1 43 HollyIvy
(S)TOOD O6 34 sicilianc5
(S)NOOD O6 34 queen66, Pacific
On 8th draw, WADI L3 27 --- WADI the bed of a usually dry watercourse [n]
Other moves: BORA L1 26, BOTA L1 26, OUTDRAW C7 26, OUTWARD C7 26, WOMBAT 4I 26
BORA L1 26 HollyIvy, queen66, sicilianc5
ANOW 12L 22 Pacific
On 9th draw, WRIGHT 8J 42 --- WRIGHT one who constructs or creates [n]
Other moves: ARIGHT 8J 33, WHAT 9B 32, WHIR 9B 32, WHIT 9B 32, RIGHT 8K 30
WHAT 9B 32 Pacific
WHITES 11D 24 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
On 10th draw, COLANDE(R) A1 83 --- COLANDER a kitchen utensil for draining off liquids [n]
Other moves: CANOODLE B5 67, CANOODLE B4 65, CONEL(R)AD A3 61, ACED M1 30, CLOD M1 30
COED M1 30 HollyIvy, queen66
ACED M1 30 sicilianc5
DEALT 13I 18 Pacific
On 11th draw, VEX M2 48 --- VEX to annoy [v]
Other tops: VOX M2 48
Other moves: REX M2 42, EX M3 40, OX M3 40, XI B2 38, OXER M1 37
VEX M2 48 sicilianc5
VOX M2 48 queen66, HollyIvy
WEX 3L 26 Pacific
On 12th draw, CLEAREST 1A 83 --- CLEAR clean and pure [adj]
Other moves: TEASELER E4 82, ELATERS 13B 76, RELATES 13B 76, OLEASTER 2A 70, OLEASTER B8 70
ALTERS O1 41 Pacific
On 13th draw, RUPIAS O1 47 --- RUPIA a skin ulcer [n]
Other moves: PUJAS O2 42, JUS O4 38, JARPS O2 35, JAUPS O2 35, JAPS O3 34
JARPS O2 35 Pacific
On 14th draw, YRENT 13I 26 --- REND to tear apart forcibly [v]
Other moves: HYEN N8 24, YEN 13I 24, YON 13I 24, OYER N11 23, YE 13I 23
YEN 13I 24 HollyIvy
YON 13I 24 Pacific, queen66
On 15th draw, HOI 2F 31 --- HOI used to attract attention [interj]
Other moves: JIVER E5 30, JIVES 11E 30, HI 2F 28, HO 2F 28, JIVE E5 28
HOI 2F 31 Pacific
JIVES 11E 30 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
On 16th draw, FINEABLE E5 102 --- FINEABLE subject to the payment of a fine [adj]
Other moves: BANEFUL C3 34, AE N2 25, FAIBLES 11C 24, NEAFFE 12D 24, BEANO B4 22
FABLES 11D 22 HollyIvy
BEAN 3G 21 Pacific
On 17th draw, JIRRE 12A 40 --- JIRRE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other moves: JIB D4 33, JABIRU C3 32, JIBB 10B 31, JIBER 12B 28, RAJ F12 28
JIRRE 12A 40 sicilianc5, queen66, HollyIvy
BRAT D12 22 Pacific
On 18th draw, JUBA A12 39 --- JUBA a lively dance [n]
Other tops: JAPE A12 39, JAUP A12 39, JIBE A12 39, JUBE A12 39, JUPE A12 39
Other moves: JEAT A12 33, JUTE A12 33, BEPAT D4 29, AE N2 25, PEBA 3G 25
JAPE A12 39 Pacific
JUBE A12 39 queen66
JUPE A12 39 sicilianc5
On 19th draw, ENVY L12 32 --- ENVY to covet others' possessions,looks etc. [v]
Other tops: ENVY 12L 32
Other moves: YO F10 30, YITIE B11 28, YE B14 26, VETO 3G 25, YETI 3G 25
YE B14 26 Pacific
YETI 3G 25 HollyIvy
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