Game on May 25, 2022 at 09:50, 9 players
1. 155 pts moonmonkey
2. 148 pts sicilianc5
3. 148 pts HollyIvy
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 22 22 


4G 74 96 


K3 82 178 


11E 128 306 


M1 82 388 


1H 39 427 


J6 42 469 


8J 30 499 


G7 29 528 


N6 37 565 


3A 77 642 


2H 58 700 


B2 40 740 


A5 32 772 


H11 30 802 


E5 72 874 


15A 80 954 


D8 47 1001 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
moonmonkey 0 2:57 -846 155 1.7582 moonmonkey 0 2:57 -846 155
sicilianc5 0 3:56 -853 148 2.7640 sicilianc5 0 3:56 -853 148
HollyIvy 0 3:59 -853 148 3.7479 HollyIvy 0 3:59 -853 148
Chelsea 0 5:18 -865 136 4.7540 Chelsea 0 5:18 -865 136
Mycophot 1 0:43 -943 58 5.7338 Mycophot 1 0:43 -943 58
6. -
PPPPPP1116 1 0:44 -979 22 Group: not rated
7. -
NNNN4444 1 1:12 -979 22 1. - PPPPPP1116 1 0:44 -979 22
8. -
EEEE4444 1 1:31 -979 22 2. - NNNN4444 1 1:12 -979 22
9. -
RRRR4444 1 1:53 -979 22 3. - EEEE4444 1 1:31 -979 22
4. - RRRR4444 1 1:53 -979 22
On 1st draw, PERONE H4 22 --- PERONE the fibula [n]
Other tops: OPENER H3 22, PENNER H4 22, PEREON H4 22
Other moves: PENNE H4 20, PREEN H4 20, PRONE H4 20, OPENER H4 18, OPENER H7 18
PENNER H4 22 PPPPPP1116, NNNN4444, EEEE4444, RRRR4444
On 2nd draw, UPLOADED 4G 74 --- UPLOAD to transfer information from a small computer to a larger computer [v]
Other moves: UNLOADED 8G 62, DUODENAL 8C 61, DALED G5 25, DEDAL I5 25, DOLED G5 25
LOADED I2 25 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, TAKEDOWN K3 82 --- TAKEDOWN an article that can be easily taken apart [n]
Other moves: KNOTWEED 9C 76, KNOTWEED 9B 70, KNOWE 3J 48, KNEW 3J 43, KNOW 3J 43
KOW 3K 39 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, VERDETS 11E 128 --- VERDET copper acetate [n]
Other moves: VERDETS 10B 80, REVESTED M3 78, REVESTED M1 76, STERVED I9 69, REVESTED 9B 66
DOVERS 8J 42 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 5th draw, FOREWING M1 82 --- FOREWING an anterior wing of an insect [n]
Other moves: FOREWING F8 69, FROWNING 8B 66, ROWING 8J 42, FIGO J6 40, OWING 8K 39
ROWING 8J 42 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 6th draw, SHARIF 1H 39 --- SHARIF a descendant of the prophet Muhammad through his daughter Fatima [n]
Other moves: ROUGHS 8J 33, HAS J6 32, HIS J6 32, DASHI H11 30, HA J6 29
HAS J6 32 moonmonkey
On 7th draw, HOMO J6 42 --- HOMO a member of the genus that includes modern man [n]
Other moves: SHED N1 41, HEM J6 36, HOM J6 36, HOMERS G7 36, HOMER G7 35
On 8th draw, MORGUE 8J 30 --- MORGUE a place where dead bodies are kept for identification [n]
Other moves: DRUPE H11 27, DUPER H11 27, DUPLE H11 27, PLIER 2F 26, PRIER 2F 26
On 9th draw, BAP G7 29 --- BAP a small bun or roll [n]
Other tops: BOP G7 29, PUB G7 29
Other moves: DAUBE H11 27, DOBIE H11 27, AB 2I 25, OB 2I 25, OBIA G6 24
On 10th draw, FAUCETS N6 37 --- FAUCET a device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe [n]
Other moves: DECAF H11 36, FAUCES N6 36, FAUCET N6 36, DEF N4 33, FAUTS N6 33
On 11th draw, JOULIN(G) 3A 77 --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other moves: DJIN(N) H11 60, DJIN(S) H11 60, DJI(N)N H11 60, JO(B) F6 32, JO(E) F6 32
On 12th draw, TIX 2H 58 --- TIX tickets [n]
Other tops: TEX 2H 58
Other moves: EX 2I 55, OX 2I 55, DETOX H11 42, DOXIE H11 42, OXEN O12 39
TIX 2H 58 Mycophot
On 13th draw, COV(E)Y B2 40 --- COVEY a flock of birds [n]
Other tops: COY(L)Y B2 40
Other moves: DIV(V)Y H11 36, DI(V)VY H11 36, DIC(E)Y H11 33, DIC(K)Y H11 33, DIC(T)Y H11 33
On 14th draw, EMONG A5 32 --- EMONG among, in the midst of [prep]
Other moves: MONG A5 29, MONTE A5 29, MOTEN A5 29, MENG A6 28, MENTO A6 28
MENT A6 25 Chelsea
On 15th draw, DEBAG H11 30 --- DEBAG to take someone's trousers off as a punishment [v]
Other moves: DEBAR H11 27, DARGA H11 24, ALGEBRA D2 22, BAGEL F8 22, BALLER D1 22
BALLER D1 22 Chelsea
On 16th draw, ILLATIVE E5 72 --- ILLATIVE a word or phrase introducing an inference [n]
Other moves: TAILLE O10 28, ILLITE B9 19, BAILIE 13H 18, BAILLI 13H 18, BALLET 13H 18
TILL O12 18 Chelsea
On 17th draw, ARAISING 15A 80 --- ARAISE to raise [v]
Other moves: NAIRAS O10 28, RAISIN O10 28, AIRNS O11 23, AIRNS 13A 22, ANEARS F9 22
ARAISING 15A 30 Chelsea
On 18th draw, ZIT D8 47 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other tops: ZEA D8 47
Other moves: ZILA D1 46, ZETA 14A 45, ZA D8 44, ZEA 14A 41, ZA 14A 37
ZEA 14A 41 Chelsea
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