Game on May 26, 2022 at 11:23, 8 players
1. 299 pts Chelsea
2. 235 pts HollyIvy
3. 235 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H7 22 22 


7D 28 50 


8A 38 88 


12A 68 156 


J3 79 235 


3I 28 263 


N1 76 339 


B3 69 408 


O8 83 491 


1L 78 569 


K9 73 642 


L8 48 690 


K1 42 732 


15H 39 771 


L3 45 816 


A1 40 856 


O3 21 877 


1A 83 960 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Chelsea 1 7:54 -661 299 1.7497 Chelsea 1 7:54 -661 299
HollyIvy 3 6:43 -725 235 2.7547 HollyIvy 3 6:43 -725 235
sicilianc5 3 6:56 -725 235 3.7638 sicilianc5 3 6:56 -725 235
Mycophot 3 7:13 -725 235 4.7410 Mycophot 3 7:13 -725 235
5. -
UUUU4444 1 0:38 -938 22 Group: not rated
6. -
IIII4444 1 1:00 -938 22 1. - UUUU4444 1 0:38 -938 22
7. -
NNNN4444 1 1:24 -938 22 2. - IIII4444 1 1:00 -938 22
8. -
RRRR4444 1 1:50 -938 22 3. - NNNN4444 1 1:24 -938 22
4. - RRRR4444 1 1:50 -938 22
On 1st draw, UNTRIM H7 22 --- UNTRIM to strip of trimming [v]
Other tops: MURLIN H4 22
Other moves: LINUM H8 20, MURTI H4 20, MURLIN H3 18, MURLIN H7 18, MURLIN H8 18
MURLIN H4 22 UUUU4444, IIII4444, NNNN4444, RRRR4444
On 2nd draw, BARQUE 7D 28 --- BARQUE a sailing vessel [n]
Other moves: QUAG 7G 25, QUAIR 7G 25, QUARE 7G 25, QUIRE 7G 25, GAMBIER 12F 24
BARQUE 7D 28 HollyIvy, Mycophot, sicilianc5
On 3rd draw, HIYA 8A 38 --- HIYA a greeting [interj]
Other moves: HYMENIA 12F 30, EYNE 8A 29, HIYA 8B 27, YEAH 6B 27, YRNEH F6 27
HIYA 8A 38 sicilianc5, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 4th draw, (D)ELIRIUM 12A 68 --- DELIRIUM the state of wild excitement [n]
Other moves: (G)UILTIER 9D 63, UTILI(S)ER 9G 60, UTILI(Z)ER 9G 60, RILIE(V)I 11E 24, ILEU(S) J3 23
(S)ILER J7 23 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, Mycophot
On 5th draw, REFU(S)ED J3 79 --- REFUSE to express oneself as unwilling to accept, do, or comply with [v]
Other tops: DEFU(S)ER J3 79
Other moves: FERRU(L)ED 10F 71, REFU(N)DER 10H 71, FERU(L)ED 6I 69, FEU(T)RED 6I 69, DEFU(S)ER 6I 67
FREED B10 34 Mycophot, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, BROWSE 3I 28 --- BROWSE to look at casually [v]
Other moves: WASE 11B 27, BRAWS 3I 26, BREWS 3I 26, BROWS 3I 26, *B*SABOS 11C 24
BROWSE 3I 28 sicilianc5, Mycophot, HollyIvy
On 7th draw, OCEANIDS N1 76 --- OCEANID an ocean nymph [n]
Other moves: DISCO O1 45, SODAIC O1 43, DISC O1 42, SODAIC O3 42, ASDIC O1 40
CADIS O1 40 HollyIvy, Mycophot
CODAS O1 40 sicilianc5
On 8th draw, FIKERIES B3 69 --- FIKERY fuss [n]
Other moves: FISK 8L 45, KEEFS B10 44, KIEFS B10 44, SEIKER O6 41, FEESE 4H 40
FISK 8L 45 Chelsea
KEEFS B10 44 Mycophot, sicilianc5, HollyIvy
On 9th draw, OUTGONE O8 83 --- OUTGO to go beyond [v]
Other moves: OUTGONE M7 76, OUTGONE M8 70, OUTGONE K9 69, TONGUE O8 30, OUTGO O8 27
GOON 1L 21 Chelsea
On 10th draw, ZHOS 1L 78 --- ZHO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZEES A1 50, ZILAS 4A 48, ZILA 4A 46, LAZOS 1K 45, AZOLES K1 44
ZEES A1 50 Chelsea
On 11th draw, ALAMODE K9 73 --- ALAMODE a silk fabric [n]
Other moves: DOOLE K1 42, UNTRIMMED H7 42, MEDAL C2 37, ALOD A1 31, MELOID 11D 30
On 12th draw, PEONY L8 48 --- PEONY a flowering plant [n]
Other moves: POGEY L9 46, POGEY 15H 45, POGY L9 45, VENEY 15H 45, PONEY L9 43
YO L12 26 Chelsea
On 13th draw, DIOTA K1 42 --- DIOTA an ancient two-handled vase [n]
Other moves: WAID A1 40, LOWTED 15G 36, WAILED 15G 36, WAITED 15G 36, WILTED 15G 36
WAID A1 40 Chelsea
On 14th draw, ENVELOP 15H 39 --- ENVELOP to cover completely [v]
Other moves: VOWEL 15H 36, WOVEN 15H 36, POWN N12 34, WOLVE 15G 33, LOWP N12 32
WOVEN 15H 36 Chelsea
On 15th draw, WAX L3 45 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other moves: JIGOT 4A 42, GOX A2 41, JATO C2 40, LOX A2 40, OX A3 39
GOX A2 41 Chelsea
On 16th draw, TWIG A1 40 --- TWIG to observe [v]
Other moves: LOWP N12 32, WEIL A1 32, WIEL A1 32, WIGLET 4A 28, GEIT A1 26
TWIG A1 40 Chelsea
On 17th draw, REO O3 21 --- REO language (te reo Maori is the Maori language) [n]
Other tops: ORATE 13A 21
Other moves: KOTARE 5B 20, LEAP N12 20, LERP N12 20, TARP N12 20, TELOI 11D 20
On 18th draw, TANTALIC 1A 83 --- TANTALIC pertaining to tantalum [adj] --- TANTALUM a metallic element [adj]
Other moves: ALICANT 14B 74, KATCINA 5B 26, ACT M11 23, CALO M12 22, CIAO M12 22
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