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Game on May 24, 2022 at 17:38, 8 players
1. 394 pts Pacific
2. 358 pts moonmonkey
3. 347 pts Mycophot

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. dgirstu   H7    20    20   turgid
 2. ?aegptv  11E    36    56   gapiest
 3. adeikrv  10C    37    93   reak
 4. aaeeins  12D    31   124   naiads
 5. ehmnotv  13F    29   153   eh
 6. aaabenn  B10    45   198   banana
 7. eillnsw  15A    33   231   wallies
 8. adioquv  12K    24   255   avoid
 9. ?ciorrx   O6    48   303   corixid
10. belnoot   N8    40   343   obelion
11. aemqruy   D4    38   381   marquee
12. deiorty  H14    39   420   et
13. deenrtv   5D    98   518   aventred
14. eioorsz   H1    45   563   zoist
15. dfinort   6J    32   595   fido
16. cnoruuw   M8    32   627   cow
17. efimruy   6F    34   661   fy
18. eilmttu   8A    24   685   tumuli
19. eejorst  14J    29   714   jetons
20. ehinruy   C2    25   739   yeh
21. eginpru   2A    32   771   prying

Remaining tiles: eu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6834 FilePacific     2 14:20  -377  394     1.7501 moonmonkey  4 14:41  -413  358 
  2.7501 Filemoonmonkey  4 14:41  -413  358     2.7382 Mycophot    6 11:37  -424  347 
  3.7382 FileMycophot    6 11:37  -424  347     3.7511 HollyIvy    3 14:57  -427  344 
  4.7511 FileHollyIvy    3 14:57  -427  344            Group: intermediate
  5.  -  FileBBBBBB1114  1  1:53  -726   45     1.6834 Pacific     2 14:20  -377  394 
  6.  -  FileUUUU4444    1  0:46  -751   20            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileGGGG4444    1  1:12  -751   20     1.  -  BBBBBB1114  1  1:53  -726   45 
  8.  -  FileDDDD4444    1  1:36  -751   20     2.  -  UUUU4444    1  0:46  -751   20 
                                             3.  -  GGGG4444    1  1:12  -751   20 
                                             4.  -  DDDD4444    1  1:36  -751   20 

On 1st draw, TURGID H7 20 --- TURGID swollen, having a laboured writing style [adj]
Other moves: DRUGS H4 18, GIRDS H4 18, GRIDS H4 18, GUIDS H4 18, TURGID H3 18
TURGID H7 20 UUUU4444, GGGG4444, DDDD4444

On 2nd draw, GAPIE(S)T 11E 36 --- GAPY infested with gapeworms [adj]
Other moves: TURGIDE(S)T H7 30, PAVED 12D 22, PAVE(E)D 12C 22, PAVI(N)G 11E 22, PAV(E)ED 12C 22
PAVED 12D 22 Mycophot, moonmonkey, HollyIvy
P(R)IVATE 11F 22 Pacific

On 3rd draw, REAK 10C 37 --- REAK to care [v]
Other tops: DAK 10D 37
Other moves: D*RK** 12A 31, VIRED 12D 27, ARKED 12K 26, IRKED 12K 26, RAIDED 12C 26
DAK 10D 37 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, Mycophot
PIKED G11 20 Pacific

On 4th draw, NAIADS 12D 31 --- NAIAD a water nymph [n]
Other tops: ANISEED 12B 31
Other moves: EASIED 12C 29, EASED 12D 27, NAIAD 12D 27, ASIDE 12E 23, AINEE 12B 21
EASED 12D 27 Mycophot, HollyIvy, moonmonkey

On 5th draw, EH 13F 29 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other moves: EM 13F 25, MONTH(S) J6 24, VENOM(S) J6 24, HOVE 13A 22, HOME I6 21
HOVE 13A 22 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, Mycophot

On 6th draw, BANANA B10 45 --- BANANA an edible fruit [n]
Other moves: BANE B10 29, BEAN B10 29, NABE B8 29, ABA B9 28, BAA B10 28
BANANA B10 45 Mycophot, Pacific, BBBBBB1114

On 7th draw, WALLIES 15A 33 --- WALLIE a valet [n] --- WALLY a fool [n]
Other tops: LAWINES 15A 33
Other moves: LAWINE 15A 30, LAWINS 15A 30, WALIES 15A 30, WALISE 15A 30, WALLIE 15A 30
WALLIES 15A 33 moonmonkey, Mycophot, HollyIvy
WAILS 15A 27 Pacific

