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Game on May 27, 2022 at 11:40, 9 players
1. 394 pts Papa_Sloth
2. 361 pts Chelsea
3. 204 pts HollyIvy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?abgiox   H8    42    42   borax
 2. aegrssu  11D    86   128   assuager
 3. eenoprt   E5    70   198   protense
 4. adehlqt  10J    36   234   heald
 5. aelortu   I3    67   301   rotulae
 6. ceoprtv   H1    42   343   crop
 7. ?aadkoz   8A    57   400   zakat
 8. aeefntv   G3    29   429   fave
 9. ?aegirs   O7    87   516   prisage
10. adeinot   1H    86   602   catenoid
11. eiinotu  N10    21   623   deuton
12. eiiinrs   F6    31   654   ens
13. efimnvw  15L    33   687   winn
14. demouwy   J6    34   721   moy
15. ceiimty  D11    36   757   amity
16. bdijlov  15A    51   808   jivy
17. cddeiqt   C3    32   840   detick
18. deflqru   D1    33   873   fled
19. glnoquw   1A    33   906   gowf
20. bhinqru   6B    31   937   qi
21. bhilnru   K5    26   963   hub

Remaining tiles: iiilnr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.5664 FilePapa_Sloth  3 21:34  -569  394     1.7510 Chelsea     4 11:59  -602  361 
  2.7510 FileChelsea     4 11:59  -602  361     2.7483 HollyIvy    2  6:14  -759  204 
  3.7483 FileHollyIvy    2  6:14  -759  204     3.7489 Mycophot    2  6:26  -759  204 
  4.7489 FileMycophot    2  6:26  -759  204     4.7459 queen66     2  6:58  -759  204 
  5.7459 Filequeen66     2  6:58  -759  204     5.7751 moonmonkey  0  0:52  -933   30 
  6.  -  FileBBBB4444    1  1:07  -921   42            Group: novice
  7.  -  FileXXXX4444    1  1:31  -921   42     1.5664 Papa_Sloth  3 21:34  -569  394 
  8.  -  FileBLANK4444   1  1:54  -921   42            Group: not rated
  9.7751 Filemoonmonkey  0  0:52  -933   30     1.  -  BBBB4444    1  1:07  -921   42 
                                             2.  -  XXXX4444    1  1:31  -921   42 
                                             3.  -  BLANK4444   1  1:54  -921   42 

On 1st draw, BO(R)AX H8 42 --- BORAX a white crystalline compound [n]
Other tops: BO(L)IX H8 42
Other moves: BOXI(N)G H4 36, BOXI(N)G H7 34, BOXI(N)G H3 32, BO(L)IX H4 32, BO(R)AX H4 32
BO(R)AX H8 42 BBBB4444, XXXX4444, BLANK4444
BOXI(N)G H4 36 Papa_Sloth

On 2nd draw, ASSUAGER 11D 86 --- ASSUAGER one that assuages [n]
Other moves: ARGUSES I3 68, ASSUAGER 11H 68, SUGA(R)ERS 10D 64, SUGARE(R)S 10B 62, XERUS 12H 24
BO(R)AXES H8 15 Papa_Sloth

On 3rd draw, PROTENSE E5 70 --- PROTENSE time extension [n]
Other moves: PROTENSE F5 64, PEREON 10J 28, PERONE 10J 28, POTEEN 10J 28, PETER 10J 27
PETER 10J 27 HollyIvy, Mycophot, queen66
TOP G7 20 Papa_Sloth

On 4th draw, HEALD 10J 36 --- HEALD to incline [v]
Other tops: AHEAD D8 36, HALED 10J 36, HATED 10J 36
Other moves: HALTED 10J 35, (R)AHED 10H 34, DALETH 8A 33, AHEAD D11 32, HADE 10J 31
HALED 10J 36 queen66, Mycophot
HATED 10J 36 HollyIvy
QAT G7 30 Papa_Sloth

On 5th draw, ROTULAE I3 67 --- ROTULA the knee-cap [n]
Other tops: TORULAE I3 67
Other moves: ROTULAE I2 63, TORULAE I2 63, TROULE D3 25, ROATE D4 23, ROULE D4 23
RATE 12J 17 Papa_Sloth

On 6th draw, CROP H1 42 --- CROP to cut off short [v]
Other moves: TROPE H1 41, CREPT 8A 36, TROP H1 36, REPOT J4 34, COVET 8A 33
CROP H1 42 HollyIvy, queen66, Mycophot

On 7th draw, ZAKAT 8A 57 --- ZAKAT an Islam tax [n]
Other tops: ZAKAT(S) 8A 57
Other moves: Z(A)KAT 8A 54, ZAK(A)T 8A 51, ZO(E)AE 12A 50, ZO(N)AE 12A 50, DZO(S) O7 48
ZO(E)A F2 36 Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66
POZ 4H 14 Papa_Sloth

