Game on May 23, 2022 at 21:24, 6 players
1. 473 pts Pacific
2. 327 pts queen66
3. 322 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 46 46 


8A 80 126 


4H 30 156 


B3 69 225 


6G 65 290 


E5 36 326 


3I 30 356 


2J 39 395 


12C 96 491 


F10 42 533 


13H 33 566 


D1 30 596 


12L 34 630 


1D 45 675 


14I 32 707 


1M 32 739 


O7 33 772 


A10 23 795 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 1 17:04 -322 473 1.7618 queen66 3 11:07 -468 327
queen66 3 11:07 -468 327 2.7561 HollyIvy 4 10:03 -473 322
HollyIvy 4 10:03 -473 322 3.7421 Mycophot 4 9:45 -483 312
Mycophot 4 9:45 -483 312 Group: intermediate
5. -
JJJJ4444 1 1:12 -749 46 1.6846 Pacific 1 17:04 -322 473
6. -
KKKK4444 1 1:43 -749 46 Group: not rated
1. - JJJJ4444 1 1:12 -749 46
2. - KKKK4444 1 1:43 -749 46
On 1st draw, JOUK(S) H4 46 --- JOUK to dodge [v]
Other moves: KOPJ(E) H4 44, JUPO(N) H4 42, JOTU(N) H4 38, JOU(S)T H4 38, JU(N)TO H4 38
JOUK(S) H4 46 JJJJ4444, KKKK4444
JOK(E) H5 28 Pacific
On 2nd draw, (W)HIRRIE(S) 8A 80 --- WHIRRY to hurry [v]
Other moves: (S)HIR(T)IER 8H 77, H(A)IRIER I6 71, H(A)IRIER I8 64, JERRI(D) 4H 24, JIRRE 4H 24
JIRRE 4H 24 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
H(O)ER I3 22 Pacific
On 3rd draw, JOEYS 4H 30 --- JOEY a young kangaroo [n]
Other tops: HOSIERY B8 30
Other moves: SYKER 7F 28, SYKE 7F 27, JURIES 4H 26, HOUSIER B8 24, JOURS 4H 24
JOEYS 4H 30 HollyIvy
JURIES 4H 26 queen66, Mycophot
YOS I3 21 Pacific
On 4th draw, BLOTCHES B3 69 --- BLOTCH to mark with large spots [v]
Other moves: COBLE 5G 34, LOBES 3I 30, BOOSE 5G 28, COSTE 5G 28, CITOLES C7 26
LOBES 3I 30 Pacific
BOLTS 3K 23 HollyIvy
BOLES 3K 23 queen66
On 5th draw, MULTIAGE 6G 65 --- MULTIAGE including people of various ages [adj]
Other moves: MIGRATE E5 40, GLEAM C1 30, MAILE 5J 30, METAL 5J 30, AIGLET A10 29
GLEAM C1 30 Mycophot
MATE 5J 28 Pacific
On 6th draw, BOURSIN E5 36 --- BOURSIN a mild, smooth, creamy cheese without rind -- a trademark [n]
Other tops: BONUS 3I 36
Other moves: UNBIAS A10 35, NABIS 3I 30, SABIN 3I 30, OBIAS C1 26, BANI 3I 25
BONUS 3I 36 Mycophot, queen66, HollyIvy
BASIN 3K 23 Pacific
On 7th draw, DENAR 3I 30 --- DENAR a monetary unit of Macedonia, pl DENARI or DENARS [n]
Other moves: AREAD C1 25, READ C2 23, ANEAR C1 22, BANNED 3B 22, BARNED 3B 22
BANNED 3B 22 HollyIvy
BARNED 3B 22 queen66
DEAN C2 22 Pacific
On 8th draw, DATER 2J 39 --- DATER one that dates [n]
Other moves: RATED 2J 32, RATEEN 2J 32, TARED 2J 32, TEAED A1 31, RANEE 2J 30
DATER 2J 39 queen66, Mycophot, HollyIvy
TREAD C1 25 Pacific
On 9th draw, UNSIZED 12C 96 --- SIZE to arrange according to size (physical proportions) [adj] --- UNSIZED not sized [adj]
Other moves: ZEINS 12A 58, ZINES 12A 58, SEZ 1M 41, SIZE 1I 40, DIZENS D10 39
ZINES 12A 58 HollyIvy
ZEINS 12A 58 queen66, Mycophot
BIZ 3B 28 Pacific
On 10th draw, FAIRY F10 42 --- FAIRY an imaginary supernatural being [n]
Other moves: FAINTY F10 37, FORAY 13F 36, FAY 1M 35, FOY 1M 35, FAITOR F10 34
FAY 1M 35 Pacific
FERNY H11 33 Mycophot
On 11th draw, HAGDEN 13H 33 --- HAGDEN a sea bird, the greater shearwater [n]
Other tops: HANGED 13H 33
Other moves: BACHED 3B 32, RAHED 13F 32, ACHE 13A 30, HAGDEN 11H 30, HANGED 11H 30
RAHED 13F 32 queen66
HEDGE H11 30 Pacific
On 12th draw, VIRGA D1 30 --- VIRGA wisps of precipitation evaporating before reaching ground [n]
Other moves: FAG 1M 29, FRATI 1F 29, VAGI 1G 29, FAIR 12L 28, F*RTFART 12L 28
FAG 1M 29 Pacific
FAIR 12L 28 HollyIvy
On 13th draw, WAWE 12L 34 --- WAWE a wave [n]
Other tops: WAWL 12L 34
Other moves: VOWEL 1D 33, WOLVE 1A 33, BARLOW 3B 30, WAW 12L 30, WOW 12L 30
WAWE 12L 34 Mycophot
WOLVE 1A 33 Pacific
On 14th draw, VOXEL 1D 45 --- VOXEL a three dimensional equivalent to a pixel (a point in a computer image) [n]
Other moves: EXTOL 14K 43, OXEN 14K 41, XENON 11K 40, TELEX O11 36, XENON O11 36
VOXEL 1D 45 queen66
EX 1N 29 Pacific
On 15th draw, POEM 14I 32 --- POEM a composition in verse [n]
Other tops: LEMON 11K 32, POMO 11K 32
Other moves: LOOM 14I 28, MOE C2 28, MOO C2 28, MOON 14I 28, POEM 11H 28
POMO 11K 32 HollyIvy
P*M 1MPOM 1M 28 Pacific
On 16th draw, FOP 1M 32 --- FOP to deceive [v]
Other tops: FAP 1M 32
Other moves: OPTANT A10 29, POA C2 28, FATTEN O8 27, FAN 1M 26, FAT 1M 26
FOP 1M 32 Pacific
FAP 1M 32 Mycophot
On 17th draw, VELOCE O7 33 --- VELOCE rapidly -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: CIVIE O8 30, CLEVE O8 30, CLOVE O8 30, VOICE O8 30, COVEY 14B 26
CLOVE O8 30 HollyIvy, Pacific
On 18th draw, INTUIT A10 23 --- INTUIT to know without conscious reasoning [v]
Other moves: TAI C2 22, TAU C2 22, TUI C2 22, INIA 2D 21, ITA 2F 20
TAI C2 22 queen66
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