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Game on May 30, 2022 at 10:42, 8 players
1. 212 pts HollyIvy
2. 200 pts moonmonkey
3. 190 pts sicilianc5

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aelnory   H7    26    26   larney
 2. beirrst   8H    83   109   arbiters
 3. ?ainstu  11D    78   187   audients
 4. deiknrs   N2    96   283   drinkers
 5. ?airuww  12A    30   313   wawa
 6. eeoprst   B8    72   385   operates
 7. ailnott  A12    31   416   wino
 8. aaadelo   A4    30   446   aloed
 9. ehiilou   B5    28   474   oh
10. abcdetu   5H    76   550   abducent
11. aimootx   4D    41   591   axiom
12. acehiop   3C    53   644   cheap
13. eglmnot   5D    41   685   mon
14. eeinrtv   O8    88   773   sirvente
15. aefgjlt   2F    35   808   fag
16. agiilot   1G    40   848   galiot
17. egiiloq   O1    36   884   qi
18. deejouz  J11    34   918   touze
19. egiluvy  15H    39   957   elegy

Remaining tiles: dfijuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7635 FileHollyIvy    1  7:07  -745  212     1.7635 HollyIvy    1  7:07  -745  212 
  2.7762 Filemoonmonkey  2  6:25  -757  200     2.7762 moonmonkey  2  6:25  -757  200 
  3.7559 Filesicilianc5  2  5:52  -767  190     3.7559 sicilianc5  2  5:52  -767  190 
  4.5702 FilePapa_Sloth  0  2:51  -909   48            Group: novice
  5.  -  FileNNNN4444    1  0:40  -931   26     1.5702 Papa_Sloth  0  2:51  -909   48 
  6.  -  FileYYYY4444    1  1:06  -931   26            Group: not rated
  7.  -  FileLLLL4444    1  1:28  -931   26     1.  -  NNNN4444    1  0:40  -931   26 
  8.  -  FileAAAA4444    1  1:52  -931   26     2.  -  YYYY4444    1  1:06  -931   26 
                                             3.  -  LLLL4444    1  1:28  -931   26 
                                             4.  -  AAAA4444    1  1:52  -931   26 

On 1st draw, LARNEY H7 26 --- LARNEY (South Africa) a white person, a rich person [n] --- LARNEY of clothes, smart [adj]
Other tops: ANERLY H7 26, NEARLY H7 26
Other moves: EARLY H8 24, LEANY H8 24, LEARY H8 24, ONELY H8 24, ONERY H8 24
NEARLY H7 26 NNNN4444, YYYY4444, LLLL4444, AAAA4444

On 2nd draw, ARBITERS 8H 83 --- ARBITER one chosen or appointed to judge a disputed issue [n]
Other moves: BARRIEST 8G 61, RAREBITS 8G 61, BITERS 13C 28, BRIERS 13C 28, TRIBES 13C 28

On 3rd draw, AU(D)IENTS 11D 78 --- AUDIENT one that hears [n]
Other tops: SAUTEIN(G) 11D 78
Other moves: IN(F)AUST 13C 76, IN(H)AUST 13C 76, TSUNA(M)I 13G 76, UNA(L)IST 13C 76, (F)AUNIST 13C 76

On 4th draw, DRINKERS N2 96 --- DRINKER one that drinks [n]
Other moves: R*DSK*NS O1 92, KINREDS 13B 88, KINDERS 13B 86, DEERSKIN M7 82, DEERSKIN M6 80

On 5th draw, W(A)WA 12A 30 --- WAWA speech [n] --- WAWA to speak (Chinook 19C) [v]
Other tops: WAR(S)AW D10 30
Other moves: WAW(S) 12B 29, WAW 12B 28, WAWA(S) D8 28, WAW(A) 12A 28, WAW(E) 12A 28
WAW(S) 12B 29 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, moonmonkey

On 6th draw, OPER(A)TES B8 72 --- OPERATE to perform a function [v]
Other tops: PRESTORE 3H 72, PROTE(A)SE B7 72
Other moves: PROETTES L3 70, PRESTORE I2 69, REPOSTE(D) F4 67, PRESTORE 9B 66, POSTERED 2G 63

On 7th draw, WINO A12 31 --- WINO a drunken down and out who drinks cheap wine [n]
Other tops: LATINO A4 31
Other moves: TALION A5 30, LATINO A3 27, LATTIN A3 27, TALION A3 27, TALON A6 27

On 8th draw, ALOED A4 30 --- ALOED pertaining to aloe [adj]
Other moves: WADE C12 29, ALOD A7 28, DOE A8 27, ADO A7 25, DELO A6 25
WADE C12 29 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, HollyIvy

On 9th draw, OH B5 28 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other tops: HELIO B2 28
Other moves: HELIO 3A 26, HOLIER 3I 26, HEEL M7 24, HEIL 3A 24, HEIL M7 24
OH B5 28 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, moonmonkey

On 10th draw, ABDUCENT 5H 76 --- ABDUCENT serving to abduct [adj]
Other moves: ABDUCTE(D) F4 68, ABDUCTED 2G 66, CUBED 6F 32, TAED O1 31, ABDUCE 4A 30

On 11th draw, AXIOM 4D 41 --- AXIOM a self-evident truth [n]
Other moves: AXIOM C2 39, OXIME 7J 39, MAX C3 34, MIX C3 34, AXE M3 33
AXE M3 33 moonmonkey, sicilianc5, HollyIvy

On 12th draw, CHEAP 3C 53 --- CHEAP a market [n] --- CHEAP inexpensive [adj] --- CHEAP to take a cheap option [v]
Other moves: CHEAPO 3B 46, CHAP 3C 40, CHOP 3C 40, EPHA 3E 40, CHEAP 3B 39
CHOP 3C 40 moonmonkey, HollyIvy

On 13th draw, MON 5D 41 --- MON man [n]
Other tops: MOL 5D 41, MOT 5D 41, NOM 5D 41, T*M 5D 41
Other moves: GON 5D 38, GOT 5D 38, NGOMA H1 37, MO 5D 36, EON 5D 35
MON 5D 41 moonmonkey
MOT 5D 41 sicilianc5

On 14th draw, SIRVENTE O8 88 --- SIRVENTE a satirical medieval song or poem [n]
Other moves: ENE 6D 31, VEINER 3I 26, VENTER 3I 26, VERIER 3I 26, EVINCE L1 24
VIE O1 23 HollyIvy

On 15th draw, FAG 2F 35 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other tops: FATE 2F 35
Other moves: FAE 2F 34, FAT 2F 34, FA 2F 33, FJELD J1 32, JEAT C7 31
JA O1 30 HollyIvy, sicilianc5

On 16th draw, GALIOT 1G 40 --- GALIOT a small galley [n]
Other moves: GAIT 1G 31, GAOL 1G 31, ATIGI 1H 30, GAL 1G 28, GAT 1G 28

On 17th draw, QI O1 36 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 7K 24, OGLE C6 23, GOEL C7 19, GEL C8 17, GIE C8 17
QI 7K 24 Papa_Sloth

On 18th draw, TOUZE J11 34 --- TOUZE to haul [v]
Other moves: JEED C7 33, ZEE C7 32, DOZEN 13K 30, DOZER 3J 30, DOZE 12L 28

On 19th draw, ELEGY 15H 39 --- ELEGY a mournful poem for one who is dead [n]
Other moves: GYVE 15G 33, YEVE 15G 30, GLUEY 15G 27, GUYLE 15F 27, LIEVE 15H 27
GIVE 15G 24 Papa_Sloth

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