Game on May 28, 2022 at 13:47, 8 players
1. 254 pts ShotPut22
2. 180 pts HollyIvy
3. 148 pts sicilianc5
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 34 34 


10G 65 99 


K5 82 181 


8J 42 223 


I9 33 256 


G3 74 330 


3G 74 404 


L1 46 450 


1L 36 486 


H1 27 513 


N1 34 547 


14C 73 620 


15D 37 657 


13A 31 688 


A9 51 739 


B10 22 761 


5E 28 789 


C4 76 865 


L12 26 891 


M12 46 937 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
ShotPut22 5 4:30 -683 254 1.7539 HollyIvy 1 6:11 -757 180
HollyIvy 1 6:11 -757 180 2.7553 sicilianc5 1 3:59 -789 148
sicilianc5 1 3:59 -789 148 3.7467 queen66 0 5:24 -803 134
queen66 0 5:24 -803 134 Group: intermediate
5. -
UUUUUU1119 1 1:56 -886 51 1.6689 ShotPut22 5 4:30 -683 254
6. -
PPPPPP1116 1 0:52 -903 34 Group: not rated
7. -
PPPP4444 1 1:24 -903 34 1. - UUUUUU1119 1 1:56 -886 51
8. -
YYYY4444 1 1:44 -903 34 2. - PPPPPP1116 1 0:52 -903 34
3. - PPPP4444 1 1:24 -903 34
4. - YYYY4444 1 1:44 -903 34
On 1st draw, HEAPY H8 34 --- HEAPY resembling a heap (a group of things piled one on another) [adj]
Other tops: HEAPY H4 34
Other moves: PHAGE H4 28, HEAPY H5 26, HEAPY H6 26, HEAPY H7 26, HYPE H5 24
HEAPY H8 34 PPPPPP1116, PPPP4444, YYYY4444
On 2nd draw, TARSIOID 10G 65 --- TARSIOID like a tarsier [adj]
Other moves: DIORITES 9B 62, DISPORT 11E 40, TORPIDS 11E 40, TRIPODS 11E 40, IRIDS I6 21
DISPORT 11E 40 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
On 3rd draw, SNOOTIER K5 82 --- SNOOTY snobbish [adj]
Other moves: ENROOTS G2 64, SNOOTIER M5 60, OESTRIN K5 28, ENROOTS I8 26, ENROOT I8 25
SNOOTIER K5 32 queen66, HollyIvy
On 4th draw, (M)OKORO 8J 42 --- MOKORO (Botswana) a traditional dugout canoe [n]
Other moves: OKRA(S) 8K 39, FR(E)AK I9 37, KARROO I7 33, KARROO(S) I7 33, KRAF(T) L1 33
FORKY 12D 30 sicilianc5, HollyIvy, queen66
On 5th draw, FRAUD I9 33 --- FRAUD criminal deception [n]
Other moves: QUAT G7 32, QUATE L2 32, QUEP 11E 32, FRAE I9 29, FRAU I9 29
QUATE L2 32 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 6th draw, (I)NFLUENT G3 74 --- INFLUENT a tributary stream [n]
Other moves: FUNNEL(S) 14C 70, FUNNEL(S) G2 65, FENT(S) G7 28, FLUENT(S) G5 27, ENUF L12 26
On 7th draw, (I)NGLOBES 3G 74 --- INGLOBE to form into a globe [v]
Other moves: BELONGS 14C 72, LOBINGS M7 28, BOLINES M7 26, BONE H1 25, BELONGS 4C 24
On 8th draw, JIBB L1 46 --- JIBB to shift from side to side while sailing [v]
Other moves: JIBE L1 42, JIBS L1 42, JIBS 14F 39, JERBILS 6B 34, JERBIL 6B 33
JIBB L1 46 sicilianc5
On 9th draw, JEED 1L 36 --- JEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: JEDI 1L 36
Other moves: JEEL 1L 33, ELIDE 2J 29, DEFILES 5E 22, DEFINES 5E 22, DEFUELS 5E 22
JEED 1L 36 ShotPut22
On 10th draw, VINA H1 27 --- VINA a stringed instrument of India [n]
Other tops: VINO H1 27
Other moves: PINA 2K 25, PINA H1 24, PINTANO 4B 23, PANINO 4C 21, PAVIN 4C 20
VINA H1 27 ShotPut22
On 11th draw, EASILY N1 34 --- EASILY without difficulty [adv]
Other moves: NAIFLY 5D 32, RANGY 12K 26, YAG 7M 25, RAINY 12K 24, ANY F6 23
YAG 7M 25 ShotPut22
On 12th draw, REGIVES 14C 73 --- REGIVE to give again [v]
Other tops: GRIEVES 14C 73
Other moves: VESPA 11E 31, GIVERS 14D 28, GRIEFS 5C 28, SIEGER 14I 28, VERSE 14F 28
GRIEFS 5C 28 ShotPut22
On 13th draw, XI 15D 37 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: XU 15D 37
Other moves: ANOXIC M6 29, AXONIC M6 29, TAXING E9 28, EX H14 27, AXING E10 26
XI 15D 37 ShotPut22
On 14th draw, NOAH 13A 31 --- NOAH a shark (Australian rhyming slang - Noah's ark) [n]
Other moves: NAH 13B 29, NOH 13B 29, OOH 13B 29, RAH 13B 29, REH 13B 29
NOAH 13A 31 ShotPut22
On 15th draw, QUANNET A9 51 --- QUANNET a flat file [n]
Other moves: QUENA 4D 28, GANNET A10 24, TANGUN A8 24, GENUA A11 21, GNAT A12 21
QUANNET A9 51 ShotPut22, UUUUUU1119
On 16th draw, MA B10 22 --- MA mother [n]
Other tops: DWALM N10 22
Other moves: MOA F4 21, AMOWT 11A 20, WOLF 5D 20, FLAWS 5G 19, FLOWS 5G 19
QAT 9A 13 ShotPut22
On 17th draw, REFLETS 5E 28 --- REFLET a special brilliance of surface [n]
Other moves: OLEATE L10 20, QAT 9A 18, EXIT 15C 16, FLATS 5G 16, FLEAS 5G 16
OE O8 2 ShotPut22
On 18th draw, CATWORM C4 76 --- CATWORM a type of worm [n]
Other moves: MOWRA 4A 28, MOTUCA 7D 27, MACRO 4A 26, CWM C8 21, RUC 7F 21
OO O8 2 ShotPut22
On 19th draw, EPIC L12 26 --- EPIC a long narrative poem [n]
Other moves: PUCE 7F 25, RECAP 12K 24, PEAT B5 23, CECA 4A 22, DEPICT N10 22
OI O8 2 ShotPut22
On 20th draw, ZIT M12 46 --- ZIT a pimple [n]
Other moves: ZA M12 42, WAD M12 31, DIAZO O4 29, DITZ 14K 28, WAT M12 28
ZIT M12 46 HollyIvy
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