Game on May 30, 2022 at 18:23, 6 players
1. 465 pts Pacific
2. 459 pts HollyIvy
3. 455 pts moonmonkey
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H4 42 42 


4H 30 72 


K1 26 98 


1K 30 128 


M4 63 191 


N4 37 228 


6B 63 291 


O6 93 384 


11F 76 460 


H10 30 490 


12A 88 578 


A8 42 620 


B10 26 646 


14H 84 730 


C11 35 765 


15L 57 822 


5B 27 849 


D2 36 885 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
Pacific 2 19:02 -420 465 1.7674 HollyIvy 4 16:37 -426 459
HollyIvy 4 16:37 -426 459 2.7825 moonmonkey 4 17:08 -430 455
moonmonkey 4 17:08 -430 455 3.7508 queen66 5 16:19 -433 452
queen66 5 16:19 -433 452 Group: intermediate
5. -
JJJJ4444 1 1:02 -843 42 1.6780 Pacific 2 19:02 -420 465
6. -
GGGG4444 1 1:34 -843 42 Group: not rated
1. - JJJJ4444 1 1:02 -843 42
2. - GGGG4444 1 1:34 -843 42
On 1st draw, JINGO H4 42 --- JINGO a zealous patriot [n]
Other tops: JA(D)ING H4 42, JA(P)ING H4 42, JA(R)GON H4 42, JA(W)ING H4 42, JINGA(L) H4 42, JING(K)O H4 42, JO(B)ING H4 42, JO(K)ING H4 42, JO(L)ING H4 42, JO(W)ING H4 42, JO(Y)ING H4 42
Other moves: JAGI(R) H4 40, JIGO(T) H4 40, JING(O) H4 40, JI(N)GO H4 40, JI(R)GA H4 40
JO(Y)ING H4 42 JJJJ4444, GGGG4444
JINGO H4 42 Pacific
On 2nd draw, JOWL(E)R 4H 30 --- JOWLER a heavy-jawed hound [n]
Other moves: JOWL(S) 4H 28, JOWL(Y) 4H 28, JOW(A)R 4H 28, JOUR(N)O 4H 24, J(A)ROOL 4H 24
JOWL(E)R 4H 30 HollyIvy, moonmonkey, queen66
WO(S) I3 19 Pacific
On 3rd draw, HAPLOID K1 26 --- HAPLOID a cell having only one set of chromosomes [n]
Other tops: FAH 3L 26, FOH 3L 26, HOA 3I 26
Other moves: APHID 5E 25, OAF 5J 25, AIDOI 5G 24, APHID G7 24, FADO 3L 24
FOH 3L 26 queen66
FAH 3L 26 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
PAH 3L 23 Pacific
On 4th draw, HUDNA 1K 30 --- HUDNA (Arabic) in Islam, a truce or ceasefire for an agreed duration [n]
Other moves: HINAU 1K 27, WIDEN J4 25, WIDE J4 24, DAINE J6 22, DIENE J6 22
WIDEN J4 25 HollyIvy, queen66, moonmonkey
On 5th draw, ROYALETS M4 63 --- ROYALET a petty king [n]
Other moves: LYSATE 8J 47, ASTELY 8J 44, YALES 8K 44, YATES 8K 44, YEAST 8K 44
SLATY 8K 41 Pacific
STYLE 8K 41 moonmonkey, queen66
STYLO 8K 41 HollyIvy
On 6th draw, SNAB N4 37 --- SNAB a pretentious person [n]
Other moves: SNAG N4 35, SNAR N4 33, BLAG 8L 30, BANGS J6 29, BARNS J6 28
BLAG 8L 30 Pacific, queen66
BANGS J6 29 HollyIvy, moonmonkey
On 7th draw, ARAISING 6B 63 --- ARAISE to raise [v]
Other moves: GAIRS O6 30, GARIS O6 30, AGRIAS O7 29, RAGAS O6 29, RAGIS O6 29