On 8th draw, AVOID 12K 24 --- AVOID to keep away from [v]
Other moves: DIQUAT 7C 19, AVID 12K 18, QADI G4 18, QADI I4 18, QAID(S) J7 18

On 9th draw, COR(I)XID O6 48 --- CORIXID a type of water bug [n]
Other tops: CORIX(I)D O6 48
Other moves: COX(E)D O8 42, (A)XOID O8 36, CORIXI(D) N9 34, DIX(I) O12 33, DIX(Y) O12 33
COX(E)D O8 42 HollyIvy, Mycophot, moonmonkey
I(T) H14 33 Pacific

On 10th draw, OBELION N8 40 --- OBELION a part of the skull [n]
Other moves: ET H14 39, BOLINE N9 36, WALLIEST 15A 33, BOLETI N7 30, LOTION N9 30
ET H14 39 Pacific
LOBO N7 26 moonmonkey
BOLO N7 26 HollyIvy

On 11th draw, MARQUEE D4 38 --- MARQUEE a rooflike structure projecting over an entrance [n]
Other moves: QUEYN 14J 37, QUEAN 14J 34, QUERN 14J 34, QUERY C7 33, QUARE G3 28
QUERY C7 33 Pacific

On 12th draw, ET H14 39 --- EAT to consume food [v]
Other tops: IT H14 39
Other moves: WALLIEST 15A 33, TYDE E3 31, DOY M8 30, DREY E2 30, DEY E3 28
DREY E2 30 HollyIvy, moonmonkey

On 13th draw, AVENTRED 5D 98 --- AVENTRE to thrust [v]
Other moves: VENTRED M2 78, VEDUTE 8A 30, NERVED M3 26, VENTED M3 26, VERTED M3 26
NEVER E1 24 Mycophot, Pacific

On 14th draw, ZOIST H1 45 --- ZOIST an advocate of zoism [n]
Other tops: ROZET H1 45, ROZIT H1 45
Other moves: ZOOS M7 42, OOZIER 4J 37, ZORINO 14J 35, OOZES 4J 33, OOZES 4K 33
REZ J4 32 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
ZEX 10M 19 Pacific

On 15th draw, FIDO 6J 32 --- FIDO a defective coin [n]
Other tops: FIND 6J 32, FOID 6J 32, FOND 6J 32, FORD 6J 32, ORF I1 32
Other moves: FID 6J 31, FINO 6J 31, FIRN 6J 31, FOIN 6J 31, FONT 6J 31
FIND 6J 32 Mycophot
FORD 6J 32 Pacific

On 16th draw, COW M8 32 --- COW the female of the bovine animals [n] --- COW to intimidate [v]
Other moves: NOW M8 28, COR M8 26, NOW 7K 26, OWN I1 26, OW M9 24
OWN I1 26 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
NOW 7K 26 Pacific

On 17th draw, FY 6F 34 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FEMUR 8A 30, FE 6F 28, MY 6F 28, FRY C9 27, OYER M12 26
FY 6F 34 Mycophot
OYER M12 26 Pacific

On 18th draw, TUMULI 8A 24 --- TUMULUS a mound over a grave [n]
Other tops: MUTUEL 8A 24, MUTULE 8A 24, TUMULT 8A 24
Other moves: OMIT M12 22, ILEUM 8A 21, MINY G3 21, MEL C13 20, MILTZ 1D 19
OMIT M12 22 Pacific, HollyIvy

On 19th draw, JETONS 14J 29 --- JETON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other moves: JETON 14J 28, OOS 13M 27, JETE C1 26, JEU B6 26, JOR 6B 26
JETONS 14J 29 moonmonkey, Mycophot
JEU B6 26 Pacific

On 20th draw, YEH C2 25 --- YEH yeah [adv]
Other moves: HEY 15K 23, HEY A11 23, YEH A11 23, HO 13M 22, HYE C2 22
YEH C2 25 HollyIvy

On 21th draw, PRYING 2A 32 --- PRY to inquire impertinently into private matters [v] --- PRYING the act of prying [n]
Other moves: EYING 2B 26, GRYPE 2A 22, GYNIE 2B 22, PINY G3 21, PUNY G3 21
PRYING 2A 32 moonmonkey

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