Game on May 23, 2022 at 13:04, 7 players
1. 355 pts HollyIvy
2. 338 pts Mycophot
3. 290 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 26 26 


4D 72 98 


7G 65 163 


N2 34 197 


6J 43 240 


L1 42 282 


D4 60 342 


C9 44 386 


E11 36 422 


F13 36 458 


1G 33 491 


15C 56 547 


2A 72 619 


A1 39 658 


5C 22 680 


6F 30 710 


1D 44 754 


G12 22 776 


M7 42 818 


11G 21 839 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
HollyIvy 4 12:28 -484 355 1.7630 HollyIvy 4 12:28 -484 355
Mycophot 4 9:37 -501 338 2.7418 Mycophot 4 9:37 -501 338
queen66 4 8:04 -549 290 3.7648 queen66 4 8:04 -549 290
4. -
BBBBBB1114 1 1:44 -783 56 Group: not rated
5. -
WWWW4444 1 0:47 -813 26 1. - BBBBBB1114 1 1:44 -783 56
6. -
BLANK4444 1 1:13 -813 26 2. - WWWW4444 1 0:47 -813 26
7. -
GGGG4444 1 1:37 -813 26 3. - BLANK4444 1 1:13 -813 26
4. - GGGG4444 1 1:37 -813 26
On 1st draw, WITI(N)G H4 26 --- WIT to know [v] --- WITE to blame [v]
Other moves: T(A)UIWI H8 24, WIG(H)T H4 24, WITI(N)G H7 22, WITI(N)G H3 20, TWIG(S) H4 18
WITI(N)G H4 26 WWWW4444, BLANK4444, GGGG4444
On 2nd draw, OUTSWEAR 4D 72 --- OUTSWEAR to surpass in swearing [v]
Other tops: OUTSWARE 4D 72, OUTWEARS 4E 72
OUTWEARS 4E 22 HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 3rd draw, SIGANIDS 7G 65 --- SIGANID any of a family of fishes [n]
Other moves: SIGANIDS 7C 64, SA(N)DINGS 8F 61, SANDI(N)GS 8C 60, ASSIGN L3 40, DAGS L1 40
GADS L1 40 queen66, HollyIvy
GIDS L1 40 Mycophot
On 4th draw, VENOMS N2 34 --- VENOM to inject with venom (a poisonous secretion of certain animals) [v]
Other moves: MODE 6J 31, MODI 6J 31, DENIMS N2 30, VENOM 5A 30, EMODIN 3I 29
MODE 6J 31 Mycophot, HollyIvy
MODI 6J 31 queen66
On 5th draw, Y(E)X 6J 43 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: (O)NYX 3B 40, (S)YNTAX F1 39, (P)YX 3C 38, Y(U)NX 3B 37, (J)YNX 3B 37
NAY(S) L1 36 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 6th draw, COOS L1 42 --- COO to make the sound of a dove [v]
Other tops: CONS L1 42, CORS L1 42
Other moves: ORCS L1 38, ROCS L1 38, COS L2 34, ONOS L1 34, OONS L1 34
CONS L1 42 Mycophot
CORS L1 42 HollyIvy
COOS L1 42 queen66
On 7th draw, OEILLADE D4 60 --- OEILLADE an amorous glance [n]
Other moves: DELICE 1H 27, ALLICE 1H 24, ILEAC 1H 21, LILAC 1H 21, DALLIED M7 20
On 8th draw, FIRTH C9 44 --- FIRTH an inlet of the sea [n]
Other moves: FETICH 1H 42, FIRER C9 38, HEFT E9 38, HIRER C9 38, FERRIC 1G 33
FETICH 1H 42 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 9th draw, PUJA E11 36 --- PUJA a Hindu worship practice [n]
Other moves: JUDO E3 32, JOTUN F2 30, JOT 6F 28, JUD E3 28, JUT 6F 28
PUJA E11 36 HollyIvy
On 10th draw, OYE F13 36 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other tops: AYE F13 36
Other moves: AY F13 35, OY F13 35, JAKEY 13E 28, JOKEY 13E 28, YOKUL E1 28
AYE F13 36 Mycophot, queen66
On 11th draw, UNBRACE 1G 33 --- UNBRACE to free from braces [v]
Other tops: REBUT G11 33, TABER G11 33, TABUN G11 33, TUBER G11 33
Other moves: ABET G12 32, ABUT G12 32, ARBUTE G9 31, BEN G13 31, BET G13 31
TABER G11 33 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
On 12th draw, BEHEAD 15C 56 --- BEHEAD to cut off the head of [v]
Other moves: ADHERE 15C 53, HERBED 15E 53, HEADER 15E 47, HEDERA 15E 47, HEARD 15E 44
BEHEAD 15C 56 Mycophot, BBBBBB1114
On 13th draw, LEGATOR 2A 72 --- LEGATOR one that legates [n]
Other tops: GLOATER 2A 72
Other moves: GALEA G11 24, REPORTAGE 11C 24, AGLET G9 23, ALGOR G9 23, ARGLE G9 23
On 14th draw, OLIVET A1 39 --- OLIVET a button shaped like an olive [n]
Other moves: ALIVE A1 36, OLIVE A1 36, PEAT B11 27, PIET B11 27, P**V*POOVE 3J 26
On 15th draw, NEMA 5C 22 --- NEMA a kind of worm [n]
Other tops: MOONER 3J 22
Other moves: EMO 5D 20, LOMA O3 20, MANO O3 20, MONA O3 20, MORA O3 20
On 16th draw, WET 6F 30 --- WET covered or saturated with a liquid [adj] --- WET to impregnate with liquid [v]
Other moves: DREW G10 29, DEW G11 28, ENEW G10 28, TREW G10 28, NEW G11 27
WET 6F 30 queen66
On 17th draw, ZA 1D 44 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: DIARIZE M7 36, PEAR B11 27, PIER B11 27, PIZE G10 27, BIZE I1 25
ZA 1D 44 HollyIvy
On 18th draw, ILEA G12 22 --- ILEUM a part of the small intestine [n]
Other tops: OLEA G12 22, REPLETION 11C 22
Other moves: LEA G13 21, TEA G13 21, DOILTER M7 18, ENOL G10 16, EORL G10 16
On 19th draw, DEFROCK M7 42 --- DEFROCK to remove from office [v]
Other moves: DORNECK M7 30, FE H12 29, INFORCE 12G 26, FONE O3 22, FORE O3 22
FE H12 29 HollyIvy
On 20th draw, PRINT 11G 21 --- PRINT to produce by pressed type on a surface [v]
Other tops: PRUNT 11G 21, PURIN 11G 21
Other moves: PIU B11 20, INCUR 12K 16, INCUT 12K 16, INPOUR 11J 16, RICIN 12K 16
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