Game on May 25, 2022 at 10:34, 8 players
1. 330 pts Chelsea
2. 166 pts HollyIvy
3. 166 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 28 28 


G5 29 57 


12G 26 83 


I6 36 119 


M9 80 199 


15J 42 241 


J5 25 266 


O8 95 361 


4I 77 438 


O1 27 465 


2J 28 493 


1G 35 528 


13C 37 565 


15H 36 601 


2B 39 640 


1A 36 676 


12A 32 708 


11C 38 746 


6F 31 777 


J10 33 810 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 4 9:55 -480 330 1.7521 Chelsea 4 9:55 -480 330
HollyIvy 2 5:08 -644 166 2.7479 HollyIvy 2 5:08 -644 166
sicilianc5 2 5:15 -644 166 3.7640 sicilianc5 2 5:15 -644 166
queen66 0 1:20 -774 36 4.7577 queen66 0 1:20 -774 36
SQUAW1 1 0:16 -779 31 5.7704 SQUAW1 1 0:16 -779 31
6. -
DDDD4444 1 0:49 -782 28 Group: not rated
7. -
HHHH4444 1 1:18 -782 28 1. - DDDD4444 1 0:49 -782 28
8. -
SSSS4444 1 1:39 -782 28 2. - HHHH4444 1 1:18 -782 28
3. - SSSS4444 1 1:39 -782 28
On 1st draw, EADISH H7 28 --- EADISH pasturage [n]
Other tops: DANISH H7 28, ENDASH H7 28, HAINED H4 28, SANDHI H8 28, SHINED H3 28
Other moves: DEASH H8 26, HADES H4 26, HANDS H4 26, HEADS H4 26, HEIDS H4 26
DANISH H7 28 DDDD4444, HHHH4444, SSSS4444
On 2nd draw, VIF(D)A G5 29 --- VIFDA meat hung and dried without salt [n]
Other tops: VIF(D)A I5 29
Other moves: FAA(N) I7 27, FAA(S) G7 27, FAA(S) I7 27, FAI(K) G7 27, FAI(L) G7 27
On 3rd draw, KHURTA 12G 26 --- KHURTA a loose-fitting tunic of India [n]
Other moves: KOTARE I3 25, OTAKU I10 23, KORAT I3 22, KRAUT I3 22, TOUK I5 22
On 4th draw, OHED I6 36 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: EHED I6 36
Other moves: EPHOD 11K 30, OUPHE 11J 30, UPDO I7 30, OUPHE I4 29, HEED 13I 28
On 5th draw, OLESTRA M9 80 --- OLESTRA a noncaloric fat substitute [n]
Other moves: OESTRAL 5I 73, OLESTRA 13A 73, OLESTRA 5I 73, RETOTALS K8 66, TARSEL M9 28
LEAST M9 26 Chelsea
On 6th draw, TOWARD 15J 42 --- TOWARD in the direction of [prep]
Other tops: REDOWA 15H 42
Other moves: WADE 15L 36, WADI 15L 36, WADT 15L 36, WAID 15L 36, WARD 15L 36
WADE 15L 36 Chelsea, queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 7th draw, IDS J5 25 --- ID a part of the psyche [n]
Other tops: EDS J5 25, UDS J5 25
Other moves: IDEES J3 22, DEES J4 21, DEUS J4 21, DIES J4 21, DUES J4 21
SEED 11K 16 Chelsea
On 8th draw, TUXE(D)OED O8 95 --- TUXEDO a man's semiformal dinner coat [adj] --- TUXEDOED dressed in a tuxedo [adj]
Other moves: EXE(C)UTOR 14F 79, TUXE(D)O 13B 33, U(N)TOWARD 15H 33, TUXE(D)O 4J 31, (S)EXTO 13C 31
XI 6F 25 Chelsea
On 9th draw, ABELIAN 4I 77 --- ABELIAN being a commutative group in mathematics [adj]
Other moves: ABELIAN 14E 73, ABELIAN L3 72, ABELIA 13B 25, BANAL 4H 25, BANIA 4H 25
LAREE 14K 21 Chelsea
On 10th draw, BRINGS O1 27 --- BRING to take with oneself to a place [v]
Other moves: BAG 3K 24, BRING O1 24, BRUNG O1 24, BURSA 13C 23, RUBAI 13C 23
BRINGS O1 27 Chelsea
On 11th draw, GOLFER 2J 28 --- GOLFER one that golfs [n]
Other tops: GLOVER 2J 28
Other moves: FEG 3K 27, EVOLVE 5C 24, FOGLE 14F 23, FEVER 2K 22, GOLF 3F 22
GOLFER 2J 28 sicilianc5
GLOVER 2J 28 Chelsea, HollyIvy
On 12th draw, OPIATE 1G 35 --- OPIATE to treat with opium [v]
Other moves: ETAPE 1H 34, PORAE 14K 27, PIETA 1F 24, PATIO 13C 23, PEAT 1H 23
ETAPE 1H 34 HollyIvy, sicilianc5
PEAT 1H 23 Chelsea
On 13th draw, TINNY 13C 37 --- TINNY of or resembling tin [adj]
Other tops: TUNNY 13C 37, UNITY 13C 37
Other moves: UNTOWARD 15H 36, CITY 13D 26, ICY 13E 25, TINY 13D 24, TUNY 13D 24
TINNY 13C 37 sicilianc5, Chelsea
TUNNY 13C 37 HollyIvy
On 14th draw, UNTOWARD 15H 36 --- UNTOWARD unruly [adj]
Other moves: UNCAGE 2B 28, GENUA 14B 26, CAGE 12B 24, CANGUE 2B 24, CUEING D10 22
CAGE 12B 24 Chelsea
On 15th draw, RIANCY 2B 39 --- RIANCY merriment [n]
Other moves: CAIRNY 2B 31, NAY 14D 31, AY 14E 28, CANY 14B 27, CARVY 5D 26
NAY 14D 31 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Chelsea
On 16th draw, MOPE 1A 36 --- MOPE to act in a dejected or gloomy manner [v]
Other tops: POME 1A 36
Other moves: PLIM 12A 32, POEM 12A 32, VOILE 12A 32, VOLE 1A 31, LOME 1A 30
MOPE 1A 36 Chelsea
On 17th draw, GRUME 12A 32 --- GRUME a thick, viscid substance [n]
Other moves: GEUM 12A 28, GRUM 12A 28, MENU 3A 28, MEWING D10 28, MEG 3A 27
On 18th draw, CAW 11C 38 --- CAW to utter the sound of a crow [v]
Other moves: COWAGE A8 36, ACNE 3B 34, CANE 3B 32, NAW 11C 32, CONGEAL A9 30
On 19th draw, QI 6F 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: LOVING A7 30, VOLING A7 30, OGIVE A11 27, INVOLVE 5B 26, OVEN 14A 26
On 20th draw, ZERO J10 33 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other tops: ZORI J10 33
Other moves: PIEZO C1 32, JIZ L7 31, PIZE C1 30, OGIVE A11 27, JOE 14A 26
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