Game on May 31, 2022 at 13:24, 7 players
1. 152 pts HollyIvy
2. 152 pts sicilianc5
3. 152 pts queen66
# Draw Loc. Pts Total Words played

H8 30 30 


10B 80 110 


G13 43 153 


15G 30 183 


L8 74 257 


M2 70 327 


N8 73 400 


O4 59 459 


N2 25 484 


8A 92 576 


O13 34 610 


F1 73 683 


1A 78 761 


G2 49 810 


D1 34 844 


H1 28 872 


D8 20 892 


K10 26 918 

Remaining tiles: 

Draw analysis of the game
Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: advanced
HollyIvy 2 4:22 -766 152 1.7650 HollyIvy 2 4:22 -766 152
sicilianc5 2 4:47 -766 152 2.7520 sicilianc5 2 4:47 -766 152
queen66 2 4:47 -766 152 3.7513 queen66 2 4:47 -766 152
4. -
KKKK4444 1 0:43 -888 30 Group: not rated
5. -
UUUU4444 1 1:07 -888 30 1. - KKKK4444 1 0:43 -888 30
6. -
NNNN4444 1 1:32 -888 30 2. - UUUU4444 1 1:07 -888 30
7. -
AAAA4444 1 1:55 -888 30 3. - NNNN4444 1 1:32 -888 30
4. - AAAA4444 1 1:55 -888 30
On 1st draw, TANUKI H8 30 --- TANUKI the fur of a raccoon dog [n]
Other moves: KIAAT H4 28, TANKIA H3 22, TANKIA H4 22, TANKIA H7 22, TANKIA H8 22
TANUKI H8 30 KKKK4444, UUUU4444, NNNN4444, AAAA4444
On 2nd draw, C(H)EVYING 10B 80 --- CHEVY to chase about [v]
Other moves: C(O)VEY G5 31, C(O)VEY I5 31, Y(A)GI I9 30, Y(O)GI I9 30, (V)IVENCY 10D 30
GYVE(S) 14D 29 HollyIvy, sicilianc5, queen66
On 3rd draw, QIS G13 43 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other tops: QIS 14F 43
Other moves: QI G13 42, QADI G7 33, QADIS 14D 30, QAIDS 14D 28, QI G7 23
QIS 14F 43 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 4th draw, SWINES 15G 30 --- SWINE a domestic pig [n]
Other tops: SEWINS 15G 30, SINEWS 15G 30, SWEIRS 15G 30, SWIRES 15G 30
Other moves: WISER 14F 29, GRISE I10 28, WIENERS D8 28, GRIS I10 27, IWIS 14E 26
SWINES 15G 30 sicilianc5, queen66
SWIRES 15G 30 HollyIvy
On 5th draw, BROIL(E)RS L8 74 --- BROILER a device for broiling [n]
Other tops: (H)ORRIBLE D3 74
Other moves: BORRELI(A) D6 70, BROILER(S) D5 70, (H)ORRIBLE K8 68, (H)ORRIBLY F3 64, LIB(E)RO 14I 29
On 6th draw, TARTANE M2 70 --- TARTANE a mediterranean sailing vessel [n]
Other tops: REACTANT B7 70
Other moves: ANTEATER D4 68, ANTEATER D7 68, TARTANE G2 61, TARTANE I2 61, TABRET 8J 24
On 7th draw, EATERIE N8 73 --- EATERIE a restaurant [n]
Other moves: EATERIE N6 72, EATERIE G2 61, EATERIE I2 61, TEARIER 14I 26, TEARER 14I 24
On 8th draw, MOPANI O4 59 --- MOPANI a small South African tree [n]
Other tops: MOPANE O4 59
Other moves: IMPONE O4 53, PIEMAN O3 51, MOPE O6 50, PAEON O4 48, PAIN O8 48
MOPE O6 50 queen66, HollyIvy, sicilianc5
On 9th draw, ODEA N2 25 --- ODEUM a theater or concert hall [n]
Other moves: DENE L1 22, EOAN O12 22, NODE N1 22, DEAN L3 21, DEEN L3 21
On 10th draw, HARDIEST 8A 92 --- HARDY very sturdy [adj]
Other moves: RAVISHED E8 80, RACHIDES B8 78, HARDIES G2 65, HAIRSTED 8C 63, DESHI O11 43
On 11th draw, FAY O13 34 --- FAY slightly mad [adj] --- FAY to unite closely [v]
Other moves: FAB O13 31, FAP O13 31, BAY K11 30, FY O1 30, PAY K11 30
On 12th draw, RHEOTOME F1 73 --- RHEOTOME an interrupter [n]
Other moves: THEM K10 35, OTHER K9 33, HEM K11 31, HEROE K11 31, OHM K9 31
On 13th draw, GUTZER 1A 78 --- GUTZER a heavy fall [n]
Other moves: GRENZ 1E 45, NERTZ 1D 45, ZED E4 44, TREZ 1E 39, NUDZH 2B 36
On 14th draw, EXPO G2 49 --- EXPO a public exhibition [n]
Other moves: AXE G2 42, EXO G2 42, AX G2 39, EX G2 39, OX G2 39
On 15th draw, ZOWIE D1 34 --- ZOWIE used to express surprise or pleasure [interj]
Other moves: WOE H2 32, ZOEAL D1 28, AVOWED D3 26, AVOWER C3 26, WAIVED D3 26
On 16th draw, DSO H1 28 --- DSO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: NOS H2 26, OLDS C3 25, OLD C3 23, OS I12 22, UNSOLD B1 22
On 17th draw, DUEFUL D8 20 --- DUEFUL proper [adj]
Other moves: FICE 11K 18, CREM 4L 16, FUCI 14D 15, UG 2A 15, FILE 11K 14
On 18th draw, BLAD K10 26 --- BLAD to strike [v]
Other tops: ALB C3 26
Other moves: BAD K11 24, VAN E10 24, DAB K11 23, AB C3 22, ALB K9 22
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