Game on May 23, 2022 at 16:54, 8 players
1. 256 pts Pacific
2. 62 pts queen66
3. 62 pts Mycophot
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


I2 23 45 


2D 67 112 


1J 58 170 


10H 70 240 


M7 70 310 


O1 86 396 


1G 59 455 


N6 52 507 


14G 70 577 


15D 45 622 


J4 37 659 


1A 43 702 


13B 43 745 


A10 51 796 


9F 46 842 


3C 32 874 


4D 32 906 


11A 32 938 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 2 7:35 -682 256 1.7631 queen66 0 1:55 -876 62
queen66 0 1:55 -876 62 2.7411 Mycophot 0 2:14 -876 62
Mycophot 0 2:14 -876 62 3.7535 HollyIvy 0 0:41 -896 42
HollyIvy 0 0:41 -896 42 4.7640 moonmonkey 0 0:54 -918 20
5. -
PPPPPP1116 1 0:57 -916 22 Group: intermediate
6. -
PPPP4444 1 1:26 -916 22 1.6829 Pacific 2 7:35 -682 256
7. -
RRRR4444 1 1:48 -916 22 Group: not rated
moonmonkey 0 0:54 -918 20 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 0:57 -916 22
2. - PPPP4444 1 1:26 -916 22
3. - RRRR4444 1 1:48 -916 22
On 1st draw, PURINE H4 22 --- PURINE a chemical compound [n]
Other tops: PANIER H4 22, PRUINA H4 22, PRUINE H4 22, PUNIER H4 22, UNRIPE H8 22
Other moves: PAIRE H4 20, PAREU H4 20, PERAI H4 20, PRUNE H4 20, PURIN H4 20
PANIER H4 22 PPPPPP1116, PPPP4444, RRRR4444
PRUNE H4 20 Pacific
On 2nd draw, ROINED I2 23 --- ROIN to mutter [v]
Other tops: IRONED G2 23, IRONED I2 23, REDON I5 23
Other moves: LINED I3 22, DINERO G7 20, DOLINE I7 20, IRED I4 20, LEPORID 4F 20
PROINED 4H 20 moonmonkey, Mycophot, queen66
On 3rd draw, BONFIRES 2D 67 --- BONFIRE a large fire in the open air [n]
Other moves: NEIFS J3 44, NIFES J4 42, NIFE J4 41, NEIF J3 39, SEIF J3 39
NIFES J4 42 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot
BISON 10F 24 Pacific
On 4th draw, FIK(I)ER 1J 58 --- FIKY fidgeting and restless [adj]
Other tops: FIKER(Y) 1J 58
Other moves: F(I)KIER 1J 57, PE(E)K 1E 55, P(A)IK 1E 55, P(E)EK 1E 55, PIKER(S) 1J 54
POKER E1 22 Pacific
On 5th draw, SAOUARI 10H 70 --- SAOUARI an American tree [n]
Other moves: SAOUARI J7 63, SAOUARI I9 62, ARIAS 1A 25, AURAS 1A 25, RAIAS 1A 25
ARIAS 1A 25 Pacific
On 6th draw, TETRONAL M7 70 --- TETRONAL a toxic drug [n]
Other tops: TOLERANT M6 70
Other moves: TONALITE N5 60, ATTONE 1A 30, NOTATE 1A 30, TOLANE 1A 30, NOEL 1E 27
TOTAL 1A 25 Pacific
On 7th draw, REOBTA(I)N O1 86 --- OBTAIN to gain possession of [v] --- REOBTAIN to obtain again [v]
Other tops: NA(N)OTUBE K5 86, (N)ANOTUBE K5 86
Other moves: ONBEAT(S) 15G 85, ONBEAT(S) O4 84, ATON(A)BLE 14G 72, NOTABLE(S) 14H 72, (A)TONABLE 14G 72
OB 1G 29 Pacific
On 8th draw, OX 1G 59 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: TAXORS 15H 51, STORAX O10 50, SURTAX O10 50, IXORAS N10 43, IXORA N10 41
OX 1G 59 Pacific
On 9th draw, JA N6 52 --- JA yes (from German) [interj]
Other moves: GAJO 1A 44, JIAO 1A 41, HAJ N13 35, BHAJI D2 34, HIJAB 4K 34
JA N6 52 Pacific
On 10th draw, ANTIROLL 14G 70 --- ANTIROLL designed to reduce roll [adj]
Other moves: ANTIROLL 14F 62, NOTARIAL 13G 60, RATIONAL 13G 60, RAINOUT K5 28, LIROT 3C 27
On 11th draw, MUDGE 15D 45 --- MUDGE to blur [v]
Other tops: MADGE 15D 45
Other moves: DEGUM G5 37, GAMED G5 37, MEAD 15G 36, AGUED 15F 35, DADGUM 13B 35
On 12th draw, TIMED J4 37 --- TIME to determine the speed or duration of [v]
Other tops: RIMED J4 37
Other moves: TIMER J4 36, RIME J4 35, RIMED G5 35, TIME J4 35, TIMED G5 35
On 13th draw, WHEAL 1A 43 --- WHEAL a welt [n]
Other moves: HAW G7 40, HEW G7 40, WHEAL 13F 35, WHAE 13F 32, HEAL 13G 31
On 14th draw, REWASH 13B 43 --- REWASH to wash again [v] --- WASH to cleanse by immersing in or applying a liquid [v]
Other moves: SHREW 13C 41, WERSH 13C 41, HAW G7 40, HEW G7 40, REWASH 13E 39
On 15th draw, SCOPED A10 51 --- SCOPE to examine with a viewing instrument [v]
Other moves: COPED A11 48, COPES A11 45, COPSE A11 45, SLOPED A10 45, DOPES 12C 43
On 16th draw, GEEZ 9F 46 --- GEEZ a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: AZO L12 39, ZAG 3C 35, ZAGS F10 34, ZEAS F10 33, GUTZER K9 32
On 17th draw, QAT 3C 32 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QUAG K9 28, GIT 11I 27, QUAI K9 26, QUAT K9 26, QUIT K9 26
On 18th draw, CIG 4D 32 --- CIG a cigarette [n]
Other tops: CLINGY 12J 32
Other moves: VUGGY F6 29, GLYCIN 12H 28, CIGGY F6 26, LINGY 12K 26, CLYING 12I 24
On 19th draw, CIVVY 11A 32 --- CIVVY a civilian [n]
Other moves: VIE G7 24, VINYL 12K 24, INLY 12L 22, AYU L10 21, VEIN 8L 21
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