Game on May 26, 2022 at 17:27, 7 players
1. 412 pts Pacific
2. 383 pts HollyIvy
3. 382 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 28 28 


8D 63 91 


K8 74 165 


15E 92 257 


13I 50 307 


5E 60 367 


N7 84 451 


6H 25 476 


6B 39 515 


O5 34 549 


I4 35 584 


M3 37 621 


L1 31 652 


1J 27 679 


E5 32 711 


C2 26 737 


12A 43 780 


C9 42 822 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 0 17:54 -410 412 1.7483 HollyIvy 2 9:09 -439 383
HollyIvy 2 9:09 -439 383 2.7729 moonmonkey 3 11:51 -440 382
moonmonkey 3 11:51 -440 382 3.7454 queen66 3 10:09 -470 352
queen66 3 10:09 -470 352 Group: intermediate
5. -
DDDD4444 1 1:08 -794 28 1.6814 Pacific 0 17:54 -410 412
6. -
RRRR4444 1 1:31 -794 28 Group: not rated
7. -
HHHH4444 1 1:54 -794 28 1. - DDDD4444 1 1:08 -794 28
2. - RRRR4444 1 1:31 -794 28
3. - HHHH4444 1 1:54 -794 28
On 1st draw, HEDERA H4 28 --- HEDERA ivy [n]
Other tops: HEADER H4 28
Other moves: HARED H4 26, HEARD H4 26, HEDER H4 26, ADHERE H3 24, HEARE H4 24
HEADER H4 28 DDDD4444, RRRR4444, HHHH4444
On 2nd draw, OUTDRAWS 8D 63 --- OUTDRAW to attract a larger audience than [v]
Other tops: OUTWARDS 8C 63
Other moves: WADTS G7 31, OUTSAW 10E 30, STAW G4 30, STOW G4 30, WADS G7 30
WADTS G7 31 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, queen66
STOW G4 30 Pacific
On 3rd draw, SOCIABLE K8 74 --- SOCIABLE a friendly gathering [n]
Other moves: ABOULIC E5 44, CHAEBOL 4G 28, OBELIA 10E 27, BLEACH 4C 26, CHIBOL 4G 26
BLEACH 4C 26 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
BILE I3 19 Pacific
On 4th draw, ENTHUSED 15E 92 --- ENTHUSE to show enthusiasm [v]
Other moves: ENTHUSED 5B 74, ENTHUSED 5H 74, SHUNTED 15F 39, HENTED 15G 36, HUNTED 15G 36
SHUNTED 15F 39 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, queen66
NUDEST 15H 24 Pacific
On 5th draw, ZAB(R)A 13I 50 --- ZABRA a small vessel [n]
Other moves: ADZ G7 48, ADZ(E) G7 48, WHIZ(Z)Y 4G 46, WHI(Z)ZY 4G 46, (A)DZ G7 44
DZ(O) G8 43 moonmonkey
ZA(S) 10F 41 queen66, HollyIvy
ZA(N)Y 14B 35 Pacific
On 6th draw, INDEXAL 5E 60 --- INDEXAL pertaining to an index [adj]
Other moves: AXAL I6 43, TAXA I5 41, TAXA I7 40, TAXI I7 40, LAX I7 39
TAXA I7 40 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
TAXI I7 40 queen66
LAX I7 39 Pacific
On 7th draw, TRIVETS N7 84 --- TRIVET a small stand having three legs [n]
Other moves: TRIVETS 10B 75, VERST N10 48, VERIST N9 38, RIVETS N8 33, TRISTE N10 32
VISE N11 30 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
VISE 10F 26 Pacific
On 8th draw, DIG 6H 25 --- DIG to break up, turn over, or remove earth [v]
Other moves: GITANO 14A 24, ADIT 6G 23, DINO 6H 22, DITA 6H 22, GLIA 14J 22
DIG 6H 25 moonmonkey, HollyIvy, queen66
On 9th draw, MOONY 6B 39 --- MOONY a noodle [n] --- MOONY resembling the moon [adj]
Other moves: GOONY 6B 36, MONY 6C 32, MOY 6D 31, G*YGOY 6D 30, NOY 6D 29
MOONY 6B 39 queen66, moonmonkey, HollyIvy
MOONY F2 24 Pacific
On 10th draw, TYEES O5 34 --- TYEE a food fish [n]
Other moves: TELLYS 4A 32, TYEE O5 29, YELLS 4A 27, YELTS 4A 27, EYES 10E 26
EYES 10E 26 HollyIvy, queen66
LYES 10E 26 moonmonkey
YES 10F 25 Pacific
On 11th draw, EXILAB(L)E I4 35 --- EXILABLE able to be exiled [adj] --- EXILE to banish from one's own country [adj]
Other moves: CELEB(S) 4A 34, EXI(L)ABLE I4 32, CELEB 4A 29, BLEE 14J 28, CEL(E)B 4A 27
BE(S) 10F 20 moonmonkey
BEEN 4J 20 Pacific
On 12th draw, FACEUP M3 37 --- FACEUP with the front part up [adv]
Other moves: COUPE 14B 30, CAPO 4C 27, CAUP M6 27, CAUF 4B 24, POUF 4B 24
POUF 4B 24 HollyIvy
FOP 7A 22 Pacific
On 13th draw, REIF L1 31 --- REIF robbery [n]
Other tops: FRET L1 31, FRIT L1 31, FROE L1 31, TREF L1 31
Other moves: GIF L2 29, GRIEF 4A 28, FETOR 4A 27, FREIT 4A 27, REF L2 27
TREF L1 31 queen66
OF 7B 22 Pacific
On 14th draw, NARROW 1J 27 --- NARROW of little width [adj] --- NARROW having little width [adj] --- NARROW to make narrow [v]
Other tops: LAWN 7A 27, LOWN 7A 27, RAWN 7A 27, WORRAL 1J 27
Other moves: AWN 7B 26, OWN 7B 26, WAL(L) 10F 25, ARROW 1K 24, LAW 7A 23
ROW 7A 23 Pacific
ALOW 4B 20 moonmonkey
On 15th draw, INQUIRE E5 32 --- INQUIRE to ask about [v]
Other tops: INQUIET E5 32
Other moves: GOITRE 14A 24, QI 9C 23, GLEI 14J 22, GLIT 14J 22, TRIGO 4B 22
QI 9C 23 HollyIvy, Pacific
On 16th draw, INKPOT C2 26 --- INKPOT an inkwell [n]
Other moves: KNOP 14B 24, PINK D11 24, PINKO 14A 24, PINTO 14B 24, PONK D11 24
KNOP 14B 24 queen66
PORK 10C 20 Pacific
On 17th draw, VIGOR 12A 43 --- VIGOR active strength or force [n]
Other moves: GROIN 12D 31, VROU 12D 31, GIRON 12C 29, GUIRO 12B 29, UNRIG 12C 29
VIGOR 12A 43 moonmonkey
RING 12E 24 Pacific
On 18th draw, JINGO C9 42 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other moves: DJIN G8 40, AMOVING A9 39, GAIJIN B10 36, MOVING A10 36, JINGO 2F 35
AMOVING A9 39 HollyIvy
MOVING A10 36 Pacific
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