GAIRS O6 30 queen66, HollyIvy, moonmonkey
OARS 8H 18 Pacific
On 8th draw, MAGUE(Y)S O6 93 --- MAGUEY a tropical plant [n]
Other tops: MAUG(R)ES O6 93
Other moves: MISGAU(G)E E5 90, MISU(S)AGE E5 90, MIS(G)AUGE E5 90, MI(S)USAGE E5 90, MAUG(R)ES L9 78
MAUG(R)ES O6 43 moonmonkey, queen66, HollyIvy
ALS(O) 8L 19 Pacific
On 9th draw, BERMUDAS 11F 76 --- BERMUDAS knee-length walking shorts [n]
Other moves: DRUMBEAT 10F 73, RUMBAED I8 66, MARAUD 2J 42, DUMB 5B 35, MARAE 2J 35
MAUD L9 22 HollyIvy, queen66
MARE 2J 17 Pacific
MA L9 10 moonmonkey
On 10th draw, TREIFA H10 30 --- TREIFA not kosher also TREF, TREFA, TREFAH [adj]
Other moves: FEAT 5B 27, FEET 5B 27, FETA 5B 27, REFIT H11 27, RIFTE H11 27
REFIT H11 27 Pacific
FOE 5D 23 moonmonkey, queen66, HollyIvy
On 11th draw, LYCOPENE 12A 88 --- LYCOPENE a red pigment [n]
Other tops: POLYENIC 13B 88
Other moves: PONCEY 12A 39, YOWL J2 37, CANOE 2J 35, YELP 5B 35, YOW J2 34
YOWL J2 37 HollyIvy, queen66, moonmonkey, Pacific
On 12th draw, QUELL A8 42 --- QUELL to suppress [v]
Other moves: CLAQUER D4 38, CLAQUE D4 36, CIRQUE E5 34, CLIQUE E4 34, QUARREL D4 34
QUELL A8 42 Pacific, moonmonkey, queen66, HollyIvy
On 13th draw, TOYON B10 26 --- TOYON an ornamental evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: TATIE 2J 23, OTTO 10F 20, NETTIE 10J 19, NOWT J2 19, TOWN J2 19
TOWN J2 19 Pacific
TENT 5B 18 HollyIvy, queen66
On 14th draw, FERVIDER 14H 84 --- FERVID fervent [adj]
Other moves: VARIED 2J 48, VARIER 2J 45, DEARIE 2I 27, FERRIED 14H 26, REDRIVE C3 26
DEAVE L9 23 moonmonkey, HollyIvy
RID 13D 16 Pacific
On 15th draw, OCHER C11 35 --- OCHER a reddish pigment [n] --- OCHER to color with ocher (a red or yellow iron ore used as a pigment) [v]
Other moves: HOW J2 34, OCHE C11 33, CHER C12 30, OCH C11 29, TIRE 15L 29
OCHER C11 35 moonmonkey, queen66
HOW J2 34 Pacific
On 16th draw, NIXE 15L 57 --- NIX a water sprite [n]
Other moves: TEX 10H 55, FINE 15L 53, XI 10J 53, NIX 12J 43, TEX 12J 43
TIX 12J 43 HollyIvy
NIX 12J 43 moonmonkey
XI 5E 38 Pacific
On 17th draw, FETT 5B 27 --- FETT to fetch [v]
Other tops: FEET 5B 27
Other moves: EFT 5C 23, TATIE 2J 23, FEAT L9 21, FEE I13 21, FET I13 21
FEET 5B 27 queen66, HollyIvy
FEE I13 21 Pacific
On 18th draw, TIETACK D2 36 --- TIETACK a tie clip [n]
Other moves: KET 7C 30, KIT 7C 30, WICKER C1 30, WEAK L9 29, TEW 12J 27
KATI 2J 23 queen66
BECK F11 22 Pacific
TIKA 2H 18 moonmonkey
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