On 8th draw, FAVE G3 29 --- FAVE teenage slang for a favourite person or thing [n] --- FAVE teenage slang for favourite [adj]
Other moves: VENAE 12A 28, ENFEVER K5 26, FANE G3 26, FATE G3 26, FAVE 12K 26
FAVE G3 29 Papa_Sloth
FAVE 12K 26 queen66, HollyIvy, Mycophot

On 9th draw, (P)RISAGE O7 87 --- PRISAGE the former right of English kings to wine [n]
Other tops: GAI(N)ERS O4 87, GAI(T)ERS O4 87, GAR(V)IES O4 87, GRAI(L)ES O4 87, GRAI(N)ES O4 87, GRA(V)IES O4 87, G(L)AIRES O4 87
Other moves: S(P)AGERIC 1A 86, AGIS(T)ER O7 84, AGRI(S)ES O4 84, AGRI(Z)ES O4 84, AIGRE(T)S O4 84
SAGIER O10 37 Mycophot, HollyIvy, queen66
SEAS(E) F8 32 Chelsea
GREAS(E) O6 28 Papa_Sloth

On 10th draw, CATENOID 1H 86 --- CATENOID a geometric surface [n]
Other moves: DELATION M8 70, ACTIONED 1G 62, ANODE 9A 30, ATONED 9A 30, ATONE 9A 28
ANODE 9A 30 moonmonkey
ADO 9A 26 Chelsea
ODA 9A 26 Papa_Sloth

On 11th draw, DEUTON N10 21 --- DEUTON the nucleus of heavy hydrogen [n]
Other moves: FORTUNE 3G 20, EUOI 2L 19, UNTO 2L 19, NOUT 2K 18, OUTLINE M7 18
NOTE 9B 16 Papa_Sloth
TEN 12J 15 Chelsea

On 12th draw, ENS F6 31 --- ENS an entity [n]
Other tops: ERS F6 31
Other moves: SERIN J4 26, ES F7 23, IS F7 23, NISEI 13C 23, RESIN 13C 23
ENS F6 31 Chelsea
(P)RISAGES O7 10 Papa_Sloth

On 13th draw, WINN 15L 33 --- WINN a penny [n]
Other tops: FENI 15L 33, FINE 15L 33, VINE 15L 33, WINE 15L 33
Other moves: NEIF 2K 30, WEM 12J 28, MEW 12J 27, MINE 15L 27, FEME 12B 26
WINE 15L 33 Chelsea
BAWN 8H 9 Papa_Sloth

On 14th draw, MOY J6 34 --- MOY a measure [n]
Other tops: DEMO J4 34
Other moves: YODE 2L 32, DOM J4 31, EMYDE 12A 30, MOD J6 30, TYED J1 30
MOY J6 34 Papa_Sloth
WEY 12J 30 Chelsea

On 15th draw, AMITY D11 36 --- AMITY friendship [n]
Other moves: ATIMY D11 32, CYME 12B 30, AMICE D11 28, AMICI D11 28, MY 9B 28
MY 9B 28 Chelsea
EME 12C 18 Papa_Sloth

On 16th draw, JIVY 15A 51 --- JIVY lively [adj]
Other moves: JOB D4 34, SLOJD F11 34, BODY 15A 30, DOBY 15A 30, OBI 9A 28
JIVY 15A 51 Chelsea

On 17th draw, DETICK C3 32 --- DETICK to remove ticks from [v]
Other moves: DEID 2K 25, FOREDID 3G 24, DEV C13 22, DIV C13 22, QI 13C 22
QI 13C 22 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, FLED D1 33 --- FLEE to run away [v]
Other moves: FEUD 2K 31, QI 6B 31, FUEL D1 29, LUDE K5 28, QUELL M7 28
QI 6B 31 Chelsea, Papa_Sloth

On 19th draw, GOWF 1A 33 --- GOWF to play golf (a ball game) [v]
Other moves: QI 6B 31, WOLF 1A 30, QUOLL M7 28, QUOTE 13K 28, GLOW B1 27
QI 6B 31 Chelsea

On 20th draw, QI 6B 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QUINTE 13J 30, QUITE 13K 28, UH B5 28, NIB B4 27, NUB B4 27
QI 6B 31 Papa_Sloth, Chelsea

On 21th draw, HUB K5 26 --- HUB the center of a wheel [n]
Other moves: UH 2A 23, BLUR K4 20, NUB K5 20, RUB K5 20, HUB 2K 19
BI 13C 8 Papa_Sloth

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