Game on May 25, 2022 at 08:23, 7 players
1. 577 pts fatcat
2. 197 pts Discus22
3. 51 pts Hammer22
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 24 24 


11D 78 102 


10G 38 140 


D8 82 222 


8A 33 255 


C3 89 344 


B10 54 398 


15D 101 499 


A14 41 540 


14J 101 641 


13I 39 680 


12L 41 721 


O7 42 763 


B2 28 791 


A1 36 827 


D1 33 860 


N2 83 943 


6J 34 977 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
fatcat 5 15:44 -400 577 1.6637 fatcat 5 15:44 -400 577
Discus22 2 5:29 -780 197 2.6440 Discus22 2 5:29 -780 197
Hammer22 0 2:10 -926 51 3.6792 Hammer22 0 2:10 -926 51
Javelin22 0 0:33 -946 31 4.6711 Javelin22 0 0:33 -946 31
5. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:09 -953 24 5.6689 ShotPut22 0 1:42 -957 20
6. -
AAAA4444 1 1:42 -953 24 Group: not rated
ShotPut22 0 1:42 -957 20 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:09 -953 24
2. - AAAA4444 1 1:42 -953 24
On 1st draw, GASPED H7 24 --- GASP to breathe convulsively [v]
Other tops: GASPED H4 24, PAGED H4 24
Other moves: GAPED H4 22, GAPED H8 22, GASPED H3 22, GASPED H8 22, PADIS H4 22
PAGED H4 24 fatcat, PPPPPP1116, AAAA4444
On 2nd draw, TOT(T)ERER 11D 78 --- TOTTERER one that totters [n]
Other tops: ROTTE(N)ER 11D 78, TO(T)TERER 11D 78, (P)OTTERER 11D 78, (T)OTTERER 11D 78
Other moves: (T)ROTTER I5 73, TRO(T)TER I5 72, TROT(T)ER I5 70, RETORT(E)D 12A 68, R(E)TORTED 12A 68
(S)TORER I8 20 Hammer22, Discus22, ShotPut22
ROTTED 12C 14 fatcat
On 3rd draw, SPAHEES 10G 38 --- SPAHEE a Turkish cavalryman [n]
Other moves: SPAHEE 10G 37, SHARES I8 32, PAH 10H 31, PEH 10H 31, AHEAD 12D 30
PAH 10H 31 Javelin22
PEH 10H 31 Hammer22, Discus22
HAS 10J 29 fatcat
On 4th draw, WASTERIE D8 82 --- WASTERIE reckless extravagance [n]
Other moves: SWEATIER D7 80, WEARIEST D4 74, DEWARS 12H 35, DEWAR 12H 33, WARES 12A 30
WIRES 12A 30 fatcat
On 5th draw, BLOWIE 8A 33 --- BLOWIE a blowfly [n]
Other moves: ELBOW 12K 31, BELOW E5 30, BOWEL 15A 30, ECBOLE 15D 30, ELBOW 15D 30
ELBOW 15D 30 fatcat
On 6th draw, AIRDROME C3 89 --- AIRDROME an airport [n]
Other moves: DREAMIER 15B 83, MARRIEDS M3 78, ADMIRERS M3 76, DISARMER M8 74, DREAMIER F2 71
DREAMER 15B 30 fatcat
On 7th draw, FAINTY B10 54 --- FAINTY somewhat faint [adj]
Other moves: FAINT B10 46, FITNA B10 46, LAYIN B8 35, NITRIFY 13A 34, LAY B8 33
FAINTY B10 54 Discus22, fatcat
On 8th draw, EJECTION 15D 101 --- EJECTION the act of ejecting [n]
Other moves: JOIN D1 44, EJECT 15D 42, JOINT 4A 40, JOIN 4A 38, EEJIT 15D 36
EJECTION 15D 51 Discus22
JOINT 4A 40 fatcat
On 9th draw, IF A14 41 --- IF a possibility [n]
Other tops: EF A14 41
Other moves: FENT D1 28, FINO D1 28, FOEN D1 28, FOIN D1 28, FONT D1 28
IF A14 41 Discus22, fatcat
On 10th draw, ZONAE 14J 101 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: AZON 14I 68, AZO 14I 67, ZOEA 14J 66, ZONA 14J 66, ZONE 14J 66
AZON 14I 68 fatcat
On 11th draw, LAW(I)N 13I 39 --- LAWIN a bill of reckoning [n]
Other moves: AW(O)L 13J 35, VAW(S) D1 33, NAV(E)W 12K 31, VAW 13I 31, D(E)WAN 12H 30
WAN 15M 25 fatcat
On 12th draw, BACH 12L 41 --- BACH a Welsh term of address [n] --- BACH to live as a bachelor [v]
Other moves: ABMHO B1 35, CHIMB 4A 34, HIMBO B1 34, MHO 15M 34, CHAMBER K5 32
CHAMBER K5 32 fatcat
On 13th draw, MORYAH O7 42 --- MORYAH (Irish) an exclamation of annoyance, disbelief etc [n]
Other moves: MAYO D1 33, OMRAH O8 30, VAIRY 4A 30, MARVY 5A 26, MAYO B1 25
MAYO B1 25 fatcat
On 14th draw, UNDUE B2 28 --- UNDUE exceeding what is appropriate or normal [adj]
Other tops: INDUE B2 28
Other moves: DUNITE N2 22, DENT D1 20, DIET D1 20, DINT D1 20, DUET D1 20
UNITED N3 16 fatcat
On 15th draw, OX A1 36 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other tops: EX A1 36, EX A11 36, LEX 15M 36, LOXED N4 36
Other moves: TOXOID E4 34, DOXIE E5 31, EXO N5 30, OXO N5 30, EX 15N 29
EX A1 36 fatcat
On 16th draw, PING D1 33 --- PING to produce a brief, high-pitched sound [v]
Other tops: PUNG D1 33
Other moves: VULPINE L4 26, LING D1 25, LUNG D1 25, PULVINI E2 24, VIGIL E5 23
DIVING 4B 22 fatcat
On 17th draw, VITTLED N2 83 --- VITTLE to provide with food [v]
Other moves: PITTED 1D 27, VITTLE N2 26, LEV 15M 24, LIVED N4 24, LIVID E5 24
PITTED 1D 27 fatcat
On 18th draw, QUOLL 6J 34 --- QUOLL a small spotted marsupial [n]
Other moves: PLOUK 1D 33, KNURL 13A 28, GUVS M7 26, KNUR 13A 26, QI 3M 22
QUOLL 6J 34 fatcat
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