Game on May 25, 2022 at 09:07, 6 players
1. 184 pts Chelsea
2. 130 pts sicilianc5
3. 107 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 30 30 


5D 94 124 


6B 67 191 


4D 51 242 


8E 63 305 


4K 38 343 


M2 32 375 


2I 34 409 


1C 82 491 


9D 26 517 


6J 34 551 


K8 72 623 


15D 83 706 


2D 31 737 


13I 46 783 


O7 33 816 


14C 33 849 


10D 31 880 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 0 5:13 -696 184 1.7555 Chelsea 0 5:13 -696 184
sicilianc5 0 7:00 -750 130 2.7671 sicilianc5 0 7:00 -750 130
HollyIvy 0 4:38 -773 107 3.7495 HollyIvy 0 4:38 -773 107
Mycophot 0 2:46 -797 83 4.7375 Mycophot 0 2:46 -797 83
5. -
PPPP4444 1 1:19 -850 30 Group: not rated
6. -
PPPPPP1116 1 1:59 -850 30 1. - PPPP4444 1 1:19 -850 30
2. - PPPPPP1116 1 1:59 -850 30
On 1st draw, KI(L)IM H4 30 --- KILIM an Eastern woven rug [n]
Other tops: F(L)IMP H4 30, (S)KIMP H8 30
Other moves: F(L)IMP H8 28, FI(L)MI H4 26, KI(L)IM H8 26, PIKI(S) H4 26, (S)KIMP H4 24
(S)KIMP H8 30 PPPP4444, PPPPPP1116
On 2nd draw, ABORIGEN 5D 94 --- ABORIGEN an aborigine (a native of a country) [n]
Other moves: BEGROAN G7 77, ABORIGEN 7D 64, KOBANG 4H 26, BEGAN G5 25, BEGAR G5 25
On 3rd draw, REWAX 6B 67 --- REWAX to wax again [v] --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: WAX 6D 63, WEX 6D 63, YEX 6D 63, AXE(L) 6E 57, RAX 6D 57
On 4th draw, Y(A)H 4D 51 --- YAH an affirmative vote [n] --- YAH used as an exclamation of disgust [interj]
Other moves: HE(R)Y 7C 45, EV(O)S 4C 44, EY(A)S 4C 44, HE(A)VY 6J 44, HE(R)Y 4A 44
On 5th draw, PERMEANT 8E 63 --- PERMEANT something that permeates [n] --- PERMEANT that permeates [adj]
Other tops: PETERMAN 8C 63
Other moves: NEAP 7A 24, NEEP 7A 24, PANEER 4J 24, PANTER 4J 24, PARENT 4J 24
REAP 7A 24 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 6th draw, ADZED 4K 38 --- ADZ to shape (wood) with an adz (a cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: DAZED 4J 37, ADZED J8 36, AZIDE J1 35, ZETA C1 35, ADZE J8 34
DAZED 4J 37 Mycophot, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 7th draw, SIZIER M2 32 --- SIZY thick and adhesive [adj]
Other moves: SEIZOR M1 30, SIZER M2 28, ZEROS M4 28, ZORIS M4 28, SIZE M2 26
RIZ M2 24 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 8th draw, AFTOSA 2I 34 --- AFTOSA a disease of hoofed mammals [n]
Other tops: FUTSAL 2J 34
Other moves: (L)OFT 6H 33, F*TS*FATSO 2J 32, FATE 6J 31, FA 6J 29, FLOAT 9I 28
FETAL I7 22 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, CATSUIT 1C 82 --- CATSUIT a close-fitting one-piece garment [n]
Other moves: EUSTATIC C6 74, EUSTATIC F8 64, EUSTATIC I8 62, AUTIST 1G 33, CUTIS 1G 30
On 10th draw, NINES 9D 26 --- NINE a number [n]
Other tops: NONES 9D 26
Other moves: ONES 9E 25, DONNIES O4 24, DONNES O4 21, DONSIE O4 21, SEI 9H 20
On 11th draw, MEVED 6J 34 --- MEVE to move [v]
Other moves: MENED 6J 31, MEVES 6J 31, VENDS 10C 31, MENDS 10C 30, MENDS N6 28
On 12th draw, NOVELLAS K8 72 --- NOVELLA a short novel [n]
Other moves: OVERALLS B3 63, VEAL 7A 23, VELL 7A 23, NOVELLA D9 22, VAES 10B 22
VELL 7A 23 sicilianc5
NAVELS D9 18 Chelsea
On 13th draw, GAULTERS 15D 83 --- GAULTER a gault digger [n]
Other moves: TRAGULES 15D 80, REGULATE 11D 68, LARGE 10C 28, TARGE 10C 28, LARGEST 15F 27
GAULTERS 15D 33 Chelsea
On 14th draw, NOH 2D 31 --- NOH the classical drama of Japan [n]
Other tops: HENGE 10C 31, REH 2D 31
Other moves: EH 2E 28, OH 2E 28, ERGO 10D 27, GHEE 2B 27, HOGEN 10C 27
HE 1N 20 Chelsea
On 15th draw, JOLLIED 13I 46 --- JOLLY to put in a good humor for one's own purposes [v]
Other tops: JOLLIED 12H 46
Other moves: JOLLED 12H 44, JOLLED 13I 44, JOULED 12H 44, JOLED 13I 42, JELLO 12H 40
JOLLED 13I 44 Chelsea
On 16th draw, COORIED O7 33 --- COORIE (Scots) to nestle or snuggle [v]
Other moves: COEDIT O10 30, CREDIT O10 30, TRICED O8 30, CIDER O11 27, CODER O11 27
COOER N10 26 Chelsea
On 17th draw, TUNY 14C 33 --- TUNY tuneful [adj]
Other moves: BY 14E 32, NY 14E 28, BY 3I 26, BY 1N 25, DOBY N6 24
WEY N12 23 Chelsea
On 18th draw, UPGO 10D 31 --- UPGO to go up [v]
Other moves: DOWP N6 24, PUB 13B 24, W*PWOP N9 23, BIOG N8 22, BOEP N11 22
PEW N12 20 Chelsea
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